Chapter 16 The result is here!
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[Gundam Nova]


March 28th, I.J.C. 194, Earth, Sabua, Elysium’s Testing Ground, 7:40 A.M.


Several murmurs of children talking to each other, complaining, and some even sleeping. There are at least 20 children here, including me. We all sit in a white room, with good ventilation and an air conditioner that helps us relax in this heat. 


In front of the room is the instructor, waiting for the time to start the test. Right now, I’m playing on my phone, it is one of the personal support items I choose to bring, alongside Haro and my smartwatch. 


Mama is the only one who comes, she is holding onto Haro right now and is waiting in the hall. I brought my phone cause I thought it would be boring sitting alone and I was right, My smartwatch is for observing Yohai in real time and Haro? Well, because he is Haro and I think he would be a good luck charm for me. I don’t need it though.


Well, it seems amidst the room full of kids, but somehow, I’m sitting alone as I play with my phone. Other kids seem to avoid me for some reason, and I don’t think I did anything? Is it just my presence that seems uncomfortable to them? Or maybe it is because this room is full of rich kids that know each other and I am alone in this? Yeah, the latter seems to be the answer.


Oh well, it's not like I need to be socializing right now. I can do that once I get into the academy itself, and with Sylvy there, I don’t think I won’t have friends. I talked to her a lot these days and she was very excited, HaroNii seem to be doing well too. It good thing that I keep her with auto-update because I know I won’t see her until much later so I can’t update HaroNii Myself. 


Thought the time lag was making HaroNii a bit behind Haro and don’t have the same upgrade I have for him.




“Put down your phone and stop talking, It test time.” The instructor stands up with papers in hand. I put my phone down and watched as the instructor started handing out paper, Within a minute everyone got the paper, including me. 


“Alright, everyone can start now, Remember, this room is already kitted with cameras so the moment you try to cheat I will kick you out.” With his words, I turned over the paper and was… pleasantly surprised. The question is…harder than I thought but not that hard for me, If I were to make it into a grade it would be around 9 grade? Pretty hard standard for just a bunch of kindergarteners though. 


The test consists of 6 subjects, with 10 questions each. First is Mathematics, second is English, third is Social Subject or history, fourth is Science and lastly Fifth, is Computer Science.  

4 standard subjects and one that is this school's specialties. Well, it was a choice question so the kid could just random the answer. But not for me, I quickly fill in the answers, use the empty paper to do calculations, and answer them, I think it is about half an hour? I finish answering them.


The only subject I think I’m lacking is Social studies as I still haven’t familiarized myself with this world history enough and there are some parts that I didn’t know. 


I put my pencil down and grabbed the paper, walking past some of the kids who still hadn’t finished I handed the paper to the instructor. He glared at me but didn’t say anything, just taking my paper and placing it on the table. 


Excusing myself, I walk out of the room and wait at one of the seats, Outside, I play around a bit until I finally see someone coming out too, although not from my room. A boy the same age as me, I think?


But he ignored me and I ignored him too, After a long time, someone finally came out of the room I was before, a girl, who gave me stinging eyes before sitting at the far end of the seat. 


Well, well, well, look like I hurt someone’s pride. I don’t know her name but she seems like an important person’s daughter. I could just see it from the way she walked and dressed. Damn, I’m getting good at reading people.


After that girl came out, other kids slowly came out too, all of them either ignored me or gave me a glare which I ignored in return. After everyone had come out, we waited for the sound of the bell which would start our break, which fortunately for me, come sooner than later. 


With the ring of the bell, I pick up my thing and walk toward the hall where my mother is. With just a bit of walking, I could see her sitting alongside Haro, and it seemed Haro noticed me first as I saw him use his leg and jump off the table to roll toward me. 


I took him in my arms and greeted him a bit, before turning my attention to Mama.


“So, how is my baby doing? The test wasn’t too hard right?” She asks teasingly.


“Eh, not so hard, the only thing I have a problem with is the Social Subject.” 


“See, I told you to study those. If you fail because of it, then it is your fault. So the next test is…Physical one?”


“Yeah, I think I could pass, at least barely.” I am not really confident in my physical capability but I think it is passable at least.


“Well, just take a break first. I got you some refreshment.” I nod at her and sit at one of the tables, drinking some water and eating a light snack while talking to each other and Haro. Before I knew it, the break was already over and it was time to resume the test again. 


Saying goodbye to Mama and Haro, I walk toward the new test site which is just another room, but this time, it is a room full of parkour courses. It’s not dangerous but it is definitely hard for kids my age. 


I go to the changing room and change my clothes to something more comfortable, good thing they prepare the clothes for you. With the gym clothes on, I wait at one of the seats, waiting for everyone to finish changing. 


With everyone finished changing, I noticed something…the room I was assigned to, had different people, I noticed someone that was in my test room but most of the face was someone I saw just now. 


So they change the people so there won’t be a familiar face? What for? For fancy? Probably.


While I was thinking to myself, it seemed the instructor already started the test as I heard someone's name being called, but I didn’t bother listening to it and just watched as the kid struggled to jump through the course.


She failed at the jumping rope and the instructor told her to stop. He called the next kid over and time passed like that, I watched as most of the kids failed, some strong kids passed without a problem but I thought I already knew where I would fail.


Hanging ring, I don’t have enough arm strength for that, but at least it is around the middle of the courses, so I think my score would at least be around the middle.

“Yoha Milas Revory!” When the instructor called for me, I got up and walked toward the start of the course, I waited for the signal, and when he blew the whistle I started running, jumping up the Mini wall without problem, I started to climb up and within a second I was already at the top, the next obstacle is the balance beam, which fairly hard but I manage to walk through it.


I climbed up the Cargo Net with a bit of difficulty as I was starting to get tired, when I reached the top, I immediately started to grimace in amusement, in front of me was a stepping stone, which was quite far apart, and need me to jump through it. 


Well, nothing to lose. I start jumping, the first stone is easy but the second is harder, the stone moves according to my momentum so I almost fall down to the foam pit below, honestly? I’m not scared of heights but just the thought of me slipping is making my legs shake. 


But with a bit of courage and a deep breath, I jump over to the last stone and in a quick succession, I jump to the platform after it. My legs almost give out, but I continue to push on, running through the platform, hanging on the low bar, and running past the tires. 


I finally reached it, the Hanging Ring. The low bar already takes a lot out of my arm and now I have to hang past this. With a deep breath, I take the step, jumping through the first strength into the second ring, and just barely hanging on, I could feel the tug of my weight against my arm.


It makes me feel like my arm is about to get cut off, gritting my teach I start swinging,, and using the momentum of my swing I aim at the farthest rings, when my momentum reaches its limit, I release my hand and glide through the pit straight into the ring. 


But unfortunately, just like I thought, my arm gave out before I could catch it and I fell straight into the pit. With the blow of the whistle, I climb out and wipe off my sweat, getting into my seat again, and I watch as the test continues. 


Well, I did just like I thought, but it could be better, If I want to be a test pilot I need at least some basic strength enough to withstand the G-Froce that comes along with Piloting a Mobile Suit or Mobile Armor.


The rest was basically not in my head as I spent most of the time thinking about the Mobile suit, When lunch came I just went and ate with Mama in the cafeteria, bath a bit, and changed into my old clothes, then the rest of the test, which is basically just another Exam…


This time it was more specialized though, it seemed the subject was coding, which for me is super easy, it seemed the creat this test based on the strengths and weaknesses of the examiner, which for me is super easy, but the other one was…quite hard. It is about social subjects with harder questions and I going to be honest, I don’t know most of them so I just pray and random everything. 


And the Exam was finished, I think I would do fine, I will get accepted for sure, because If I didn’t get in, then that's their loss, I know I sound kinda Cocky but be honest? If someone who has a memory of a previous life with a job that required some basic intelligence got reincarnated and studied since childhood, take a kid test? I’m no genius but I am confident in my ability. 


Getting in is no problem since I already passed the interview, the thing I deem most difficult. 


Coming out of the building, Mama took me back to the hotel, we needed to catch a flight in the afternoon of tomorrow. Once there I drop down to the bed and sleep like a log.


[Gundam Nova]


March 30th, I.J.C. 194, Earth, New Orleans, 1:35 P.M.


The result came 2 days later, I did the same thing I did last time, copying the mail into Haro and walking straight toward the living room. But this time I was the only one there. Well, Mr.Stephan got work and Mrs.Kylie goes out to socialize with others and Mr.Hemston goes with her as a bodyguard. 


This leaves me with only the mansion staff, Me, and Mama in the mansion. And I completely forgot about it, so I just walked toward Mama’s room and knocked 3 times. She open immediately, her hair a bit messy though and she got a bag under her eyes for some reason.


“What are you doing? You look messy.” I told her and she just snickered while making way for me and Haro to slide in under her arm.


“Nothing, I just worked on something Stephan asked me. But god damn is he a monster, making an old lady like me work through the night.” She said as she laid down on the bed, well now I feel bad for waking her up.


“Sorry, I can come back later. You should rest.” 


“Nonsense, My baby is asking for me, what kind of mother would I be if I just ignored her.” she said as she caressed my head, “So what is it?”


“The result comes.” She nods, indicating to me to continue. “I just want to know it with you, or do you want to wait till the 3 of them come back?” 


“Nah just open it. We all know you going to pass anyway.” She said, I just shrugged my shoulders and ordered Haro to open up the mail using his hologram. I open it up and get jumped by the big congratulatory word in the mail. 


“Well, That's kinda neat I guess? Why do they gotta make it big though?” I said as I read the content of the mail I was accepted, and got into the S-class. Not surprising.


What I’m more interested in is the ranking. In terms of academic points, I got 95 out of 100, which put me in 1st place, for the physical test. I got 58 points out of a hundred, putting me in 57th place. 


My overall score put me in the second ranking. Which surprise me. Someone is better than me, they are not only smart but also strong, sadly I don’t know the name, I would only know once we get into the academy itself.


“So, congratulations, too bad about that first placing though, you should start working on your strength soon,” Mama said as she patted my back, seemingly to cheer me up.


“It's nothing, I was just surprised. Well, what do we do now?” I asked her, who still lazying rolling around the bed, but before I could even sigh, she took me into a hug and… fell asleep. 

“You really tired…Get some good sleep, Mama.” I kiss her on the forehead and put Haro to sleep before cozying up in her arm. Soon, I feel an overwhelming sense of calmness making my eyes slowly shut and letting the dream world overcome me.


Sorry for being a bit late, it 3 am rn but hey, I suddenly felt like writing this time so I did it in one sitting.