Chapter 8: Chilli and chatting
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I gave her a bit of the chilli, quickly assuring her that it wasn’t made with actual halflin’ when I told her what it was called. She had a few bites before her face turned a bright red and she began chugging from her water bottle. I stifled giggles at her bright red face.

“By the godsss, how are you able to eat that so easssily?! It almost burnt a hole through my throat” I raised an eyebrow, was it really that spicy? It only tasted mild to me.

“Guess I just have good spice tolerance” She chuckled, fanning her sweating face. 

“Yeah, that’d make sssenssse, ssso, what classss do you have next? I’ve got ssscience” Oh right, I almost forgot that I was in school. I took out my phone, checking the timetable, oh nice, cultural studies.

“I’ve got cultural studies, which sounds interesting”

“Oh I’m sssure you’ll love it, the teacher isss lovely, well from what Avarie has told me” Avarie, that name run a bell, oh right, that harpy girl that had crashed into me on the way to school, so she’d be in my class, that’s good to hear, gives me a chance to know her better.

“Oh I know Avarie, well kinda, she-”

“Landed on you on your way to ssschool?” She giggled.

“Yeah she did you know?”

“I had hissstory with her before lunch, ssshe wouldn’t ssstop mentioning how cute the sssweary goblin girl wasss~” Her hissing just made the teasing worse, fucks sake did everyone here do that? A blush dusted my cheeks, so she found my swearing cute? Even though I insulted her..fucks sake the idea of a girl actually crushing on me got me excited, hopefully she had a free seat next to her.

“I, she, huh?” Brilliant job, great answer Nixi, now this fucking sweet snake was gonna start shipping us. Fortunately the bell went before she could get another comment in, thank the gods. Nyshia’s tail unwrapped from around my stomach..kinda disappointing but I couldn’t drag her around like that I suppose. And then the tip of it ran under my chin, sending shivers down my spine. 

“Sssee you around Nixi~” She slithered off before I was even able to get a quippy retort in, ughh I had to go to fucking cultural studies with my face bloody red and that cute as fuck Avarie wouldn’t help the fucking situation either. I grumbled the entire way to the classroom. Least I wouldn’t have to like, get in front of the fucking class or anything on the first day. As I entered the classroom the teacher turned to me, she was interesting looking. She looked mostly human, long black hair, red lipstick, and a surprisingly toned body, the non-human part however, where the 6 tentacles sprouting from her back…was I in a fucking hentai or something?

“Ah, you must be Nixi, this is actually perfect timing you know, we were just about to go over goblin culture, so why don’t you stand at the front of the class and share some of your culture Nixi” ..fuck.