Volume 01 Chapter 00 Part 02
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How are you feeling now?" the voice echoed.

"Yes, I've calmed down... But why did this happen?" I asked, bewildered.

"When we attempted to transport the entire class to another world, you were the only one who failed," the voice explained.

"Failed? Was there some kind of error?" I inquired.

The deity chuckled lightly, as if on the verge of laughter, before explaining, "Well, you see... It was because of where you were standing. Your position was right on the edge of the magical circle for the teleportation spell, and clinging to the edge of the blackboard hindered the process. While we accounted for clinging to doors and desks in the spell's design, your situation was unexpected, so it wasn't programmed into the magic circle. As a result, while the teleportation itself succeeded, your body and soul ended up separated and transferred to different locations."

"I see, I understand now why it happened."

"So, where did my body end up?" I inquired.

"After being transferred between worlds, it dissipated. I attempted to retrieve it, but I was unable to do so at the last moment... I'm truly sorry," the voice lamented.

Dying before my adventure in the other world even began... What a terrible, unjust ending!

 "Just so you know, in your current state, your thoughts can be heard, so be careful," the voice warned

"What?! Is that so?" I exclaimed.

"Yes, without a physical form, your thoughts are transparent. But let's focus on the matter at hand; time is of the essence," the voice continued.

With that, the deity produced a crystal from thin air and suspended it in midair. Within the crystal, an unfamiliar continent came into view.

"To elaborate on what happened earlier, you were supposed to be transported along with your classmates to the northern continent of Gairas, in this continent reflected in the crystal... But due to your actions, the teleportation failed," the voice explained.

"Ah! How embarrassing..." I muttered.

"Since it's impossible to return to your original world, I'm considering reincarnating you near where your classmates are. What do you think? Do you want to be with your classmates?" the voice inquired.

"No, I refuse!" I declared firmly.

"I see, I thought as much," the voice responded.

It seemed the deity understood my reluctance. Did they perhaps investigate my circumstances beforehand?

"You don't want to meet them, huh? I heard your relationship with your classmates wasn't the best," the voice remarked.

Indeed, as the deity said, I had a strained relationship with my classmates. If I had to choose, I'd rather descend into the depths of hell than be with them! Besides, I prefer FPS [FIRST PERSON SHOOTER] games over RPG (ROLE PLAYING GAMES)s! Ugh... I just want to go back and continue that VRMMO. But now that my body has vanished, I can't play VRMMO anymore.

"I see... I understand," I said.

Huh? The deity seemed to be doing something with the crystal. Were they investigating me?

After nodding and murmuring to themselves, the deity finally turned towards me.

"I'll allow you to use the weapons and vehicles from the FPS [FIRST PERSON SHOOTER] game you were obsessed with in your next life! Of course, with all your FPS [FIRST PERSON SHOOTER] data intact!" the deity announced.

"What do you mean?" I asked, perplexed.

"Your classmates were reincarnated as RPG (ROLE PLAYING GAMES) players in the sandbox of Gairas, but in your case, I'll make you a separate FPS [FIRST PERSON SHOOTER] player!" the deity clarified.

"What?! Is that even possible?" I questioned.

"With my power, it is," the deity confirmed.

"Yes! That's amazing! Oh, but what about the location... Will I be going to the same place as my classmates?" I pondered.

"It's the same world, but you'll be reincarnated in a different location. Traveling from where you'll be reborn to where your classmates are would take over four months, but less than five. So, it won't be easy to meet them," the deity explained.

Being able to use my favorite guns and ride my favorite vehicles sounded enticing. If I do happen to meet my classmates... well, I'll deal with it then. Although, I doubt anyone would actively seek me out! Something about going to another world is starting to appeal to me...

"Please! Reincarnate me as an FPS [FIRST PERSON SHOOTER] player instead of an RPG (ROLE PLAYING GAMES) player!" I requested eagerly.

"Very well. Before the reincarnation, let me give you some precautions," the deity agreed.

"Yes, please do."

"First, we'll prepare a body for you based on the data from the VRMMO you played and your previous physical form. Once that's ready, it'll be a simple matter of integrating your soul into the body. However, there's a catch," the deity explained.

"A catch...?" I inquired.

"Yes, the catch is that you won't be able to use any magic, and you won't be a hero anymore," the deity revealed.

"No magic... Is it because the game didn't have magic or heroes?" I guessed.

"Exactly. But there are advantages to it as well," the deity added.

"Okay, so the hero can't use magic, but there's a perk... what's that about?"

"Well, you see, it means immunity to status ailments caused by magic! No matter how powerful the paralysis or curses are, they won't affect you!! Oh, but just so you know, offensive magic still works, so be careful."

"Got it!"

"As for the rest, I'll explain after the reincarnation, so don't worry. Oh, and just a personal favor, but since we've got a hero here, I kinda hope they'll save this world, you know? I mean, having a hero should make everything alright, but still..."

I still wonder if those guys really are heroes.

"Alright then, shall we begin? You ready for this?"


"Great! Reincarnation, commence!"

After the deity said that, I started feeling drowsy. Just before losing consciousness, I swear I heard, "Do your best."

 Deity's Side

"Phew... finally done. I was really nervous, you know?"

Never expected the teleportation to fail in such a way. Gotta review that magic circle. Next time, it should be able to transport even if someone's clinging to a blackboard... huh?

"Um, Lord Gyras... has his reincarnation finished?"

She's Meltena, the goddess who's partly responsible for this mess. Well, I kept it from her to ensure things went smoothly.

"It's done. And haven't I told you before? I said that the strength of the teleportation magic circle doesn't increase just by pouring more magic into it."

"Yes, I'm sorry."

She seems remorseful, but she doesn't grasp the seriousness of the situation, so I'd better explain.

"You see, even though we were lucky this time with Kuramoto's soul coming here, if I hadn't intervened, either the entire school building would have teleported into the castle, destroying both, or the children, including Kuramoto, would have vanished along with their souls due to your magic."

Her face pales. Seems she's realized the grave mistake she was about to make.

"Be more careful from now on. Now, get back to work."

"Yes... understood."

She trudges back to her workstation.

Well, this time went smoothly, at least.

In the past, another goddess mistakenly killed someone, demanding abilities and skills far beyond ours, not to mention handing over a huge sum of money after reincarnation.

That person died long ago. Ended their second life disappointingly quickly.

"Heh, they were an interesting one. Completely forgot that I can read their thoughts halfway through... Well, it should be about time for him to arrive... Huh?"

Strange, what's going on... Oh!?

"Am I going to get scolded by him?"

At that moment, the deity realized their mistake. But, what's done is done. There's no going back now.