Volume 01 Chapter 02
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"Phew, that should do it."

After about 30 minutes of exercise to loosen up his body, he remarked, "It sure feels weird to go from 175cm to 159cm (estimated). But it's strange how I don't feel hindered by this chest, even after all this movement... Could it be thanks to a god?" With that thought, it was time to prepare for departure.

Opening the menu, he changed his clothes from what he was wearing to a PMC-style outfit: a black T-shirt and jeans. He put on combat boots, attached knee pads to his knees, and then wore a headset. Next, he equipped a chest rig and wore 5.11 tactical gloves, ensuring they fit properly by opening and closing his hands. Finally, he attached a CQC holster to his waist belt, completing his ensemble.

"Yeah, looking good!"

Next up, he prepared his weapons. For his main weapon, he selected his beloved ACE32 (using 7.62×39mm rounds) with a custom EoTech EXPS3 and a 35-round magazine, and for his secondary weapon, he chose the JERICHO941PSL (using 9×19mm rounds) along with a full tang karambit knife.

"Feeling pumped up now!"

He loaded the magazines with bullets and placed them in his pouches, double-checking his gear.

"Alright, all set. Let's get going!"

With dreams and hopes in his heart, he began walking towards the city. He had encountered several monsters on his way from the small hill where he first landed to the road leading to the city. However, most of these monsters were low-level; a single shot from his Galil or one to two shots from his Jericho were enough to take them down. He asked the god what he should do with the defeated monsters.

"Just put them in the item box and have the guild dismantle them later. Oh, and when you register with the guild, it's better to register with the comprehensive guild, not just the adventurer's guild. I'll send you the exchange rate for money via email. I-I didn't forget about that, okay?!"

Well... he did forget about the money. But why should he register with the comprehensive guild? Well, he could find out in town. It should be easy enough to figure out.

However, trouble arose halfway down the road to the city. For some reason, a carriage had been following him closely. Three carriages had zoomed past him at breakneck speed before this one, but for some reason, this particular carriage refused to overtake him. It was accompanied by five guards, all mounted on horses and wearing the same attire. The carriage itself looked expensive, adorned with what seemed to be a crest, so he assumed it was escorting someone of high status.

Initially cautious, he was now perplexed. They weren't marked as enemies on his radar, nor did they attempt to communicate with him. And they certainly didn't show any signs of hostility. Yet, their mere presence beside him was intimidating... or something like that. He really didn't know what to make of it.

"Ugh, this is getting annoying!"

Unable to bear the awkward atmosphere any longer, he gathered his courage and spoke up.

"Um, excuse me!"


One of the guards, a man, turned to face him. Though he found it intimidating, he couldn't back down now.

"Please, don't mind me... Could you just go on ahead?"

The man looked at his companions before turning back with a smile.

"Are you bothered by our presence?"

"Y-yes. I thought I might be kidnapped or something!"

"Rest assured, we have no intention of harming you. Besides, who would do something like that in a carriage with a crest?"

"It's not that we're following you, it's just that our carriage is having issues," added the woman beside the man.

"What kind of issues?"

"Well, you see, the Duke suffers from severe motion sickness. Whenever we increase the speed, this happens," she said, pointing to the pale-faced old man who was now crawling out of the carriage, clutching his stomach and gasping for breath.

"Uh... I see..."

Oh, my apologies for showing you such an unsightly sight. I must thank you for fetching water for me," the old man said.

"No, please don't worry about it," I replied.

Afterwards, it seemed the old man was suffering from motion sickness as he exclaimed, "I can't bear to see it!" So, I used my credits to buy mineral water and handed it to him. It wasn't a problem since I had earned a fair amount in the game.

"Judging by the family crest, I believe you already know my name, but just to confirm, I am Nelson, Duke of Valdeck. And what is your name?" he asked.

"I'm Elaina."

"I see. By the way, Elaina, are you perhaps on your way to Goeses?" he inquired.

Goeses... I remember that name from the destination set on my map.

"Yes, I'm heading to the town to register at the Adventurer's Guild," I confirmed.

"I'd like to express my gratitude to you. If you don't mind, I can give you a ride in my carriage," he offered.

"Ah, no... I'll just take your kind gesture," I declined.

After all, the carriage seemed terribly smelly, and traveling with a nobleman seemed like trouble.

"It would be better for us to go together. You seem to have only a knife for defense," he remarked.

They all seem to have guns in front of them but don't consider them weapons... which means guns don't exist in this world. Well, it was expected, considering even nobles seem to travel by carriage.

"No, I'll be fine," I assured.

One of the female guards, noticing something, pointed to the back of her horse.

"Then, I'll let you ride behind my horse. This should be fine, right?" she suggested.

Everyone seemed to agree for some reason.

Is everyone misunderstanding something here?

"Very well... I'm ready to depart now. Elaina, you can ride with Amy's horse," he directed.

I guess I have no choice now. I should just obey.

"Yes... understood," I complied.

And so, I was taken to Goeses.

"By the way, we haven't introduced ourselves yet. I'm Amy Listett, a human. And this is Guell, our captain. We're members of the Knights of this country," she introduced.

"I'm Guell Lat Hondou, a member of the Black Wolf tribe, and the captain of this unit. Nice to meet you!" he added.

Hmm? Hondou?

"Hondou? That's an unusual name," I remarked.

"His surname, Hondou, is said to be from a hero who came from another world and fought against the Demon King. He's said to be a descendant of that hero," Amy explained.

Oh, so they've been summoning heroes before me... Wait, who's the handsome guy telling me this from behind?

"Sorry for the interruption. My name is Keith Idea, and I'm an elf. Pleased to make your acquaintance. And the girl next to me is Lizrina, and the man over there is Aid. They're both humans," he introduced.

"I'm Elaina. Nice to meet you all," I responded.

It's basic courtesy to greet everyone.

Among the two Keith introduced, the woman said, "Nice to meet you," but the man named Aid simply said, "Oh," and started looking around busily.

This person seems restless. Is he wary of his surroundings? Or perhaps he's nervous because it's his first mission?

"By the way, Miss, would you care to have tea with me in Goeses if you have the time?" Keith offered.

"Um... what?" I was taken aback.

What is this Keith person talking about?


"Are you hitting on someone again? Didn't you talk to Amy and Lizzelina about the same thing before departure?"

"Elrina, don't worry about it. He's just a flirt. You don't have to engage with him."

"That's quite harsh. I just want to see the smile of a beautiful woman. That's all I'm thinking."

"Is that so?"

Listening to the conversation between Guerl and Amy, it seems he's quite the ladies' man. But what catches my attention more is Aid's demeanor.

"Um, Amy?"

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Is Aid always like that during missions?"

"Well, he's not always like that. Maybe he's just in a bad mood today?"

Hmm, a bad mood... He doesn't seem irritated or anything.

"Warning! Danger detected at 12 o'clock, potential enemy ahead!"

Wha--?! Enemy!

The enemy marker on the radar is up ahead. I have to tell Guerl and the others about this!

Incorporating the RPG (ROLE PLAYING GAMES) elements into FPS [FIRST PERSON SHOOTER]:

The conversation flowed smoothly, but the tension escalated abruptly when the danger was detected. The protagonist's internal monologue became more urgent as the threat of the enemy loomed closer. Here's the revised version:

"Are you hitting on someone again? Didn't you talk to Amy and Lizzelina about the same thing before departure?" Elrina's voice carried a hint of exasperation.

"Elrina, don't worry about it. He's just a flirt. You don't have to engage with him," Amy assured her, her tone firm.

"That's quite harsh. I just want to see the smile of a beautiful woman. That's all I'm thinking," Guerl responded with a playful tone.

"Is that so?" Amy's voice held a note of skepticism.

As the conversation continued, the protagonist's focus shifted to Aid's behavior.

"Um, Amy?" the protagonist interjected tentatively.

"Yeah, what is it?" Amy responded, turning her attention to him.

"Is Aid always like that during missions?" the protagonist inquired, concern evident in his voice.

"Well, he's not always like that. Maybe he's just in a bad mood today?" Amy speculated, her brows furrowing in thought.

The tension escalated suddenly as a warning blared through the air.

"Warning! Danger detected at 12 o'clock, potential enemy ahead!" the automated voice announced, cutting through the conversation like a knife.

Heart pounding, the protagonist's senses heightened as the reality of the imminent threat set in.

"Wha--?! Enemy!" the protagonist exclaimed, adrenaline surging through his veins.

With a sense of urgency, he glanced at the radar, confirming the presence of the enemy markers ahead.

"I have to tell Guerl and the others about this!" the protagonist resolved, his mind already racing with strategies to confront the impending danger.