Volume 03 Chapter 00 Prologue
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[Imperial Capital of the Laxlard Empire] Emperor's Chamber - Emperor of Laxlard Side

What! Is it true that such a thing occurred?


Is that the truth?

Yes, indeed. It happened on the plains of the Kingdom of Reedgalm, and I witnessed the scene myself.

In the Emperor's chamber of the Laxlard Empire, only two figures, an elderly man and a masked individual, exchange words. The masked man kneels before the elderly man.

Hmm, our continent's heroes must have returned by now.

Yes, Your Majesty. It is still early in the morning, so they are likely still sleeping in their chambers.

The man rubs his chin thoughtfully.

It seems unbelievable, but the rumors are true. Twenty-seven heroes summoned to a distant continent have returned, defeating demons and zombies along the way. Could such a thing be possible?

With all due respect, Your Majesty, I find it highly improbable.

So, you share my thoughts.

Yes, there is no magical portal connecting our continent to Reedgalm, and even after two days, there has been no word. The likelihood seems low.

Hmm. The more I ponder, the deeper the mystery becomes, and answers elude me... Very well, Chief of the Shadow Division, listen to me carefully.


The Chief of the Shadow Division responds quietly, yet his voice carries to the Emperor.

Send a letter to Reedgalm detailing the events and dispatch a hero as the messenger.

Although his voice is barely audible, the shock on the Chief's face beneath the mask is evident.

Is it wise to allow the heroes to leave our country?

It's fine. They will eventually have to travel to other lands. Besides, the distance from here to Reedgalm is just the right distance for their journey practice.

It may take about a week by carriage, I understand, but...

Moreover, they possess the strength to confront demons on equal terms. They could handle any bandits they encounter, and Reedgalm, being a nation established by the alliance of our three countries, is unlikely to exploit our heroes. We'll discuss this with others tomorrow.

Understood. I will convey the message to those in Reedgalm.

Yes. And what about the incident with the missing hero?

When the Emperor inquires, the Chief of the Shadow Division shakes his head before responding.

We have dispatched search teams to the distant continent, but there's been no sign. There's a possibility that... he might have already passed away...

The Emperor shakes his head in disagreement.

No, that possibility is slim. The fact that the country that summoned the hero continues to search is evidence enough. Besides, if any other... less reputable nations were to capture the hero, the consequences would be dire... Understand?

Upon hearing these words, the Chief of the Shadow Division bows his head slightly before straightening up to address the Emperor directly.

My apologies, Your Majesty. I had been hasty in my thoughts. We will continue our search diligently. Is there anything else?

Nothing. I leave the rest to you.

As you wish.

After acknowledging the response, the Chief of the Shadow Division disappears from the room.

I hope he's safe... Well, it's time for me to change and prepare, the Emperor murmurs to himself before ringing a bell to summon a servant, signaling the beginning of his official duties.

Guardians of the Royal Capital of Riidgarum: The Northern Gate

Alright, we're clear. Welcome to the Royal Capital of Riidgarum! Please proceed!

The gatekeepers of Riidgarum's eastern gate, adhering to their motto of humility, were accustomed to inspecting visitors to Riidgarum from early morning. However, today was different.

Next, please step forwa—W-what in the world!?

Upon seeing the person standing before them, the gatekeepers recoiled in astonishment.

Oh my, whatever is the matter, dear gatekeeper?

Wh-who in the world are you!? W-what business do you have in the capital!?

The gatekeeper stuttered, hand inching towards the sword at his waist.

Oh dear me, Mr. Gatekeeper. I'm simply returning to my homeland. So, could you perhaps not reach for such menacing things?

H-homeland? Here?

Exactly. This is... my... homeland!

With a mysterious pose, the person in front declared, sending the gatekeepers into a state of disbelief.


The gatekeeper couldn't help but wonder. Was this person truly from here?

W-well, fine. Do you have identification?

Of course, dear. Here, my comprehensive guild card.

A-alright, let me see.

Taking the card with trembling hands, the gatekeeper furrowed his brows, then his expression shifted to one of surprise.

You... you're Ed—



My name is Peach! Can't you get that right?

With Peach's assertive tone, the gatekeeper hesitated. It couldn't be helped; he knew this person, or rather, this woman.

Oh my! Forgive me, Lady Peach! There's absolutely no issue. Please, go ahead!

Hehe! Thank you. Keep up the good work, gatekeepers.

After saying so, she entered the royal capital.

That rumor was true after all...

The gatekeeper watched Peach, disbelief written all over his face.

Ellyna's Perspective

Pshh!?... Huh? Ahh...

Hmm, I woke up because of my own sneeze. Did someone mention me in gossip? No, that couldn't be it. Let me check the time, just in case.

I brought up the menu and glanced at the time in the top right corner of the screen.

Let's see... it's... just before five in the morning. I still have some time to sleep.

...I've got a bit of time left, so I'll go back to sleep. Good night.

She began to burrow back under her blankets.

These inn's blankets are really soft and comfortable.

With that thought, she quickly drifted back to sleep.