Volume 03 Chapter 08
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 Whew... that was close.


 Who would've thought things would get this intense at a flower shop? Hopefully, there won't be a next time.


 Well then... shall we head to the Fang Demon Group?


 Despite the detour eating into our time, we managed to gather the information we needed, so let's consider it a win.


 As I was about to start walking, someone called out to me from behind.


 Oh, Miss! You're going to the Fang Demon Group, aren't you? I'll tag along with you!


 N-No, it's okay! Please don't worry about me!


 Aww~! You don't need to be so shy! As the store clerk mentioned earlier, this area can be dangerous, so it's safer to stick together, don't you think?


 While safety is something I can handle on my own, I can't help but feel self-conscious being seen with someone dressed in the pink attire of a magical girl.


 And besides, with that First Knight around, who knows what might happen.


 Her expression is now serious, unlike before. Perhaps she's saying this because she's aware of the First Knight's reputation.


 I-I see. But I...


 Nope! I've taken a liking to you, so I'll stick with you no matter what!


 It seems futile to argue. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to go along with it.


 Sigh... Understood. I don't expect anything amusing, though.


 That's okay! Just having you around is entertaining enough for me. By the way, I didn't catch your name. Care to share?


 My name is Erlaina.


 I reluctantly told Peach my name as she looked on with amusement.


 Erlaina, what an intriguing name. I'm Peach. Nice to meet you!


 Nice to meet you too.


 I'll call you Laina-chan!


 Uh... suit yourself.


 Since there likely won't be a next time if I accompany her this time, I'll just have to endure the odd looks from others.


 Now that introductions are out of the way, shall we head to the Fang Demon Group?


 Yes, let's.


 I answered Peach as if reassuring myself of my own words.


 According to the map, the Fang Demon Group should be straight ahead and at the end of this road.


 Alright then, let's go!


 Got it... Yeah.


 While Peach pumped her fist and raised her right arm, I sighed and started walking towards the Fang Demon Group.


 Um... Laina-chan?


 What is it?


 Are you perhaps interested in the First Knight's group?


 Huh?! How did you know?


 I had been thinking that having a bit more information about the First Knight's group would be helpful.


 It's fine. I'll give you a brief explanation about the First Knight's group!


 Is it okay to talk to me about the First Knight's group?


 While I appreciate the offer, I hope there won't be any classified information included.


 If it's just a report, more information is always better, right? Besides, I won't spill any secrets!


 Well, I'm not particularly interested in knowing classified information anyway.


 ...Alright, please keep it simple then.


 Sure thing! To put it simply, the First Knight's group is entirely different from other knight groups!


 Different in what way?


 Well, this country has up to the Third Knight's group. Generally, the group leader selects recruits from soldiers who have served for three years and then volunteer, or they scout talented individuals from soldiers, civilians, or the Comprehensive Guild. That's the basic process.


 I see. So that's why they asked me to join the knight group back then.


 But you see, in the case of the First Knight's group, they mainly recruit nobles.


 Nobles, you say?


 Yes, besides graduates from the Reedgarhm Magic Academy, they also recruit problematic second or third sons from noble families.


 So, because they've historically had low abilities and caused trouble, it's better to avoid getting involved with them. That's what people have been saying.


 I see. Although I'm not sure where Peach was affiliated with in the Reedgarhm Kingdom, since she's warning me, I should be cautious around the First Knight's group.


 Laina-chan, we're almost at the Fang Demon Group!


 Ah, okay!


 It seems like we're getting close to our destination according to the screen map. So, I head towards the shop.




 Oh? What's wrong?


 It's nothing. Please don't worry about it.

I confided in Peach-san, expressing my intrigue. After all, surrounded by Western-style buildings, this establishment seemed like a relic from a bygone era.

Indeed, as I had envisioned, a sturdy gate adorned with the family crest and the name of the organization hung proudly on thick pillars.

Isn't this place like an old-school yakuza office? I pondered aloud.

Well, let's go inside and deliver the goods, Peach replied casually.

Right on! she chimed in.

For the sake of our safety, we hurriedly unloaded our cargo and made our way inside.

Upon entering, my eyes scanned the interior, taking in the assortment of weaponry and furniture scattered about.

Whoa! This place is something else, I remarked in awe.

Indeed it is. The Fang Oni gang is known for places like this, Peach explained.

Oh, you knew about it? I inquired.

Yes, it's become quite famous lately, she replied.

Famous? What kind of shop is this, exactly? I pressed for more information.

This is a furniture and magical tools store. The main branch is in the Demon Kingdom, and this is just a branch, she clarified.

As I glanced in the direction of the voice, I noticed a man with a cheerful demeanor and horns protruding from his forehead seated on a cushion atop tatami mats.

Hello there, I'm Kioli Fold, the manager of this establishment, he greeted warmly.

Up until now, the demons I had encountered had been rather stoic and cool, but Kioli was a different type altogether, sporting a friendly, almost goofy expression.

Ah, nice to meet you. I'm Erlaina, I introduced myself with a slight bow, to which he reciprocated.

Could it be that there exists a country in this world with a culture similar to Japan's?

Thank you kindly. Do you have business with our shop? Kioli inquired.

Yes, I've come to deliver a package from the Guild, I replied.

Ah, thanks. Is the package outside? he asked.

No, I'll retrieve it from my item box. Where should I put it? I questioned.

Item box? Ah, I see! You'll be returning to the Guild for the rest of the items, right? No need to rush; we're not in a hurry. Take your time, he reassured me.

Hmm, it seems the item box skill in this world is quite different from my storage. Perhaps I should ask the gods about it later. But for now, I must deliver all the packages.

Um, I actually have everything with me. Where should I place them? I inquired.

Really? You have an item box that can hold that much? Kioli exclaimed in surprise, leaning in closer to me.

Uh, yes... I replied sheepishly.

In that case, just put everything here! he instructed, tapping the tatami mats.

Understood, I replied before opening my storage and placing the magical tools on the mats one by one. Kioli watched in amazement, alternating his gaze between me and the items.

Y-You really brought all the requested items! he exclaimed.

Also, here are the confirmation documents, I added, handing him the paperwork.

Thank you, young lady, Kioli said with a smile.

Uh, th-thank you, I stammered, my face turning crimson as I involuntarily tensed up.

Is something the matter? Your face is all red, Kioli noticed.

I-I'm fine... I muttered, trying to regain my composure.

I see. Well, I'll check the items, so please have a seat over there, he gestured to the cushion.

O-Okay... I mumbled, feeling embarrassed.

Hehe, how cute, Peach teased as we both took our seats.

D-Don't tease me! I protested.

As we conversed, an employee approached us with a tray of tea, which she placed in front of us.

Here's some tea for you, she said kindly.

Oh, thank you very much. We appreciate it, I replied gratefully.

How considerate of you. We'll enjoy it, Peach added with a smile.

As the employee walked away, I picked up my cup of tea, blowing gently to cool it before taking a sip.

Ah, it's just as I remembered. Demon Kingdom tea has a distinct color and flavor, I remarked.

That's right. Green tea is predominant in the Demon Kingdom, while black tea is more common around here, Peach explained.

By the way, it seems that oolong tea is not in high demand, as it is only available in certain regions. It's a shame, considering its benefits for preventing cavities and obesity...

Well, that makes sense, I murmured in agreement.

Kiori's husband~~!! Something terrible has happened~~~!!

Turning towards the direction of the voice, an uncle from the demon tribe rushed in from the entrance, looking flustered.

Why are you running here in such a panic?

F-for some reason, this place... the land we bought has been claimed by the Wulf Trading Company today, and they're ordering us to evacuate!!

What in the world!? That sounds like utter nonsense! We don't have to comply with such tyranny!

Kiori's husband, that's not all!

Is there more?

The members of the First Knight Brigade are coming here with them!!

You've got to be kidding me!

As I listened to the conversation, things were getting serious. And to top it off, the names of the Wulf Trading Company and the First Knight Brigade were involved.

Oh dear, things have taken a turn. I thought we'd be safe since we registered with the Guild three days ago...

In that case, I believe we're actually in good shape.

Everyone present turned their faces towards me.

Why do you say that?

Ryner, do you have any evidence or strategy in mind?

With a puzzled expression, the two asked, and I responded calmly.

I do. As for evidence, Kiori-san, you didn't lease this land, did you? You bought it.

That's right. We bought it from the previous owner.

And you have the contract stored properly, right?

Yes, it's in my item box.

Great! If you have the contract, there's nothing to argue about.

You should confront them with that.

While it proves it's your property, the other party is backed by the First Knight Brigade, a corrupt business entity. We definitely need insurance.




Let's call the Guild staff. Let's get them to mediate!

Well, actually, we're not mediating, but calling allies!

So, please call the Guild staff here right away!

Understood. Chinoru, hurry to the Guild!

Kiori's husband, I got it!

The uncle called Chinoru turned back and dashed out of the entrance of the shop.

Ryner, you're amazing! You're cute and smart, I'm so impressed!


Peach suddenly said, causing my face to blush, but since we still had to continue the conversation, I shook my head to regain focus.

Ahem... We also have something to do.

We also? What would that be?

We've been instructed by the Wulf Trading Company. It's to stop the surrender of the land here. There might be delays in resolving the issue once the land is surrendered.


After resolving the issue and getting the shop back, we might face difficulties in renovating the interior. Or, we might get back the taken land but in a barren state. It wouldn't be easy to reopen the shop... What should we do? Moreover, the shop can't operate immediately after being ransacked. It's troubling.

I see...

And if we don't handle the First Knight Brigade and the Wulf Trading Company here and now, there'll be more victims.

So, Kiori-san!

Yes, young lady?

We'll handle this issue free of charge.

Really? But young lady, it doesn't seem to concern you, does it?

That's alright. I'm a member of the Guild.

Um... I see, I understand!

After clapping his hands, Kiori-san looked at me and started talking.

In that case, I'll rely on you, young lady!

Yes, I'll gladly help!

Ufufu~! I'll assist too!

Huh? Seriously!!

May I ask why you're willing to help?

It's not right for only Ryner to help, and then I leave. Besides, I owe something to the First Knight Brigade, so I must repay it!

Well, she seems capable, so I guess we can rely on her... right?

Please, Peach-san.

Ufufu~! Leave it to me, Ryner!

After saying that, Peach winked at me and Kiori-san, who seemed tense.

Ah, yeah. I'm... looking forward to it?

Yeah, that's the kind of reaction I expected.

Then let's stay outside to prevent anyone from entering the shop. We wouldn't want the shop to get ransacked.

Got it!

Right. Mitatsu, we'll leave the store to you just in case!

After saying that to the back of the shop, we received a reply, Yes!

Then let's go outside!


Ufufu~! This is getting exciting!

And so, Peach and I responded to Kiori-san and walked out of the shop together to confront the Wulf Trading Company.