Volume 05 Chapter 10
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   "Hoist me up. Phew... We've arrived at the Silver Dragon Pavilion, El El."


Lady Ainya, who carried me to the silver Dragon Pavilion, sets me down. However, due to overwhelming embarrassment, I cover my face with reddened cheeks and squat right there.


"Agh... So embarrassing... I want to die. I want to die right nowwww..."


How many people have seen my underwear while I was being carried here? Perhaps a hundred, given the attention? No, it might have been even more...


"Why are you so embarrassed about wanting to die?"


"It's all your fault!! All yours!!"


Of course, anyone would feel embarrassed in public after being exposed like that!


Lady Ainya kneels before me, seemingly indifferent to my anger, and gazes at my face.


So, I thought she was going to apologize. But the moment I thought that, she suddenly looked down and smirked.


"You're wearing cute underwear, just as Big Sis mentioned. Where did you get them?"




Screaming, I hastily brush aside Lady Ainya's hand, which was about to grab my skirt.


"What are you doing!? You pervert!!"


"Well... you see. Since Big Sis gets to see El El's underwear, isn't it unfair if I don't get to see them too? Don't you think it's unfair that only Big Sis gets to see?"


"I don't understand."


And besides, didn't Lady Ainya just want to see them because she was curious?


"The design on your underwear is very cute. By the way, is it a wolf's paw or a lion's paw?"


"...Neither. It's a cat's paw."


It's a cat's paw underwear set. It's an item that can be obtained by purchasing in-game, worn in the equipment slot as innerwear.


Wearing this and a short skirt, you can catch glimpses of what's underneath!


However, wearing abnormal underwear like a thong would trigger an age restriction. So even if you wore them and tried to glimpse, the inside of the skirt would be completely obscured by a black silhouette, making it impossible to see!


Needless to say, some players were horrified.


I have such underwear myself, but... um... I don't have the courage to wear them.


"I buy underwear for myself too, but I've never seen underwear like what you're wearing. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me where you got them."


"I want them too, so if you could tell us, we'd be grateful."


"Umm... well..."


If I say I got them through in-game purchases, they'll figure out I'm a reincarnator. And I don't know if you can get them from the shops I use.


"Oh well. Hey, Granny! Are you alive?! If you're dead, I'll go to your grave and pay my respects, so tell me where it is!"


Hey! That's disrespectful to the old lady!


"What are you saying!! I'm alive and kicking! Who are you calling a brat?!"


With an angry expression, Lady Ainya strides up to the old lady, glaring at her. But the old lady just smiles at her.


"So you're calling me a brat now, Ainya?"


"Oh, oh, I'm glad you're not dead."


It feels like a fight is about to break out, but... I hope it doesn't escalate to a point where I have to intervene?


"Hmph, I'm not as weak as you think, Ainya! Honestly, how did a vulgar commoner like you, who used to chase after women's behinds in the perverted Adventure Department and had a foul mouth, manage to marry a duke?"



**Volume 05 Chapter 10**


"What did you just say?"


"What on earth are you dawdling about? And what's with that get-up? You're not getting into trouble again, are you?"


"Well, that may be the case, but... more importantly, about earlier! Lady Ainya was..."


"You were just chasing after girls again, weren't you? This guy, always catching girls and bringing them here..."


"That's not it!!"


This guy is a complete pervert, that much I know! But well, I never knew he was into yuri...


"Is it about marrying the Duke?"


"Yes, exactly!"


"Oh, I don't know the details, but when Ainya was adventuring in this town, she got married to the Duke, and everyone in town, including me at the time, was shocked. And considering how Ainya is always thinking about that woman, it's unbelievable that she got married. People even started to gossip, wondering if there was some ulterior motive."




Listening to the old lady's story, I now understand that Lady Ainya hasn't been a decent person from the start.


"I was thinking about getting married around that time too! And Nelson, my current husband, proposed to me then."


"How did Duke Valdeck propose to Lady Ainya?"


Given the difference in their statuses—Duke Nelson and commoner Lady Ainya—there must have been a dramatic story of overcoming hardships.


"He stripped naked and begged her to marry him!! That's what happened."




Listening to Lady Ainya's story, I was left dumbfounded with my mouth agape.


Did I mishear? Or maybe my hearing has gone bad? It feels like I heard unbelievable words...


"Why are you making that unbelieving face? He really did strip naked and begged her to marry him!!"


What the heck!!? My romantic love story I envisioned just got completely destroyed!!


Lady Ainya says something so shocking that it makes you forget about feeling embarrassed for being seen in your underwear.


But she herself says it without any ill intent, placing her right hand on her cheek with a nostalgic expression as she speaks.


"Well, when I saw him like that, I thought, 'Ah, I can't let this guy go unmarried anymore, poor thing.' So, I married him."


Marriage out of pity... now I can't help but feel sorry for Duke Valdeck.


"So... the beginning of the Lady and Lord's relationship was quite... intense."


"It was kept secret, you see. Only a few people, including the butler, knew about it."


"I now understand why they never told me about how the Lady and Lord met, no matter how many times I asked."


"It's bound to be known someday, so it's okay to say it now!"


...No, isn't it kinder to think about preserving Duke Valdeck's dignity? Wouldn't it be gentler to just keep quiet about it?


"Then, did Lady Ainya not like Duke Valdeck?"


"Oh, I didn't like Nelson before we got married. I hate to admit it, but I even thought we might divorce shortly after getting married. That's how much I thought of it myself."


Volume 05 Chapter 10


Given her fondness for girls, it's not unreasonable to think that way.


"But you know, ever since we became a couple, I've seen and learned about Nelson's struggles. I want to support him. That's how I feel. So, I've been learning how to behave as a Duchess and gaining knowledge to become a suitable wife for Nelson!"


I see, Lady Ainya has been through a lot...


"Well, the story from earlier was mostly made up except for the first part, so don't worry about it!"


Lady Ainya, with a cheerful expression, gave a thumbs-up.


"Return my sympathy!?"


I was foolish for sympathizing!! As I was thinking that, there came a sound of footsteps from the back of the shop...!?


"Elder sister!!"


Saying so, my angel, Lima-chan, jumped into my arms, and I patted her head.


"I'm home, Lima-chan."


"Welcome back, elder sister."


Lima-chan raised her cute face and said, "Welcome back." Her smile was priceless. Oh right, I forgot I had something to tell Granny.




"What is it? Are you here to give me Lima? I won't take away such a precious granddaughter."


"No, it's not that! We've acquired a house, so we're canceling the accommodation from today onwards."


As I said that, Granny's eyes widened in surprise.


"Oh, you've acquired a house. Well, that's unexpected. Alright then. You won't get a refund for today's accommodation, but is that okay?"


"Yes, that's fine."


"Alright, then it was a one-week service with twenty copper coins. It was two days ago, so you owe me twelve copper coins."


"Huh!? Can't you give a little more?"


"That's the allowance for Lima."


Saying so, I couldn't say anything. What a sly old hag!


"Alright, alright! Twelve copper coins is fine!"


"Good, I like kids who understand."


While glaring at Granny's annoyingly smug smile, I reached for the twelve copper coins... but...




For some reason, Lima-chan was holding onto my skirt while looking down, and everyone, including me, looked at Lima-chan with puzzled expressions.


"What's wrong, Lima-chan?"


Did I do something wrong?




"Huh? What's wrong?"


"I don't want you to leaveeeeee!!"




She screamed while pulling my skirt. Seeing her like that, I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there bewildered.