Volume 05 Chapter 18
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Parting ways with Amy-san and Lizlina-san in front of the house, I head towards the Integrated Guild. However, when bidding farewell to the two, they were saying something about boasting to their friends about this encounter!


My head starts to ache whenever I dwell on what Amy-san and the others said, so I decided to stop thinking about it any further. Let it be known, this is by no means an escapade from reality!


"Hmm, hmm, la la la~"


That's right, I'm currently heading to the Integrated Guild with Murina-san, who seems to be in good spirits, humming along the way.


I already know the reason. It's because as we walk through the streets, people passing by either glance sideways at Murina-san or turn their faces towards her, with men blushing and women gazing at her with envy. The atmosphere around me is quite extraordinary.


"Hey, El-El! People in the streets are staring at me!"


"...Yes, indeed. Murina-san, you're very beautiful."


"Eeeeek! Even El-El is saying such nice things!"


I only gave a casual response, yet her joy was unexpectedly immense. Could it be that Murina-san is in high spirits?


"If you're too carried away, you might bump into someone."


"I know, El-El~"


I was walking while worrying if everything was really alright, but aside from Murina-san dancing, we arrived at the Integrated Guild without any issues. However, another problem arose.


"Now, El-El! Let's go inside quickly and meet Mother!"


As Murina-san, who has been continuously complimented by passersby about her beauty and enviable hair, says this:


She's the epitome of "Yes"! Ahhhhhhhhh!




She seems so ecstatic that she might just start saying lines from some D◯O character! I'm starting to get worried.


"Yes, let's go."


Thinking 'whatever happens, happens,' I enter the Integrated Guild with Murina-san, who is incredibly high-spirited. The moment we step in, Murina-san starts behaving in a manner that's beyond conventional thinking!






She goes towards the counter, shouting "Mother~!" and starts bouncing up and down right there!




Sure, she's the Guild Master's daughter, but I don't think that's appropriate at all. Wouldn't she get scolded by Lady Lamure if she did something like that?


As I'm pondering over this, Lady Lamure strides out from the back and walks up to her beloved daughter. Her expression is not one of her usual stoic self, rather it's completely devoid of emotion.


"Mother! Here, this is for returning the key..."


"You seem to be in high spirits."


With that, Lady Lamure delivers a chop to her daughter's head.



Volume 05 Chapter 18


Ms. Myurina rubbed the spot where she had been hit, seemingly in pain.


"I've been telling you, haven't I? Don't let compliments get to your head," she said.




"Honestly, you're always like this. You get carried away with compliments and lose sight of everything around you. Even though you're my daughter, think with some common sense. It's only natural to inform the receptionist. Isn't it?"


"Yes, you're right."


"Are you really okay with that attitude? If Elraina hadn't helped you before, you might have been in trouble with the orcs..."




"Did I say you could talk back?"


As Ms. Ramyur gave me a stern look, Myurina let out a gasp, and I flinched at the backlash.


"Well... never mind. Just make sure to improve on those faults in the future. Understand?"


"Yes, Mother..."


Seeing Myurina deflate as if her previous enthusiasm had vanished like a lie, I once again felt the full force of Ms. Ramyur's terrifying presence.


"I'll take the key back, but what's with your hair and skin?"


"Oh, this is..."


Ah! I already have a bad feeling about this.


"Thanks to the detergent Elra lent me, I became this clean~!"


Ms. Ramyur stared at me in silence, so I tried to divert my gaze.






However, unable to withstand that pressure, I ended up speaking.


"Is that detergent still in your house?"




"What's the matter?"


Did she teleport right in front of my eyes? I thought as she suddenly appeared before me, causing me to exclaim in surprise and fall backward.


"It's... it's still there, but please don't scare me like that!"


"Fine, I'll come to collect it later."




Oh, what a domineering person. I feel like I'm being bullied by Gian, not unlike Nobita. No, maybe Gian is gentler. After all, he has manly qualities!


"Have you been thinking something disrespectful towards me?"


"No, not at all."


How does she understand my emotions, anyway?!


"Well, regardless. I'll update it, so hand over your guild card."


"Oh, sure."


With my posture unchanged, I handed over my guild card to Ms. Ramyur. She hung it around her neck and held it up to her necklace. Suddenly, the necklace and guild card emitted a faint light.




"Hmm? Is this your first time seeing it, Elraina?"




"...I see."


Despite appearing as if she wanted to say something, she handed me the guild card, which continued to emit a faint light.



**Volume 05 Chapter 18**


As soon as it came into my possession, the light inexplicably dimmed.


"This necklace is an item held exclusively by the guild master at the Comprehensive Guild. It has only one use, as I demonstrated earlier. By holding the necklace and the guild card together and channeling magic into it, you can rewrite only the rank part. You can neither increase nor decrease the rank."


"Wow... huh? But wouldn't it be misused if it fell into someone else's hands?"


"That's not a concern. This item, like when making a guild card, becomes usable only by the person who contracts it by shedding blood on it."


"I see..."


It's like an untradeable item in a fantasy game.


"Also, if anyone were to misuse this item for personal gain or emotional reasons, they would not only have it confiscated but also be removed from the position of guild master. So, there's been no abuse by guild masters so far."


"Is that so... By the way..."




"I'm curious about this name here..."


Saying that, I handed the card to Ms. Ramyur.


"Why does it have the name 'Dea Baldeck' after 'Ellaina'? Isn't that a mistake?!"


"No, it's correct."


No, it must be a mistake! Don't say it so casually!


"You are the guild master of the Revenant Comprehensive Guild. Or rather, since you became the daughter of the Duke Nelson Dea Baldeck, you must change your name, right?"


"This is news to me?!"


"I've been proceeding with this quietly, so of course, you wouldn't know."


What is she talking about? That look in her eyes as if she wants to say, "What are you talking about?" annoys me! What is she deciding without the person's consent! That person!!


"I have no intention of becoming an adopted child of the Baldeck family, so please erase the 'Dea Baldeck' part immediately!"


"I can't erase it due to my position."


"Why not?"


"Because it was formally decided by the king and Duke Baldeck. If you have any complaints, you can tell those two."




"Well, considering your current status, you're likely to be brushed off."


It's frustrating, but Ms. Ramyur is right. As a common citizen, there's no way I can contend with the king and the duke, the powerful rulers.


"Wow, El! Becoming an adopted child of the duke's family is such a big achievement!"


Ignoring my melancholy mood, Ms. Mulina was gleefully excited.