3: Scale and Claw
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It was a simple desire, blooming from the clutches of death. Reinon could feel its body continuously burning and regenerating as its dreams continued throughout its unconsciousness. 

Burning muscle, and immediately regenerating it back. Pik's grab was morphing Reinon's skeleton, making it bend more. Unknown to both, Pik didn't know that it would create the perfect structure for Reinon's dream to take place.

With a skeleton dismorphed and bent, as flesh melted off but slowly caught on the spinal column on Reinon's disintegrating body. The dream of this form was taking shape.

As its body grew greatly, forcing Pik to lose its grip on the dying Reinon's body. Its mass had started to multiply, as if a thousand years of evolution had concluded within Reinon's vessel.

Its husk becoming bigger and heavier than Pik.

Pik had failed, in an attempt to destroy the budding sinner. The bloom of the murderer was disfigured yet proper, a disgusting product of dreams and desperation.

Its body slowly started to regenerate, from a spine and a head. 

Growing teeth of black pigment, and claws of the same hue. Its claws were sharp enough to make holes within the ground, as the sinner slowly woke up. Its jaw opened and closed, presenting a lethal bite force. 

Its eyes multiplied by two, now having four eyes on its head. Its mass had grown exponentially, and its gaze became more feral yet calculating. 

The living calamities, the Guilty Reincarnated. The beings which brought change upon worlds.

One of them, had now grown to become a candidate. If not stopped soon, then a calamity would once more walk upon the imperfect land.

Vouthlow the Infected Humanity had brought Humanity to its knees.

Groveldon the Neverending Seeker had destroyed countries after countries.

Natlount the Endless Roots had conquered a walking continent.

Meatjhor had destroyed the seasonal cycles of the world.

Reinon was becoming a beast equal to these living calamities.

Pik needed to take the Guilty Reincarnated down now, or else it would grow more and more with no stopping point. Pik flew towards Reinon, using its jet-like flight to quickly blitz Reinon.

Reinon held one of its arms out, and Pik used both of its feet to grab the sinner's arm and tried to rip it off. Reinon instead, used its hard claws to dig into Pik's left leg and with its immovable grip pulled the corpsekin closer to itself.

Reinon then slammed Pik into the ground, creating a massive crater due to Reinon's strength and Pik's size.

Pik once more tried to crush Reinon's arm but the reptilian flexed its muscle and Pik couldn't even create any physical markings on Reinon's arm, Reinon now dug its claws into Pik's leg.

Reinon continuously scratched at Pik's leg at the side until the sinner got a hold of the corpsekin's femur, and with little effort had snapped the bone in half. 

Luckily, Corpsekin couldn't feel pain. However, they still could feel fear. Pik used its nail-like beak to peck at Reinon but the reptilian used its other arm to wrap its fingers around the corpsekin's neck.

Its hard black claws dug into Pik's neck, it was to the point that Reinon was no longer holding the being's neck but was instead holding its spine through its torn open neck.

Pik tried to use its jet flight to quickly escape Reinon's grip, but as the tension built up from the nose-based jets continuously propelling air. Pik's noses had sprayed gallons of blood due to overuse and physical strain.

Pik's flight had been forcibly disabled. Pik couldn't even let out a sound as its throatbox was torn to shreds when Reinon had clawed its neck open.

Reinon just stared at Pik, as Reinon started to snap Pik's spine. Pik struggled as much as it could, but with Reinon's newfound strength easily bending its bones. Reinon snapped Pik's spine, and grabbed the corpsekin's head.

The sinner pulled its arm back and tore off Pik's head clean off with the severed spine revealing itself. As victorious as it may seem.

Reinon did not celebrate, it did not make a single noise as it killed its opponent. Reinon slowly opened its jaws and crushed Pik's severed head, shredding it to pieces before swallowing it.

Reinon with its new form had desired only one thing. To become strong, to become heavier and become immovable.

To become impenetrable is to be unstoppable, Reinon desired this form that was impossible to kill. And so, it had started becoming accustomed to its new form. It was still fast, but was more reliant on explosive speed provided by its strength rather than its movement. 

Its claws were hard and sharp, and its jaws were crushing and lethal. Its strength was extraordinary, and its mass was incredibly dense to act similar to armor.

Reinon walked around the city, finding that the Corpsekin were now wary of it. Before they had curious looks, now they were cautious. They never got close to it and kept their distance while keeping their gaze on the guilty one.

Soon though, Havok flew down from some high place and hovered beside Reinon. Havok had a wide creepy grin.

"You's defeated Pik, the executioner will need time to re-form itself after some time. An' now you's strong enough to fight them Bookseekers who walk here, would'ja take a spar?" Havok offered.

Reinon's eyes hauntingly moved to gaze at Havok, each pupil would move after a pupil moved. As if each eye followed each other's gaze.

Reinon nodded, and with that. A spar would occur between Havok, the Hunter and Reinon.


"Dromyao, cutie. How have you been?" A voice that came out from a radio shouted.

Dromyao opened his eyes, with azure blue pupils. Proud blonde hair and a light complexion, with some scars littering his body. His features were that of a handsome young man, as if he did not age even a year after his twenties.

Though in reality he was thirty six years old, the only features that showed his experience in his field of work being his scars. 

Dromyao narrowed his eyes as he finally got up from his bathtub littered with floating rose petals and other flowers. He was lean and tall, this along with his other features made him quite the charming bachelor if he'd ever finally decided to get a partner.

His bathroom looked pristine and expensive, as if they were all wrapped in gold and platinum. The rest of his house, or well... Mansion was but a mere fraction of his wealth, it was natural for someone of his stature to be this wealthy.

Dromyao finally spoke.

"What do you want, my queen...?" Dromyao said, more annoyed than respectful.

"Well... You see, Poledam's Bookseekers are about to go on an expedition soon. And I'm saying that if we let them get another damned Agricultural Book then our kingdom will... Y'know... Not look as good?" The queen through the radio spoke.

"I'm the General of the Order of the Exterminators, your majesty. I think you should talk to Youndux when regarding the acquisition of those books, I kill Guilties and Monsters. I do not go around looking for pieces of paper." Dromyao firmly spoke.

"How about humans with books... Do you exterminate those...?" The queen asked, this time clarifying her intentions.

Dromyao sighed and closed his eyes.

"My dear, didn't you say that whatever occurs under the walking continents stay buried?" The queen added.

"Yes, your majesty. I and my order of Exterminators will do that for you." Dromyao spoke with an annoyed expression.

Making another unnecessary decision...

Well, the queen has been able to maintain her power for quite a number of years now...

A potential war between the Drouk kingdom and the Poledam kingdom...

In terms of combat power, Drouk has tons of Flying Wyvern Cavalry and Drake Riders. They were stronger than individual soldiers of Poledam.

But in a prolonged battle, Poledam's blessing of Satiation means their own soldiers eat less food. Not even mentioning that because of their agricultural technology, they have so much food and therefore have more than thrice the amount of soldiers that any other kingdom including Drouk have.

Drouk's blessing of Taming was the reason for why Drouk had so much cavalry and other creature soldiers, but in the face of something seemingly simple such as food and satiety. It was gonna be a hard war to win.

Dromyao worried for the future of the kingdom of Drouk, if he and his order were caught messing with Poledam's Expeditions. Then it would mean war, a gruelling one.


It was time, after months of preparation. A gateway to the world library has been found. It was near some zombie-infested abandoned cities, the time limit was set. And the Expedition was going to proceed.

We have around five months until the walking continent walks to the other side of the world and the teleporter in Poledam gets out of range. Furthermore, the world gateway will reappear in some other place in four weeks. 

The Sin Cleansing will continue as the Bookseekers go in their expeditions to seek World Books.

At the edge of the walking continent, Jono and the other Expeditionary units were readying their equipment. Their float-kits which uses the idea of parachutes with the use of magic, a single floating stone rune that casts a small time spell that slows down air that passes through it.

In reality it was similar to an all-directional zipline, acting as if the air itself was a zipline that slowly goes down. But now, it was time to dive into the apocalypse.

"Zombie time, huh? We're going right into the thick of their territories this time." Jono joked to one of his team members.

"Hahaha! Definitely, there're signs of the strong ones too. We found one of em' named ones around, thing was like a shark in the air." The team member said.

"That's a scary one..." Jono muttered.

"But, hey. That Springwater ability of yours, put some trust in it just like we have. No need to be scared, we've got each other." The team member encouraged the young bookseeker.


The sound of time warping could be heard from the outskirts of the abandoned city. The humans had arrived.

They were expecting Corpse-kin, but little did they know of the living calamity brewing within those abandoned ruins. 

Wake up.

Fun Fact: Corpse-kin do not 'die' instead their consciousness is transferred into Vouthlow's mental inventory of consciousness. If a body part of the original Corpse-kin connects with enough flesh, then the consciousness is able to connect back to its original body.