Chapter 1 – Where the hell am I?
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[Quezon City, Philippines] 

[August 10, 2025]

Inside Drakes Apartment

[3rd POV] 

After 10 years of blood sweat and tears, he can finally get to visit my relatives after my service in the navy. Ever since he moves to America and enlisted in the navy, he barely got any time to visit his relatives in the Philippines and wanted to visit for a long time but the navy didn't grant him any shore leaves internationally, and only locally. Which pissed him off a bit but over time, he was over it and wanted to finish his contract and finally retire. 

And after 20 years in the navy, he finally got out with the rank of Captain. Which was amazing for a couple of reasons since he didn't have any notable ability to be promoted, but he grabbed any opportunity that he could find, either stepping someone, offending them, he didn't give a flying fuck as long as he could get out with a hearty pension and without any problems in the future. 

Once he finally signed those paper, he felt relief as he relaxed his shoulders for a bit as he immediately booked a flight to his homeland and visit his relatives. 

His relatives were surprised that he arrived unannounced and celebrated and joked around that Drake was a full on American 

But Drake just shrugged it off as he was happy that he got out, with a honorable discharge a good pension, and a excellent apartment that he bought near his relatives. 

After he visited his relatives, he then visited the graves of his parents whom died in a accident several years ago, he got over it somewhat but he didn't take the loss well and it took him 2 years to fully recover and move on. 

He was thankful for his parents teachings though as he was now a retired middle aged man. 

After visiting his parents graves, he finally went home to his apartment to unpack everything. 

He brought everything he had from America, including memorabilia when he was in the navy and some private collections that he bought. 

I all honesty, he kinda missed the navy a bit as it was his second family after all but stopped thinking about it and resumed unpacking. 

As he got to the biggest box, he chuckled to see the collection of fallout merchandise and one by one, he unpacked them carefully as he spent a good amount of fortune collecting everything he liked. 

Ever since he discovered the fallout game from a navy friend of his, he was awestruck and fell in love with the setting, the world, and the lore itself and dedicated half his time when he was on leave to buy fallout merchandise. 

He even had a custom gun designed aesthically to look like the gun from fallout itself. He was passionate and a hardcore gamer himself. 

As he got to the last box, he saw a glimpse of a fallout lore book that was titled 'Fallout New Vegas' and stopped for a moment to take a look at it. 

"Mhmm, It is years since I touched that last save I did on that game."

He thought to himself since the last time he played New Vegas was a year ago. It was heavily modded to around 200-300 mods. Some were custom weapons, npcs, new areas to explore, new lands, even porn add-ons. He didn't care since he enjoyed every minute of it, if people judged him for it, they can go fuck themselves as he was judges for it before. 

After thinking for about a few minutes, he decided to stop unpacking to boot up his computer. He can unpack everything later anyways. 

As he booted up his computer, he immediately started to set up his mods on the background and double check everything to see if anything missing and grinned as he found none and finally booted up the game. 

The familiar sound of New Vegas intro played on the speakers and he grinned like a kid. 

He didn't care if he was over 40 by now as he wanted to experience fallout NV once again by exploring the Mojave and just talking to various npcs that he had downloaded. 

He loaded his last save and as quickly as he booted up his game, the load followed through and he could finally see his character. 

It was a female character that wore Advance Riot Gear along with a Specialized/Customized Riot Shotgun that he loved. Along with his gear, he checked his characters inventory to see if anything was missing during his last save, and to his relief, nothing was missing as he scanned through his list of items that he had acquired and found in the modding site. 

He wished though that the items he had painstakingly acquired by scouring the internet, and literally buying the private developers of said mods to make his wish come true, even if it was for a brief moment. 

He wanted big things but all he got was that the tanks, vertibirds, planes, weapons, ammunition, even the gutsys and robots on his inventory list that he could take out at any time. Which disappointed him greatly for wasting a huge amount of money and time, but was happy nonetheless. 

As few hours passed, he drove his customized motorcycle through the expanded Mojave wasteland, exploring, killing, and talking to npcs, he finally stopped for a brief moment to stretch and looked at the time and was surprised that 4 hours has passed. 

His stomach rumbling a bit, he grimaced as he has to pizza again since he wasn't that great of a cook. As he was standing up to grab his phone that was on the box behind him, a NPC that has a name '???' approached my character. 

Confused, he sat down to look at the said NPC and was even more confused on why he approached his character since he was at the strip playing poker and somehow this npc sat down and chatted with my character. 

At first, he thought it was a bug or that he might be downloaded a mod that he didn't knew about and curious about this new interaction he agreed to talk to the said npc. 

The said npc opened up 

"Isn't this world interesting don't you think Valerie?" 

Valerie was the name of my character so he expected the dialogue options to pop up, but it didn't. What popped up was a box screen that he could type any word in. 

Beyond confused, he slowly became suspicious that this wasn't an ordinary npc, nor this was coincidence. So he cautiously replied. 

"It... Is a beautiful world sir. But may I ask why you approached me?" 

He cautiously asked

The npc laughed, like laughed with animation and all, and I suddenly had a empty sick feeling on my stomach as he replied, this time with a question of his own. 

"Interesting question. I approached you because you are the most suitable candidate to restore this world to its former glory!" 

He shouted with glee, glancing at my character but he could see his eyes that he was staring at me. 

I gritted my teeth as I typed in the words furiously

"and if I refuse?"  he dared asked

"oh Drake... You can't refuse. Whether you agree to nor, I can force you. And I don't like forcing people. It would... Be unpleasant." he teased, with a subtle light threat. 

Leaving me with no choice, I agreed since if this npc or otherworldly God is real, I have no choice since he could easily kill me and my family. And I wouldn't let that happen. 

"Good man! Do entertain me once you arrive here. Although a fair warning, I might've changed something while you were busy chatting with me." he smiled. 

"Don't worry, the change will not be noticeable at least to you for now. So I wish you Goodluck. As for my name... You can call me Q." 

And with that, he snapped his fingers and suddenly a bright light singed through my computer, blinding me and suddenly a loud explosion erupted around me and my whole world went black. 

[August 10, 2277]

[Same Location, Quezon City Philippines.] 

[3rd POV] 

She awoke with a slamming headache as she groaned and uttered

"Where the fuck am I...?"

She looked around, noticing the destroyed surroundings with occasional faint whispers of rats, mutant animals and the like and the unmistakable sound of a Geiger counter she sobered up quickly as she stood up within seconds as she scanned her surroundings. 

"Of all the places, why at my country...? And why me!!" She mentally shouted inside her head as she grabbed her riot shotgun that was dropped beside her and checked the rounds. 

Statisfied, she quickly looked around again to gain a sense of where she was again and realized she was in the same location before she was pulled to this world. 

The the first thing she realized was her voice. 

"what the fuck..." she looked down to see cleavage, along with her slender but athletic semi muscular figure and sighed defeatedly

"Why a woman" she bemoaned and just wanted to get over with to see if she has a pussy or not. 

As she pulled her pants slightly forward, she placed her hand inside her pants to check for herself. 

Only to be met with surprise as she exclaimed. 

"I have a fucking dick and a pussy??!!? WHAT THE FUCK Q!" she shouted to the heavens she didn't care for a brief moment before she realize her mistake and quickly finding a place to hide for now and organize her thoughts. 

This is my first time doing this sort of thing so I apologize if my grammar and English aren't good. 

As I said before in the title that this is sort of a wish fulfillment and I wanted to enjoy my time writing this and schedule may vary. 

So I appreciate any feedback from you dear readers if you ever find this as I'll update when I can if this gains traction. 

Many loves and yours, Tanya.