Chapter 5 – Violence is a necessary thing
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[Enroute to Quezon City] 

[August 24th, 2277]

[3rd Person POV] 

A few days passed since her journey to head to the main city. She stopped at areas where she could find potential loot and useful items and continued on her way

The items that she found were fairly useful short term and lucky for her, she found some buffouts, mentastats, and 3 stimpaks on a small hospital just on the side of the highway. 

As she was walking, she was thinking on the man named Steve and his story when the bombs fell. 

It was not too short of amazing on how he survived since some of the nukes were aimed at the naval fleet and didn't had time to avoid it and got head on. 

Steve only got away by pure luck when the Shockwave knocked him off the ship he was on and he found some debris left behind some of the ships and with just pure will, swam to the shores of the Palawan islands, then took shelter there for a few years before moving to Old Manila and shortly after that, got captured and experimented by ghouls of all people, leaving himself to be half ghoullified. 

She doesn't even know how he's alive after all that, but she has seen some weird shit that happens in the falllout verse. So hearing this man still kicking isn't all that surprising for him. 

An other information that I've gathered is that the Brotherhood settled here in 2270. Which was 7 years ago, which surprised me since Steve mentioned that when he saw the power armored soldiers as he called them before, he thought America was kicking again, only to be disappointed again. 

But it quickly went away as the newly established brotherhood quickly settled down in old Manila and started cleaning house. 

They'd changed Manila by recruiting, adding defenses, and even having a working hospital and a small fusion reactor that they've scrapped from a carrier on the China Sea or as the brotherhood called Naval graveyard since a lot of ships were still floating there. 

The brotherhood as stated by Steve didn't dare explore deeper north since the radiation was too high. 

"So it's impossible to scrap those ships for materials when I eventually established myself here."

Afterwards Steve concluded the only reason why he's around the brotherhood, famous for hating ghoul people was because of his old knowledge and his training in the navy. 

He was given a rank of scribe within the Brotherhood and that was it. It was very rare to see a ghoul at all in a human settlement like the brotherhood, so it was a surprise to other people as Steve concluded his story. 

As for Sarah, she find it amazing nonetheless that the half ghoullified individual was still alive and sharing his knowledge. 

A muffled gunshot echoed the area, breaking her thoughts as she readied her shotgun immediately and looked around. 

In front of her was a huge warehouse complex with the left side of it full of Ship containers, and their lay a small bandit hideout, complete with skulls in pikes and weird retro outfits. 

She realized that her shotgun wasn't quite adequate for this situation, so she stored her shotgun to take out 'Christine's Silencer Rifle' and quickly entered a large house just overlooking the warehouse complex. 

She quickly did a short routine of clearing out all the rooms first before ascending to the second floor and finding a best spot to overwatch the bandit hideout. 

After finding a good spot, she kneeled down and slowly placed the front of her rifle resting just outside of the window.

She quickly looked through her scope to see how many bandits were there and if it was easy for her to take them out. 

She knew her armor could take bullets, but she wasn't taking that chance since she doesn't know how strong the bandits were and how many they were. 

As she looked through the scope, she spotted around 10 bandits of all styles celebrating a catch, zooming in even further, their catch was mutant birds. Their size was that of a large lion, which surprised Sarah. 

"Now I have to worry about mutated birds as well... Come on..."

She sighed for a good few seconds as she resumed her overwatch on the bandit hideout. 

She eventually found the leader, who was a large built man shouting something, must be chanting as he waved his rifle around giving some sort of speed, then quickly end the speech to join his bandits friends for a quick chow. 

She couldn't see anymore than 20 bandits in total, which was a considerable size given how large the complex was. 

Not knowing how many they were, she was not taking chances by taking potshots at the bandits right now. 

So she waited for night to descend and glanced at her pipboy. 

It was 2 hours before sunset, so she has time to kill as she stood up to look for a decent chair within the house. 

After searching for a few minutes, she found a plastic chair that can be leaned on and carried it over to her spot where she was overlooking the bandits and waited. 

As she waited, she glanced at her pipboy and turned her knob on inventory and onto misc items and took out a book titled 'How to cook Scorpions in the Mojave' By Tina

She was curious on how the book came to be since this was recently made during the battle over hoover dam back when this was a game. 

[2 Hours 30 Minutes Later] 

She glanced up and looked at the time, it was 7 pm which slightly surprised her since she barely noticed the time passed by since she was engrossed at the book itself. 

She stored the book along with her Christine Rifle back at her inventory as she prepared herself for a night infiltration to kill all of the bandits.

"Didn't know you could cook scorpions that way..." She muttered as she was so interested and somewhat amused by the dark humor this author Tina narrated 

Heck as she read on, this woman even made scorpion claws as a weapon to kill her enemies. Such is the way of the wasteland. 

She shook her head as she brought out the 'Mysterious Magnum' out of her revolver. 

She inspected the revolver for a fair bit, fascinated at the fact she was in fact, holding the most lore mysterious revolver of the Mojave wasteland. 

She quickly loaded it with 6 rounds and also brought out a long sharp knife to pair with it and without hesitation, descended to the ground floor of the house and exited. 

She run fairly quickly to the other side of the highway thanks to her agility Stat at work, she still has no idea how of her stats translate into real life. 

So she might try to experiment when she feels safe or at least find someplace safe to showcase my skills. 

She jumped over a container and quickly looked below the said bandit hideout. 

Everyone was still awake, but not as many bandits were stationed outside of the complex as the most as she can see were 2 bandits relaxing over the drum fire, while the other 4 were patrolling the premises. 

She quickly devised a plan to kill the off silently if possible, if she's discovered, she would just go loud and end them all as quickly as possible. 

She jumped down the containers without a sound as she subconsciously used her Ninja perk to sneak up to the 2 bandits who were chatting about fucking a woman in one of the refugee outposts just north of here. 

She waited for the right moment as she wanted to execute them without them alerting anyone near their surroundings. 

Thankfully, the mountain of containers scattered around the area they were in helped her somewhat. 

When the second bandit moved somewhere else to take a leak, it was her chance to strike. 

She waited until the second bandit was out of the first bandits vision as she rushed over and stabbed the first bandit at the neck, and closing the mouth of the bandit tightly and twisted the knife, quickly ending the bandits life as she lead the dead bandit by the neck, and dragged his body to the side of the drum fire and removed her knife from the neck of the bandit.

Then, using her quick movements, she quickly navigated to where the second bandit was and stabbed him in the head while he was taking a leak, and fell down dead on the ground. 

"That's 2 down... Now next is the patrols..." 

Using her perk subconsciously once again, she quickly found the other 4 bandits in separate locations outside of the complex and killed them all. 

"Now all that's left is the bandits inside... 

She looked at the front entrance and contemplated going in guns blazing, but where's the fun in that, she even wanted to use a stealth boy to go in and just kill the all but she need information, hence she run to the side of the complex to find a maintenance ladder and quickly as she found it, she ascended towards the rooftop and entered the door that descends inside of the said complex. 

As she descended the stairs, carefully not alerting the bandits in case they were near her, she was surprised on the sheer amount of containers that was stored within this warehouse complex and there he found the rest of the bandits, just chatting and having an orgy with the women they've found on the streets of the wasteland. 

As she was watching she complimented out of nowhere muttering something of the lines of

"Damn. They are giving their all to not die by just taking multiple men. Are they that desperate?" 

She laughed a bit, seeing this scene reminds her that rules of old were dead and only power is left. 

'Might makes Right' as one would say. 

She shrugged as she stored her knife along with her Mysterious Magnum on her inventory to grab her trusty Riot shotgun. 

She was saddened that she didn't get to use the Magnum, but she'll find a special occasion to use it. 

She then descended quickly to ground level to approach the bandits orgy party and mentally counted how many are still left. 

"24 huh. So totalling 30. Must be somewhat influencial if they're kept this alive for long." 

She mentally readied herself for the massacre of what's to come. 

She knew the women that were in the orgy were also gon a die, but why would she care? It was kill or be killed after all. 

She readied her shotgun and slowly appeared in their sights. 

As the bandit leader tried to shout out the words on who are you

She opened fired on them, without mercy, she also saw the women who were also shocked that they were also getting shot as I pressed the trigger repeatedly. 

Hearing the sound of flesh splashing around, limbs flying, and shouts of agony, she finds it... Comforting surprisingly as she was killing bandits after all. 

And as a ex navy, she didn't mind killing as she was mentally prepared for it. 

After she emptied my drum magazine, a pregnant silence descended on the complex as she calmly reloaded her shotgun and took stock on the situation. 

Everyone was dead or dying as the effect of her shotgun was clear to her. 

She dismembered everyone in front of her as she approached a fresh dismembered bandit and checked for any valuables. 

As she was checking every corpse, a bandit that was dying stared at her, horrified at what he was witnessing as he muttered, poking blood. 

"Y-you mo-monster..." 

She chuckled "Says the bandits who's enjoy raping women." 

"Now if you'll excuse me, I'm trying to loot everything you have so die painfully." 

She didn't wait for the bandits reply as she shot the bandits head off with a shotgun as she whistled at the rifle and valuables she found on the bandits. 

"I'm going to be rich! Man good thing that they're stupid. Then again, most of the bandits on the Mojave were stupid... Oh well time to loot baby?!" 

With that, she got to looting. 

I hope the first combat she had was OK as a test run as I planned for her to fight more even battles in the future. 

And I'm curious on how strong the advanced riot gear if it was real life so any feedback is appreciated on what you want to see the Mc encounter on her way to the big city! Or first the first humans she would see at the refugee outpost. 

Thank you all and many loves