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She was dying.

Ayah couldn’t think about anything past that horrifying thought.

She was dying and there was nothing she could do about it.

She was going to die in this godforsaken land she had willingly stepped into.

Blood trickled past her lips and down her chin, and joined the bloody pool slowly collecting around her prone body. She could feel the rocks dig into her face, and in her fuzzy field of vision, she could see small insect-like creatures gather around her, waiting, anticipating. 

The ground shook around her with every step the behemoth took. She tried to think of a way out, of something she could do to escape her looming death, but the pain from her wounds was slithering to the front of her mind, although her senses were dulling.

She opened eyes she hadn’t noticed she had closed to glance at the monster. It poised its body upward, ready to pounce at her.

She tried to move, to get out of its way, to run… nothing. Her body refused to obey her.

Her eyes stung and tears collected at the corner then spilled to rejoin the bloody mess.

She didn't want to die.

She still had lots of things to do, lots of places to see, lots of firsts to experience.

‘This sucks, I finally managed to get some vacation time.’

The monster twisted and lunged forward, its gaping mouth salivating at the promise of a meal.


Player detected.


Initiating ‘Survival Protocol.’

You have five seconds before imminent death. Would you like to use the Special skill: ‘Heaven's wrath’?





Skill used successfully.