How Come You’re Arguing With A Lord!?
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“Steady land, how I missed you,” Cassie lamented the moment her feet hit the ground. “I never want to fly again.”

“You humans are weak,” Lilith observed in jest.

“Selene is human too, y’know? Why don’t you ever insult her!? And why am I the only one you refer to as human!? You call Rena by her real name!”

“Selene acts more like a demon than a human, unlike you, human. Rena is her friend, so I shall treat her with respect. You, on the other hand, are barely an acquaintance. Besides, I enjoy enraging you.”

“Hahaha! Lilith likes me more than you, Cassie,” Rena mocked. “I knew I liked that sultry demon for a reason.”

“Can you three get along for five minutes? We have a lot to do before we can rest. Let’s collect the reward for our contract, sell these materials to Briggs, and then we can get some rest. Tomorrow, we’ll go to the Mage Tower to find out about this basilisk egg and find a headquarters we can live in.”

“You’re just eager to get a place where you can share a bed with Lilith without me being there too,” Cassie accused.

Selene rolled her eyes and started on her way, refusing to engage in Cassie’s childish antics. To her, it was just in Lilith’s nature to be flirtatious and physical, so she didn’t think much about it. She enjoyed having a cute demon-girl she could cuddle, but she didn’t understand why Cassie was so obsessed with their relationship being more than friends.

Because she didn’t want to attract attention to herself, Selene had landed in the grasslands near the city, but away from the majority of people. A dragon sighting would’ve only caused panic, and she was mindful of that. However, it meant they would need to walk an hour back to the city. After fighting five basilisks that morning and flying until late afternoon, they were all ready to relax.

“Uwah! Home sweet home,” Rena shouted the moment they walked through the gates.

“Calm down, dork, we’ve been gone for a day.” Cassie didn’t understand why Rena annoyed her so much, but she couldn’t help but get upset whenever the elf spoke.

“Why do those two not get along,” Lilith, who had taken her human appearance, asked Selene in a hushed tone.

“Cassie used to be popular in our town because she put on a good act, but Rena always calls her out for her attitude that other people ignored. Cassie hates not being treated like she’s special, thus they’re always going to fight until she changes her attitude.”

“Fascinating. You seem to get along with her despite her attitude.”

“That’s only because we came here from the same place. We have a shared experience that only we can understand, so it’s hard to abandon her despite her personality.”

“Humans are truly strange creatures. Succubi have no need for such sentimentality, it only leads to weakness.”

“Oh? So why do you want to stay with me if not for sentimental reasons?”

“Because Selene is different,” Lilith said in her sultry voice.

“Huh? I’m really not that special. I mean, when I left my home, no one showed up to see me off, not even my parents cared. When I saw you in that cave, all alone and resigned to your life of solitude, I couldn’t help but empathize with you. In my old town, I was almost always alone. Even when I was at my job, no one noticed me. I guess I just can’t understand why you would want to stay with someone like me, even if I am immortal.”

Lilith grabbed Selene’s hand and squeezed it reassuringly. While she didn’t fully understand what she had described, she could tell that she was being sincere. As a succubus, Lilith wasn’t the type to get emotionally attached to anyone. However, there was something about Selene that she wanted to be with.

They stepped into the adventurers’ guild, who all watched the party in disbelief; a party composed of the strangest four girls any of them had ever seen. The other adventurers all heard about the “supposed” OP adventurer and her succubus companion. They thought it was laughable for someone who was apparently supremely powerful to associate with the tiny elf with a child’s toy as a weapon and a bratty nobody.

“Back already, missy,” Bryson, the ugly A-rank orc greeted the OP leader of the party with a smug grin on his face. “What happened? Did you turn around because you missed your warm bed? Or did you get scared and ran back with your tail between your legs?”

“Nope, we’ve come to accept our reward for completing the contract,” Selene responded with a smile.

“Hahaha! Yeah, right! You probably just cleared out a nest of garden snakes! A real basilisk would eat you before you could blink!”

“Really? I’ll keep that in mind for next time. Beatrice, we’re back!”

“Wow, I wasn’t expecting to see you for a week,” Beatrice greeted them with a smile. “I assume you’re back so soon for a reason.”

Rena stepped up and placed the five enormous mana gems on the counter. “We’re here to collect our reward for completing the contract!”

“…What?” Beatrice looked like she was going to faint from surprise. “H-how did…”

“Would you like the short story or the long story,” Selene asked with a knowing grin.

“Short will suffice.”

“I used my abilities to fly us there in a fraction of the time and then I took out four of them with various attacks while Cassie killed the last one.”

“…Well, these are obviously basilisk gems…”

“Maybe this will sway you.” Selene took out the basilisk egg, a couple fangs, and some of its skin as further evidence.

“Woah… C-can you give me a moment, I-I need to get the money for your reward?” Beatrice rushed off in a daze before any of them could respond.

Bryson took advantage of the guild master’s absence and stormed over to confront Selene. “What kind of game are you playing!? Do you really expect me to believe you killed four basilisks on your own!?”

“…Do I need to kill one in front of you for you to believe me? No matter what I say, you won’t believe me because you can’t accept the fact a woman is stronger than you. Weak men deny the strength of others in order to bolster their delusion of superiority. If I were to demonstrate how I accomplished my feats, you would just find something else to accuse me of being a fake.”

“Just who do you think you are!? You’re just some spoiled brat with a few abilities, you’re nothing special! Hanging around some puny elf and a slutty demon, you’re all frauds!”

Selene held back Rena and Lilith from attacking the infuriating orc. Rena didn’t like being disrespected and Lilith couldn’t stand seeing someone insult Selene. Selene, on the other hand, had her own idea in mind.

“Alright, how about we settle things once and for all? Give me your best shot. Don’t hold back. I want you to seriously kill me. Do it.”

An evil smirk spread over his face. Ever since she had humiliated him, he had been looking forward to the day he could get revenge. Now, she was giving him a golden opportunity to wipe that aggravating smile off her face permanently.

“Deal, but your friends will have to mop up whatever remains of you.”

The two walked to the center of the main room and prepared for what most of the guild believed would be a messy ordeal. Even if the new girl was strong, there was no way she could survive a real blow from Bryson. The orc was renowned for his weapon power, strong enough to shatter the skull of a full-grown minotaur. The beautiful young woman stood no chance in their minds. However, he felt a bit uneasy by the lack of concern from her party.

Bryson removed his enormous axe from his back and gave it a couple experimental swings. In his mind, he was going to make quick work of the overconfident girl that made a fool of him.

He charged forward at his unmoving target. He reared back his axe and swung in down in a furry on his target. The blade sank deep into her collarbone at an angle, severing her jugular and nearly decapitating the gorgeous girl.

However, instead of collapsing to the ground in a pool of blood, Selene smiled at the orc. She grabbed the handle of the axe and pulled it out like it was nothing. The flesh snapped back together until it was like nothing had happened to her. The axe snapped in half from the pressure of her grip, the clanging as it hit the ground echoed throughout the hall.

“I think we’re done here. Next time, I won’t let you walk away.”

Selene walked back to her party and yawned from boredom.

“Show off,” Cassie criticized.

“If I really wanted to show off, I would have shown them my other form. This way, no one had to die.”

Before anyone else could talk, Beatrice barged back in. “What’s going on here!? I step away for five minutes and you engage in some kind of stupid duel! Bryson! I hope you’ve learned your lesson not to underestimate Selene. If she wanted to kill you, you would already be dead. You four, come with me.”

“Huh? Why? We’re tired and hungry, killing a stupid basil-whatever was exhausting,” Cassie complained.

“I know, I know, this won’t take too long. The person who posted that contract would like to hand the reward to you directly.”

“I guess we have no choice,” Rena groaned. She wasn’t interested in elongating the issue any more than it needed to be.

The party begrudgingly followed the guild master out the front gates and down the road a short way until they were standing in front of an enormous mansion. It only made sense that the person who promised a reward of a thousand gold coins would be wealthy, but they didn’t care who was paying them, just that they got paid. Whoever lived in the mansion was assuredly rich and powerful, which only made Selene uncomfortable. Cassie didn’t seem affected at all, neither did Rena, and Lilith was more interested in staring at Selene’s hair.

“We’re here to see Frederick,” Beatrice explained to the guardsmen that stood in front of the wrought iron gates.

“Yes, ma’am. He’s expecting you.”

One of the guardsmen led them through the gates and past the elaborate gardens that made up the majority of the courtyard. A gaudy foundation in the shape of an eagle sat in the center of the courtyard. It was a confusing sight, especially considering that eagles didn’t spend much time around water.

“Who lives in this place,” Selene asked Rena in a hushed whisper.

“Some lord, I think. It has nothing to do with me, so I never pay attention to politics.”

“Great, a man who thinks he’s genetically superior and treats people as pawns,” Selene mumbled to herself.

“Shush,” Cassie scolded. “Maybe he’s one of those good lords.”

“How can there be ‘good lords’ when a hierarchical governmental system only breeds corruption and nepotism. They don’t earn their positions nor are they held responsible for acts that affect people who they see as lesser. By the very definition of what lords are, it is categorically impossible for there to be a good one.”

“…Well, that may be true, but we’re not here to lead a democratic revolution, so shut up.”

They were led to a large set of double doors that opened in a flourish for them to enter. The room was a glorified office, with a desk, bookshelves full of volumes that whoever owned them most likely never read, and an unnecessarily fancy chair.

The lord that sat in the silly chair was a handsome man, most likely in his mid-twenties. His dark-brown hair was combed back to bring attention to his angular jawline. He was broad-shouldered, muscular, and undoubtedly athletic. He had a kind smile, but that only enraged Selene more.

She was an avid enjoyer of RPGs and fantasy novels, and that led her to learn more about the systems of government in those worlds. This had the effect of making her resent the monarchy and the nobility that stemmed from it. Lords, barons, earls, dukes, viscounts, it didn’t matter how good or kind they were, she only saw them as beneficiaries of heredity and the suffering of the struggling worker.

“Welcome, welcome! Allow me to introduce myself; I am Lord Frederick Haustein the third.”

“Uh-huh,” Selene glared at him with intense distaste.

“Selene! Show him proper respect,” Beatrice scolded her.

“Why? What has he done to earn my respect?”

“He’s a lord, the second son of the king!”

“And? I should inherently respect him because his father hoards wealth and controls citizens with violence?”

“What are you saying!?” Beatrice was about to have an embolism when the lord stepped in.

“Now, now, there’s no need for shouting. She’s allowed to have her opinions, there’s no need to lambast her for that. You must be Selene, thank you for humoring me despite your views.”

“Can we hurry this up? I have no interest in small talk with someone who thinks they’re superior because of who their father is.”

The lord chuckled at her as he sat back down in his ugly seat. “And whom do you think is superior?”

“That question implies that there are people that are inherently inferior. That mindset leads to atrocities that are viewed as acceptable because they only affect inferior individuals. It also suggests that the superior can do whatever they want to those that are deemed inferior, no matter how repugnant or horrific they may act. A person of your position could stomp a homeless child to death, and nothing would happen because you are superior to that child, who you see as no better than a rat. If you say you’re a kind lord who cares for your people, then why call yourself a lord? If you really care about them, why don’t you view them as equals? Now, can we have our money for the contract?”

Everyone stared at Selene like she had just stepped on a tripwire. No one had ever dared speak against the nobility before, but now a newcomer that was extremely powerful was insulting one to their face. Cassie understood what she was saying, but she wasn’t thrilled with her carelessness. Lilith, on the other hand, didn’t understand nor did she care. Her only concern was Selene’s safety.

“…Fascinating. It’s refreshing to hear someone speak without fear of retribution. You may be wondering why the son of the king is a lord and not a prince. That’s because I mostly agree with your views. I would like to speak with you again, but I can understand your distaste. Hans, can you bring in the reward?”

“Lord Frederick, are you sure you don’t want to punish her,” the guard named Hans asked.

“How exactly do you propose to punish an immortal who could level this city to the ground if she wished? Even if I told you to arrest her, she would break the chains and kill the lot of us. She’s done nothing wrong. Now go get the reward.”

The guard stepped out of the room, leaving them in an awkward silence. There wasn’t much to say after Selene had thoroughly insulted the lord and the lord admitted that it was impossible to hold her accountable. Only Lilith wasn’t bothered. Instead, she was staring at Selene’s angry face in awe. She hadn’t seen Selene so passionately angry before and she found it extremely attractive.

“…Since when are you political,” Rena asked in a whisper.

“Believing that people should be treated equally and fairly has nothing to do with politics. I don’t see why that view is so controversial. The only people who seem to have a problem with it are those who don’t want to lose their positions of power.”

“…Fair enough.”

Luckily for everyone, Hans returned with a small chest of coins and laid it on the ground in front of the intimidating leader of the party.

“Thanks,” she replied half-heartedly. Before she claimed the reward, she glared at the lord again. “If you interfere with my ability to live peacefully in this city with my friends, I will make your life hell.”

“Are you threatening his lordship!?” Hans was even more taken aback than the lord.

“It’s not a threat as long as he leaves me alone, just a warning.”

“Enough out of you!” Hans yelled as he attempted to stab Selene.

The blade sunk into her side, having no effect on her whatsoever. She kicked the impertinent guard away and pulled the sword out of her flesh. “When will you people learn? I only wish to live in peace with my friends, take on contracts, and help people, yet everyone insists on attacking me. It’s getting annoying.”

She squeezed the blade into a mangled mess of metal and tossed it to the side. The little patience she had was gone entirely and she just wanted to leave.

“If you try to take revenge by hurting the people closest to me, you won’t live long enough to revel in your glee. See ya.”

The party awkwardly walked out of the office, leaving the lord and Beatrice in stunned silence. Neither of them knew what to do or what to say, but they also knew that the only choice was to do nothing. The lord wasn’t going to risk the lives of hundreds for the sake of a petty disagreement and Beatrice couldn’t afford to refuse such a powerful adventurer from taking contracts. In the end, despite her actions, nothing would change.

“…That was weird,” Rena broke the silence the moment they were outside the gates.

“You’re such an idiot! All you had to do was play nice and take his money! But no, you just had to go on some idealistic diatribe about tearing down the monarchy or whatever! You’re such an idiot,” Cassie yelled at her former coworker.

“And? What are they going to do? I have no interest in leading a revolution, I just don’t want to deal with his kind any more than I have to. If they try anything, I’ll just go to another city and leave this one to its own corruption.”

“You’re so aggravating! It’s always about what you want and what you can do to them!”

“You’re one to talk. Tell me again how you handled your job and the people around you. Just drop it. Let’s go back to the inn for dinner. We’ll find a proper house tomorrow.”

The four headed to the inn; Rena and Cassie exchanged complaints about Selene’s behavior while Lilith held onto Selene’s arm like a clingy girlfriend.

“Selene, you were extremely attractive when you yelled at that man. The reward for saving me will be extra special for my lovely Selene.”

“Yeah, yeah. Hold back on anything like that until we don’t need to share a room with Cassie. I’m assuming you’ll want to share a room with me.”

“Of course. Why would I want to be separated from my Selene?” Lilith was being extra seductive after the events of the day. Even in her human form, she was irresistibly attractive. The only person who seemed unaffected was Selene.

“You’re such a sweetheart, Lilith.” Selene rested her head on her shoulder as they continued to walk through the streets. “I wonder if you would still think as highly as me if I didn’t look like this.”

“Succubi use humans for our benefit, it matters not what they look like. The thing that attracts me to you is your kindness.”

“…Even if I was an out of shape dork with glasses and messy hair?”

“Does your appearance change how kind you are?”

“…………Are you just trying to seduce me?”

“Maybe. However, do you see me seducing anyone other than Selene?”

“…I’m happy I met you, Lilith.”