Chapter 8: Nightmare
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“Pew! Pew! Bang bang! Dodododo!”

Right now, I am hearing the cute noises of my supposed daughter, using finger guns and defeating the current monstrosities that seem very endless.

“Eve, is it me or is May a bit too op?”

“Well she was always my trump card. Though I feel she’s gotten a bit too powerful now.”

‘Considering her Domain is Magic itself, it is no surprise she is this powerful.’

“So I’m guessing this is going to be a breeze. Sweet.”

‘Do not let your guard down Evelyn.’

“But all I gotta do is name Nightmare, right? As soon as I do that, we’ll be a-okay.”

‘Still, do not let it down. We do not know what Nightmare has in store for us.’

“Well, whatever. By the way Mori, I’ve been wondering this, but I can still do that whole power borrowing I could do back when I had all my avatars, right?”

“Well, your power is still the same, so you probably could. Not that you got many avatars to borrow from, since all you got are May and Elizabeth. You really need to name Assassin already.”

“I’ll do it. I’ll do it. When I remember.”

Suddenly, from behind us, a voice was heard. “You lot sure are carefree, despite being in a hostile environment.”

‘Nightmare. I see you got yourself ready.’

“Well, that whole Ring girl and Freddy hybrid look didn’t really stick with me, so I decided to change it up a bit. You like it?” Looking at us was a completely pale girl, wearing black trousers, a black shirt and a long black coat that reached to her feet and insides that looked like the never-ending expanse of space, accompanied by her black, wide brim fedora and a pair of black shades. “I’m trying to get that vigilante feel. It’s an easy way to inflict fear after all. Well, except for the mask. I hate masks. By the way, your friends seem nice Sandman, who are they?”

“Oh, I’m May! Nice to meet you!”

“A cheerful one, huh. Disgusting. And the other two? Well, I already know who the one in the cloak is. The scythe gives it away. So what about the average one? She seems like dead weight to me.”

“Uh… my name is Evelyn… and I’m here to catch you. Yeah.” Oh god, that aura of hers is terrifying.

“Evelyn. That explains the familiar face. May, huh. That’s a nice name for the Witch. You hear to reclaim me?”

“Uh… I guess.”

“Well, too bad. I quite like it here in the Dreamrealm, although since Sandy there brought some real people, I think I might just try to trap you guys here forever. I am dying for some company, after all. Enough with the pleasantries since we all know why we’re here.”

‘If we could talk, I think that wou-’ Before his speech bubble could finish, Sandman was taken away by a flock of crows.

“We’ve had plenty of time to talk, but now. Now is the time for fighting.” With that, she split into four, with one opening a portal underneath May and going in with her, another following the crows, and then one tackling me through another portal.

“Hello there Evelyn, such a shame we were all split up, huh. Don’t worry. I’m here with you. I just want to hear some words from you. Or maybe some screams. Depends on how I feel.”

Oh god. Someone please help me.

“Nothing. I guess the Grim Reaper is scared of nothing. Now that’s boring.”

“Nonsense. Let me give you context as to why this is my fear. I am the oldest thing in existence, the only thing coming before me being the First. Even then, we were born at roughly the same time. Here’s the thing however. The First had died long ago, although after giving existence to some creations of his. Yet I persist. No matter how low the population of existence gets, I will always remain. So what if I’ll always remain? That is my fear. That I’ll never truly die. Death can’t die after all.”

“Well, that’s boring. Your fear won’t come true for the longest of times. Also, you think that’s lonely? Imagine having someone else who won’t talk to you. Having people all around you make noises of happiness. You think this loneliness of yours is bad. I think I know worse.”

“I guess so. However, your loneliness only persists because of you. You can willingly not cause nightmares after all. My nature causes my loneliness. I doubt you can understand the difference, however.”

“Tch. Whatever you say, Skeleton. You know, you’re no fun.”

“Well then, that sure sucks, huh? I think it’d be better to attack me physically. After all, my mind has had an eternity to become strong.”

“Hmm… Oh, I found something. Maybe instead of targeting you,” suddenly, an extremely wicked grin appeared on Nightmare’s mouth, “I should target a close one.” A window to wherever Evelyn is opened and Nightmare walked through. “I know you don’t have much control in the Dreamrealm, so have fun watching this.”

“So, you’re scared of nothing?”


“Why is that?”

“Well everyone is so cool, and even if I don’t like it, with my magic, I can make it go poof and turn it into something I like.”

“Huh. I really don’t know what I was expecting. You were always the happiest one, weren’t you.”

“Yep! So anyway sis, why don’t you get your name from mama?”

“Because I don’t want to.”

“But why?”

“Cause I don’t.”


“You know what, since you crying would be annoying, I’m just going to say I’d rather not go back inside that crummy soul and never be allowed out due to my nature. It’s lonely here, but at least I can rampage whenever I feel like it. Now, since your reactions are kind of boring, I’m just going to straight-up go away. Actually, why don’t we just watch Evelyn? Yeah, that seems like a plan.”


“A sleepless world. A dream to many, but a nightmare to a certain someone. Seems about right, huh Sandy.”

‘All I feel is sadness, not fear.’

“Ah, but nightmares are negative, you know. Doesn’t have to be scary. Although it is easier to get someone’s reaction through a good old fashioned scare.”

‘So why show this to me?’

“Well, it’s your biggest fear. Although looking at your reaction, I’m starting to think you don’t have feelings. No wonder you were willing to throw me to the side and ignore me. You monster. I have no idea how the other mes are going, but I hope they’ve succeeded in taking down Skullface and that Witch. As for Evelyn, well I can take my time. She does seem the easiest.”

‘And me?’

“Oh, come on, that should be easy. Look, we’re both tied to the Dreamrealm. So guess what.”


“I’mma make you my queen.”

‘...’ “Eh?”

“Oh, so that makes you speak up, huh. Well, this is less fun than I thought it’d be.”

‘What do you mean queen?’

“So anyway, since I achieved my goal of hearing your voice, which by the way was very anti-climatic, I say we grab some popcorn and watch Evelyn together. I can hear the main me’s laughter and her screams, so I can't wait to see it.”

“HAHAHAHA! What the actual fuck. Is this seriously your biggest fear. Man, this is the funniest thing I’ve seen in the six months I’ve had proper freedom since that time I saw a guy accidentally slip on a banana in his dream and real-life at the same time.”

Ducks. Geese. Flamingos. So many birds. Not even the good ones! Where are the penguins? The penguins? The… actually, I only like penguins.

“For a slayer of monsters and a maker of gods, you sure have the dumbest of fears.”

“But birds… birds spite everything! From living creatures to abstract objects! I mean, pigeons spite us, flamingos spite natural selection and geese. GEESE. Geese spite everything! Let’s not get started on the fact that all birds spite gravity!”

“Woah there. Rather than you being scared, you’re scaring me. Well, whatever. At least this should keep you down.”

“Why… why are you… do- AH! AN EMU! I mean… why are you doing this?”

“Well, one it’s kind of my thing, you know. Second, I hate you. You’re more or less the reason I’m like this. I mean, come on, what were you thinking when you decided to make an avatar called The Nightmare?”

“I… I thought it’d be cool.”

“I see. Well, unfortunately your little ‘cool’ avatar is now a huge fucking loner. Thanks a lot.”

“You… could come back with us.”

“Yeah, right. Why would I go with someone scared of birds? Actually, why would I go back with either Sandy there or the literal Grim Reaper? I won’t lie. Going back with any of you guys seems terrible.”

“You scared of them or something?”

“Hah! Nope. I just don’t like the idea of going out. Not that I will, since unless you have some sort of hi- URK!”

“Huh, just in time. But seriously though, birds. Really mom?”

“Haa… please just remove them Assassin.”

“Done and dusted. Nightmare’s tied up, the birds all eradicated, and the other three no longer watching you. You owe me one, mom. Got that?”

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Well then, toodles!” And with that, Assassin disappeared.

‘So, what do we do about her?’ 

“Let me go! Argh! What are these ropes made of?!”

“I say we ditch her. Eve doesn’t need someone like her.”

“I’d… like to help her. She is one of my avatars, after all.”

‘I would also like to help her.’

“So… uh… Nightmare. Why did you do that?”

“Cause I’m lonely.”

‘That was a quick reply. I thought you would put up more resistance.’

“Well, looky here Dusty, I’m already beat, and I’d really like to just go back to hiding in my corner. At least there I can yell out all I want.”

“We could let you come live with us if you’d like.”

“Pfft. As if you’d do that.”

“I would, and I’ll even name you, as proof that I won’t abandon you.”

“A name? How will that help?”

“It would connect us back together, like we were before, however, unlike before you can roam free. I mean, look at May here. You see her going back in?”

“No. You know what, fine then, I’ll let you name me.”

“Well then, any preferences?”


“Then I’ll name you Phoebe.” A golden thread once again came out, this time wrapping around Phoebe’s wrist. After that, we let her go.

“Huh. That’s warm.”

“You know Eve. I feel like this entire thing has been anti-climatic.”

“Eh, it could be worse.”

‘Guys, I am afraid I will have to inform you of bad news.’

“What is it Sandman?”

‘Well… Phoebe here heard my voice, so that means she cannot leave the Dreamrealm.’

At that statement, everyone’s mouths opened in surprise, except for May’s, who was busy playing with some butterflies from someone’s dream.

“So you’re saying I’m stuck here forever?”

‘Uh… yes.’

“And it’s because of you?”

‘Yes, I will do anything to compensate for this.’

“Hehe. I know just the thing.”

‘Wait, what?’

And with that, we saw Phoebe drag the Sandman away.

“Huh, well that happened.”

“What do you think is going to happen to him Mori?”

“Dunno, but it won’t kill him.”

“I see.”

“Well then, I say we wake up right now. You coming, Eve?.”

“Nah, I want to sleep more.”

“Suit yourself.”

This chapter sure is long. Well, by my standards. To be honest, I wanted to do this cool action fight scene, but then I realised why would someone who uses nightmares do that, so it ended up like this. Am I happy about this chapter? Yeah. Do I think I could have gone in a better direction? Definitely. But what is done is done. So, for now, here's the chapter.

In other news, I read over the past Author's Note and realised I really like bringing up the cover issue. So I've decided to stop that. Instead, I'll comment on the tags. Except I won't, because at the time of typing this Author's Note, I've forgotten what tags I was going to comment on and can't be bothered to look at them again. This chapter tuckered me out, after all. The next chapter might be about the Nightmare/Sandman duo, introducing the next Roundtable member who wants Eve's help, or a chapter that is equally as dumb as Roundtable Rival. It depends on how my brain is functioning when I get to typing it. Toodles.