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I started down at Star. I was more worried about the prophecy than anything else but this was the last play and I held off memorizing the details until now.

"Mindhealer was a skilled reader and always comforted Comet when the others were cruel."

"don't worry even without powers you still are important" Star said to Honorable

"he memorized the geography of the kingdom, even without powers, he hoped to do something with his hard work to bring honor to his tribe" Enemyfinder resited perfectly

Comet lifted off and I lowered the sun and someone else lowered a little cloud.

"one beautiful day, Comet was out flying when suddenly the weather changed completely into a hazardous storm with one full moon in the distance" Enemyfinder said as Comet lifted off

I pulled up the sun and others pushed down the gray clouds and someone else dropped down the moon.

I blew out a stream of fire to act as lightning then ran to go help pull the clouds up.

"then just as suddenly it was all gone and it was a sunny day again"

someone dropped the sun down.

"Comet flew to find Mindhealer and told her about what happened"

Star looked up at Honorable and said "Comet you've had a vision"

"'they flew to the queen instantly to warn her but she just laughed for her own dragonets were in his class and had told her about him"

Brighteyes walked in with elegent confidence a crown perched on top of her head.

"you are a powerless dragonet how could you have a vision that my seers haven't?" she scoffed

"but ma'am-"

"no get out of my sight!" the queen shouted

"a week later the queens seers had the vision of the hurricane but none could find the time it started only Comet saw the one full moon, Comet and Mindhealer found every dragon who believed in them and he took them to the caves to wait out the storm"

I flew down with the other ten dragons who fly to the caves with Comet and Mindhealer.

"soon the entire kingdom followed except a few, and the NightWings waited as the great storm blew through their kingdom"

we all stood around on the stage a little awkwardly.

"and although the storm brought terrible destruction, but all the NightWings were saved. and ever afterward, on those rare occasions when Comet had a vision, everyone listened"

the play was over.

thank the moons.

I ran back stage as the crowd applauded. I hate crowds especially when they're looking at me.

I spread my wings and took off for my room.