Chapter 6: Next level
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Skating has become a community for me. I might be the youngster in the group but I can hold my own. I managed to talk my mother into letting me go to the skatepark on school nights as long as I was back before a set time and do my homework after dinner. Straight after getting home I rush to get changed and spend a few hours just relaxing on my board, improving and sometimes just talking about tricks. There really isn’t much except skating in my life and the illusion of school. I still can’t skate at school but there is no halfpipe at school either. I have almost dedicated myself to the halfpipe, I am not really into street skating. I have had this board for a little over a year now, I know the names of everyone that hangs out at the park, that kid that challenged me didn’t return after that day and it is just chill. Sometimes I even see Stanley from the shop there, he is pretty good but it feels like he is there as a hobby not as a lifestyle, I talk to him every time I get my magazines or some tapes to watch. I don’t know what it is but today he is watching me a lot more. I finish my run and let someone else have a go then head up to him.

“Hey Stanley, everything alright?” I ask.

“Yea, all good was just impressed, you have some skills. I was actually wondering if you have thought about making your own tapes?” is he asking me if I want to take it up a level?

“You mean recording it for others to watch?”

“I was thinking of trying some advertising campaigns with local skaters, I already checked with Ryan earlier today and I was thinking of asking Casper too but for the vert part I honestly would love footage of you, if you are up for it. I will give you your mags free for life if you like,”

“Oh- wow that sounds rad and all but- wow,” I can’t even process this. I have seen so many tapes and magazines with proper big name skaters, while I know a small time local skate shop isn’t a big deal it is still the idea that someone wants me on a tape, that I offer something worth watching, I am good enough to actually be maybe not just some skater but maybe have a real life in skating.

“You don’t have to decide today and you will have to get permission from your legal guardian but let me know the next time you get your mag alright? I will get my assistant Pat to do the recordings for it when the time comes in a few weeks but you could really start going places,”

“Yeah I will think about it,” I respond before heading back to the halfpipe to wait my turn.

I fall pretty badly and nurse my leg as I get out of the way for the next person, what a waste of a turn...

“Harsh wipe out there Celia, you okay?” Adrian asks sitting next to me when he finishes his line.

“Yeah was just a bit distracted, nothing hurt except my ego- well my leg too but that is starting to feel better,”

“Just another one for the collection, what has you distracted enough to cause that? Not at all like you,”

“Stanley is planning a tape to advertise the store and wanted me for vert,”

“Dam, that’s hardcore, I mean I get why, you are one of the best at vert here,”

“You think? I would have thought Ryan and Vinny were the go to for it,”

“Ryan is sick but he is more balanced you focus on vert and Vinny does well but he doesn’t do his time, I think he is growing out of this,”

“Kill me if I ever grow out of this, fucking hell this is my life not some hobby,”

“I get what you mean, I hope I am still skating when I am grown up and with a job,”

“Urgh jobs, don’t remind me, I already hate school, a job is going to suck,”

“Then skate free sister, times a wasting and looks like you are up,”

“You too Adrian” I call back as I prepare to drop in again. I don’t fall this time able to focus finally. Belonging somewhere and people having your back does a lot to calm the mind and I push myself more than usual to try and land a 360 ariel. I can do some good plants and even flip tricks but with the 360 I either over or undershoot. I don’t have enough for a 540 but 180 is getting boring. I end up falling badly on my final attempt but I was close, I feel this is just a hurdle I need to pass, once I get this done I will be more in control and able to push myself a lot further. I hang out a little more but mostly take it easier with my friends before heading home for the day. School days suck.

“Dinner is almost ready Celia,” mum goes as I enter.

“Sure mum, I will just stash my gear and set the table,” I respond.

“Have a good time?”

“Yeah, going to have a gnarly bruise on my leg tomorrow,”

“Do you need an ice pack?”

“Nah, I am good,”

“I worry how you have started talking since we have moved here, just try and tone it down at school, I don’t want to get another phone call okay?”

I take a few moments to get my head in the right spot before finally going, “Sure mum, I will try and tone it down when I am not at the park,”

“Thank you, did you managed to land your new trick yet?”

“Not quite, but I am so close,” I set the table while just thinking of skating. Saying I am thinking of skating is just saying I am breathing, even at school my mind is on my board. People would say I am obsessed or addicted but I am not just some kid playing around I am a skater and maybe that will actually mean something soon.

“Hey mum?” I start.

“Yes sweetie?”

“So Stanley from the shop is thinking about make a tape for advertising and asked me about it but I need your permission for it,”

“And you want to do it?”

“I am not really sure I am quite at the level for tapes but yeah, I think I do,”

“Then I will let him know you can, just remember that this could have a far reaching spread,”

“Yeah I know, honestly I have been thinking of trying to push myself further and this is a good step,”

Shortly after that is dinner and then homework. Boring…