The Innates
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Despite humble beginnings, mysterious origins, and defined nature, one's gifts are great, and will even greater…

Probacon's eyes were still left shut and his ears still plugged, while expelling great amounts of ki in a primarily whitish but translucent aura with flares of purpur from his body.

《The ingenious play of the Djin called Probacon…》

His opponent, Galax, glared at him with an astonished gape, baffled by the farmer's bypassing of his True Delusion's total sensory control ability in this state.

《Leaving his adversary in a state of utter bewilderment.》

The description of the usage of ki is simple: as opposed to almost all else, Probacon had effectively increased the effectiveness of ki sensitivity, though the presence of a not-so-prime but usable physical augmentation was of note.

《The Djin had poured the greater part of his essence into “seeing beyond the seeable”...》

And now, his senses had become so adept, he could note even the smallest environmental presences, notions, and changes.

《And now, he senses what he couldn't before, and more…》

How? How did he do it!? I've never once before faced an issue with this ability. How did this…this Djin learn to counter it…?, thought an arising Galax, still fixated on Probacon.

Probacon suddenly barreled him, delivering a solid punch to his stomach, forcing him backwards with said punch.

《And even still, he goes full charge.》

He continued his offense, constantly striking Galax, utilizing just enough ki to hit him at full power and more than enough to detect his overall presence.

《Unrelenting in his ferocious attack.》

The crowds cheered in ecstasy, absolutely mesmerized by the Djin's swift thinking to adjust to the situation, with some hoping that his Kujijin opponent would still bring out some fire, making for a more interesting bout.

Watching from their designated seats, David, Adashu, and all prior advancers watched Probacon's display of battle proficiency.

"Huh. I never saw him as the type to make smart and swift choices,” chuckled Wells, the black-and-white-haired orange-eyed suit-wearing Shinigami that had won the duel just before this one.

"Don't underestimate people, reaper. They just might show you up…,” said Kai Cobra, ivory-skinned with dark brown moppy hair, gray irides in almonds and a pointed nose, wearing a black vest and blue jeans, each with buckled straps, on a pair of white sneakers.

Hmm-hmm. Regardless…that child certainly is something…, ruminated Toxic, who kept keen attention on this battle.

"So, what are your thoughts now, Adashu?,” inquired David.

"Hmmm. It is more difficult to assess now that he's shown such a level of processing. I do believe he still lags in many other aspects. I do not, however, discount him completely. He keeps this up, and he'll go far in this event.” Adashu replied. "Ever the analyst, aren't you?”

Bora, who was a stone's throw from both, simply chuckled.

Meanwhile, Wok and Drizzled watched from the original seating space. "I knew that faw had it in him. He just needed to dig deep.” Wok cheered, pointing his right index skywards.

"Yeah, same here,” added Drizzled with a smile. "But…I know for a fact it won't be enough to secure victory. He needs to go far deeper…."

In the Field, the upper hand was still Probacon's, as he outperformed Galax in every possible combat-based criteria.

The Kujijin retreated, sending multiple plant parts at Probacon.

But he countered with an emphatic Horned Rush, simply using all his horns in a fast-paced barrage of strikes, using each blow to eradicate portions of the plants at a time.

Damn it! It's like he's constantly growing into it the longer this drags…, thought Galax, with frustration slowly turning to desperation.

Meanwhile, Probacon gathered his own thoughts. Not. Enough. Heightening my perception through this much energy was bold, but has worked till now. But…it's still not that x-factor I need.

Which is why… Strangely, the amount of ki he emitted began to slowly diminish.

What? He's reducing the ki?, mused Galax with an utterly confused expression.

His actions were questioned also by the Nafiman prince. Probacon…what are you planning right now?

Others who were onlooking also questioned this, seeing as it was what gave him the concurrent upper hand.

He began to slowly open his eyes.

Galax caught onto this, and began preparing to use this unforeseen opportunity to place his opponent under True Delusion yet again.

But he was not facing Galax at the time, and neither did he look towards him immediately, much to the Kujijin's surprise.

He then suddenly swiveled his head in Galax's path, firing optic beams straight at him.

They scraped the Kujijin's right side, causing great damage to him. "Argh!"

Suddenly, Probacon appeared behind Galax, stretching his enlarged hand towards him and catching him in his grasp.

"Now, there's no way I can't not sense you!!" He exclaimed.

Everyone, including Galax, came to immediate realization.

If he's right in my grasp… Probacon thought, clenching his teeth in intense focus.

A solid move, was the collective idea in the minds of some in the Coliseum. But what now!?

Then, Galax turned to face Probacon, giving him an unimpressed look. "Sharp tactic. But other than ragdolling me, what other way do you have to detect if this is the real me? I never said I deactivated True Delusion. So, what if this is truly not me? What then do you do?"

"That's what that's for!,” shouted a voice from a distance, which drew the attention of a perplexed Galax.

He, and everyone watching, had their eyes widened upon viewing the next unprecedented happening.

Another version of Probacon, seemingly the “real” one, as though the one holding Galax was a clone, appeared, running towards that spot.

"He got me with that (I let my guard down)…,” said Galax with an impressed look.

"That's right! The Djin can–!,” said Drizzled. "Perform duplication and fission!,” completed Wok.

"That mad genius!" Both said in unison as they high-fived each other.

"HAHA!,” exclaimed David, jumping from his seat in excitement.

"Genius, Djin Pro! You've now undoubtedly earned the place as my personal favorite of this event!"

"...Really now?” A puzzled Adashu asked.

"Well, other than myself. If I do fail, he is my top choice now.” David explained. "Hmm-hmm. That's fine by me.”

Back in the Field, true Probacon charged at Galax with his clone still holding him.

He began to go over this strategy he had just made use of in his mind, making sure there were no loose ends. Simple move, but it worked well nonetheless…

Galax's ki sensing abilities didn't seem top-class, so just by cutting off a piece of my body to form a double… He continued, recalling himself tearing a small chunk off his shoulder, which in turn became a perfect living duplicate.

I could distract him with that double while me me took a breather, and used the ki sensory at its absolute peak with no restrictions to scout the area…

And then…! He produced two volatile spheres of energy, one of each encapsulating his hands.

~RED-HOT SHOOTING!~ Then, in rapid succession, he fired sets of dual blasts of energy from those spheres in a constant flurry, all aimed at Galax.

The blasts hit, creating explosions which eviscerated his clone's hands and sent Galax tumbling backwards.

Both Probacons then met up at a pace as the clone's hands regenerated, and began rushing towards Galax.

"RAAAAAAHHHHH!!!,” shouted Galax on his knees, as with a slam of his hands onto the ground he sent a giant omnidirectional wave that caused giant trees to sprout up all around him, catching Probacon and his clone unaware and sending them upwards towards the sky.

This is-! Probacon quickly realized, grabbing his clone in the midst of this.

Galax got up, and started to chuckle, which in turn became a hysterical laughter, as Probacon landed back on the ground and reassimilated his clone. He pretty much acted a ploy there…

Maybe to use the trees as leverage for a grand attack… "What's making you laugh like a lunatic?” He asked.

"It's you.” Galax responded with a bowed head and folded hands. "Hm?"

"For the longest time, I had this perception of Djin. I still do. I believed such were unquestionable and universal.”

“But here you are, a paradox of an individual, challenging said views. (Only the second ever.)”

“On top of that, you've given me a rather enjoyable battle. I still hold my general views towards Djins, but I wanna see where the likes of you goes next. Thank you, Djin Pro." Galax said, with an uncommon smile.

"Uhh, welcome?" Probacon responded with bewilderment glare.

"Also, one more thing before we possibly conclude." "What?” Probacon asked, growing impatient.

"What is your resolve? What drives you?," asked Galax. “Why would you want to know that?”


Probacon stayed silent for a while, pondering why he was asked such a question at this moment.

Nevertheless, he answered honestly and humbly, as he always did. "A good cause."

Wait, is this…? "Elaborate,” said Galax.

"My dad was a local hero, a legendary Djin fighter, who disappeared in the line of service. I was told stories of his acts and mindset, his belief that all beings were destined for greater good regardless of anything else, and always helped no matter what. That is forever imprinted onto my mind. Therefore, I carry on his vision in my volition.”

“That is my resolve. To find and fulfill that good cause!" He explained to Galax.

Galax first stared at him in shock. This really is-!

He closed his eyes, tilting his head further downwards, and contemplating what he had heard.

He opened his eyes and smiled while facing the ground.

"Well then…I wanna see how far you go towards that." He said, as he looked up at Probacon.

“I'm going the distance!" Probacon responded with vigor.

"Good to hear!" Galax shouted back, pointing his wand towards the Djin in preparation for the probable grand finale.

Probacon reciprocated, beginning to concentrate a vast ki.

The masses beheld the site in anticipation, wanting to see what sparks would fly as a result, desiring a spectacular ending.

But a few others were concerned with other things. One of whom was David, stuck on Probacon's words, as they replayed constantly in his brain.

"Thinking of something, your majesty?,” asked Adashu.

"Nothing much…,” replied David as he smiled.

Great power. Great potential. Great resolve. I now confirm it. Djin Pro…is like me. And will definitely, be one of the bigger names of the omniverse some day…, thought David, turning his attention back to the battle at hand.

With his wand, Galax began charging up a large ball of magical energy, ready to attack at any moment.

Meanwhile, Probacon had fully readied his ki in hand, energy of a pinkish hue.

The Field took upon the size of a conglomerate of celestial bodies, hundreds of thousands of yellow dwarfs, all meshed with one another, of a distance approximately five thousandths of a light-year across, in preparation for the aftermath of the coming collusion.

"RAAAAHHH!!!!!" Both shouted, simultaneously firing their attacks. Galax's, a grand beam of magical energy, and Probacon's, a pink wave of ki fired at high power.

Both attacks would clash, creating a monolithic power struggle, as each being looked to outmatch the other's attack.

It went on for a while, with the crowds anxiously watching, and the upper hand in a state of constant flux.

Suddenly, Probacon's began losing power, as the aftereffects of his techniques had finally caught up to him, and he was tiring out, while Galax's seemed to gain power.

Much of the masses saw this and believed it to be the final toll on the clock of the Djin's inevitable loss, but a few kept hope.

Just as his energy was in its last reserves, and he began to lose consciousness, Probacon had an image suddenly pop up in his mind. An image of a male Ultra Djin, usually of greater height and muscularity. “Pro…reach your cause.” He said.

Suddenly, Pro was hit with an internal burst of vigor, regaining his strength, and began increasing the intensity of his attack, with widened eyes and snared teeth.

All looked on in shock, dumbfounded by his spectacular show of will.

At the same time, Galax began losing momentum, as his wand began to crack. He grunted as this took place, but kept pushing towards possible victory.

Probacon noticed, and made great use of this.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" He exclaimed, as he instantaneously increased the intensity of his attack to the maximum, focusing all his remaining energy into it.

This completely overwhelmed Galax's attack, leaving him stunned.

Probacon's attack eventually overpowered Galax's, and then went straight at the Kujijin, as it eviscerated his wand.

It caused a great doming explosion, which destroyed most of the gargantuan platform.

All watched on, anxious and murmuring, as the other competitors watched on with special interest.

The dust cleared, showing both contestants. Galax lying on the floor, unconscious and bruised, his attire partly incinerated by the attack.

And Probacon, still somehow awake, on his right knee, also with injuries and worn clothes.

The victory could not be more obvious as the greater majority of the masses prepared to cheer.

Dgiag then announced it as solid fact. "BEINGS OF THE OMNIVERSE!!! THE VICTOR OF THIS BATTLE IS….DJIN PRO!!!"

《Victor: Djin Probacon.》

The crowds cheered, hailing the Djin for his effort and eventual success, whilst many fellow contenders applauded his efforts.

David smiled and nodded, joyed to see Probacon go through.

Probacon, still half-conscious, realized what was happening, and decided in his mind just one thing was left unchecked now.

"YEAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!,” roared the Djin celebratorily, as the crowds still cheered, and his place in the tournament remained unchallenged…

《His fire burns on into the next stage…》