1-10 Coil Complications
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♦ Topic: Confirming the rumors, yep, it was all true!
In: Boards
News Events America Brockton Bay Capes
 (Original Poster) (The Guy in the Know)
Posted on April 14th, 2011:
I am sure the PHO community is curious about the new capes of Brockton Bay. It has been kept on a down-low, but down the grapevine of ABB, there had been whispers of an attack. Here is a video footage provided by an anonymous source for your eyes only.

Link: Iron Spider VS Rage Dragon

The video above happened on April 10. The fight happened for two hours, but it wasn’t flashy enough to alert the whole Brockton Bay. As you can see from the video, it was contained in just a single block, and it was deep in ABB territory so news of this fight didn’t spread. The amazing thing here is the Iron Spider fought Oni Lee and then Lung.

Look, I have more: I am sure you have clues about the following tidbits. Here is another video footage.

Link: Spider Duo VS Rage Dragon Round 2

Now, this is the real kicker. It happened back on April 11. In Round 1, Iron Spider was forced to retreat as he realized he couldn’t deal with two ABB capes at once which was honestly very arrogant of him, but he could back it up with real abilities. You could see in this video however that Iron Spider hadn’t fully recovered yet since parts of his armor were still missing, but as I said, he was arrogant. Here in Round 2, he brought a friend, another insect-themed cape who could control swarms of bugs.

But what’s so great about controlling bugs? You must see the video because it is far more dangerous than you might think. We now have two more capes here in Brockton Bay: the Iron Spider and the Entomancer. Looking at them from the sidelines, I think they should qualify as heroes, but I wouldn’t be so sure considering the level of brutality they had shown.

Entomancer in particular didn’t hold back from creating a pool of cockroaches and having Iron Spider force Lung in it. I understand that there has been hype going on here in PHO about the web-slinging spider-themed cape, but personally, I think Entomancer was a far more dangerous character we should look out for.

EDIT: I was afraid to be banned, but I got some leaks from PRT:

  • Link: PRT Assessment written by Armsmaster (I got this from a different anonymous source, it was widespread in various social media accounts already, so it should be safe to share it here.)

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Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Wow, @AllSeeingEye, admit it, you are a PRT mole, right?

Replied on April 14th, 2011:
I wish I was, but no.

Replied on April 14th, 2011:
This isn’t a leak. PRT has posted it on their official site already, and they have updated their archives with regards to the new cape.

Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Seriously? I don’t believe it. PRT most likely decided to just reveal the information and go with the flow, rather than admit they have a mole who leaked their data. But seriously, is it just me, or do we have a new caped couple here in BB? I mean, Assault and Battery are great, but insect couples?

► ThatDude
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
@XxVoid_CowboyxX is afraid of insects, lol. If they are couples, then that makes the girl Black Widow, and the guy a poor sob who is destined for a tragic end. And yes, seriously, they look great together, especially at the part where Iron Spider changes the color of his armor into black, definitely a Tinker.

It begs to ask though, why the sudden change of armor’s color. I don’t get it. If they are a team together, he should have agreed with a single color motif in the beginning, or maybe there is a 'couple-fight' behind the scenes. Iron Spider wanted red and blue, while Entomancer wanted black and yellow.

Also, what in the world is an Entomancer?

► Mesa
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Awesome video feed, I reckoned Uber and Leet were fuming for being unable to get the same footage: they would have sold thousands for that. At the end of the video, I thought they killed Lung.

It was brutal, sending him on a pit of roaches. I don’t know if it was fortunate that Lung had a regeneration ability, considering what he experienced. I am not sympathizing with the villain, but every time I imagined myself in that pit, I would feel the jitters. Do we have a hundred percent confirmation this spider-duo was not a villain team?

PS, I don’t believe Iron Spider soloed Lung, the video feed from the first video had poor visuals, it was Iron Spider just hugging (or restraining?) Lung, but the flames are too bright so I can’t see well.

 Dr.Faustus (The Guy in the Know)
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
@ThatDude. Entomancer came from the word ‘Entomology’ which meant the study of insects, and the suffix ‘-mancer’ which was associated with Sorcerer from Necromancer, Pyromancer, etc. I see they are both spider-themed at the core considering the silk-like designs of their costumes. And I know spiders aren’t even insects. I’d like to start questioning the naming sense of Armsmaster.

► AllSeeingEye (The Guy in the Know)
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
@Dr.Faustus. The funny thing was, my ‘anonymous source’ wanted to call the spider-duo Spiderman and Spiderwoman, and talk about sucking at giving names… I honestly prefer Iron Spider and Entomancer, it has that awe-effect to it.

@Mesa. No, we don’t have a hundred percent confirmation. Round 2 was high profile, and there were few eyewitnesses who saw Armsmaster engaging in a high-speed chase with the Iron Spider. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any record of it. According to the eyewitness reports, it was a humiliating sight, the Iron Spider played Armsmaster like a fiddle, throwing a quip or two and then running him around like a ragged doll.

I don’t know about Round 1, it wasn’t high profile, but the Iron Spider did subjugate Lung before he went full Rage Dragon. Not many eye witnesses there, but few loyal ABB thugs. The video was enough proof though.

► WanderingSamurai
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Guys! Uber and Leet just updated their page, they scrounged up visual data about Armsmaster’s chase with the Iron Spider. LINK

It wasn’t as humiliating as AllSeeingEye said, but he sure did play Armsmaster hard.

► Gy
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
… And apparently, he played Lung like a fiddle too. The aerial high-speed chase with the Rage Dragon was more humiliating. Imagine playing Flappy Bird, but you are chasing someone. I don’t think Velocity had a chance to catch the Iron Spider. He could carry his girl too like she didn’t weigh anything.

Look at Iron Spider’s acceleration, deceleration, and mid-air to-ground transition and vice versa… He could also crawl walls, though he did little of it considering he was swinging full force from one skyscraper to another. The point is, I think we now have the most versatile brute we have. Not Eidolon-variant, but definitely capable of leveraging his powers a great deal.

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 Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
@ Gy: Most versatile? I don’t think so. There is the rest of the Triumvirate, man… I also thought of Iron Spider as Brute, but Brute isn’t his main one; Armsmaster pegged him as a Tinker because of his armor. I don’t know what gave him such a high Tinker rating. Entomancer’s ratings made sense, but not Iron Spider

EDIT; Okay, I had a friend look at the video feed and his professional opinion was that Iron Spider was a Tinker. I thought his armor was Tinkertech acquired with money, but it was more advanced and unique than it looked.

My friend even said Armsmaster might have been greedy over it. I asked around again and learned Iron Spider’s technology was more dangerous than it seemed. Why? Because it was nano-technology. Why is that a problem?

We know nanites have been widely used in the medical fields for their revolutionary applications, but it was never weaponized for technical reasons. It was an impossibility most Tinkers thought of as a dead-end. In fact, it was easier to create high-end energy weapons that could annihilate cities than create nano-tech armor.

I don’t know the exact logic to it, but my friend/s told me if nanites were turned into armor, they would be too loose and fragile to even offer a modicum amount of defense. They were paper-thin. The best weapon applications for nanotechnology were used for bio-tinkering or just injecting it into another person to give them cancer.

However, Iron Spider’s nano-tech was a league of its own. External weaponized nanites meant he could restructure all kinds of gadgets in his proximity without constraining his resources. If Iron Spider’s Tinker Ratings were any true, it meant he could build weapons on the spot and adapt them to battle.

Maybe Armsmaster got over-eager and this spooked Iron Spider, which resulted to the so-called High Speed chase. I don’t blame Armsmaster for feeling greedy; my reasoning tells me he would have wanted Iron Spider to quickly hitch with PRT for protection.

Now, that the Iron Spider was exposed by this particular ‘leak’, this meant he would be vulnerable to being press-ganged.

► Urze_Overseer
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
That’s a shame. This means whoever leaked the information must have wanted the Iron Spider to be press-ganged.

White Fairy (Veteran Member)
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
@Urze_Overseer. Not everything is a conspiracy. You might as well say AllSeeingEye is a villain, and that she was working for a criminal mastermind.



“Now, that was oddly and disturbingly accurate,” Lisa massaged her forehead as a Thinker-headache assaulted her. “No, that was just blind luck… White Fairy isn’t a Thinker, and I am safe…”

Her powers assuaged her of her fears that she was not being watched. After their bank robbery was canceled, she was annoyed by the fact her teammates wouldn’t stop hounding her.

They should be glad they still got paid despite the discontinuation of their operation… A bank robbery was a big scale-up for the Undersiders. It was basically a freebie since they didn’t need to put in the work while receiving pay— it had always been Coil’s style to enact an operation and give contradictory orders like canceling the mission when they were only just a step away of enacting it. This must be related to Coil’s powers.

Lisa’s cape identity was Tattletale, and her powers were basically Sherlock Holmes on brain-version of steroids: she studied the data available to her and realized she couldn’t pinpoint Coil’s motivations for having her leak information about the new capes.

In fact, it disturbed her that Coil didn’t have any intentions to have her recruit Iron Spider and Entomancer into Undersider’s fold. Coil was a powerful enough Thinker to know which buttons to push and with Tattletale, she was most likely to succeed with the recruitment drive. New capes weren’t so hard to cajole either (in her opinion), and she could totally convince Entomancer to join, though she was unsure about Iron Spider.

Another Thinker-headache abruptly assaulted her, “Damn, this is getting more and more frequent… ugh… so annoying…”



Replied on April 14th, 2011:
@ThatDude, suck my middle finger. I am not afraid of insects, just aware of how destructive they can be. If she is a merc, I reckon an agri-company or a landlord would love to hire her to ruin others’ farms. And she is not limited to ruining farmlands. The potential for villainy with insect control powers now that I think of it is high. Forget NEPEA-5. Imagine real estate, send her insects to places subtly to demotivate buyers and decrease their values, then she could buy them all cheap via a third party or a ghost identity. She has a Tinker with him, so erasing her digital footprint and her face from CCTVs should be a hitch for her. Remind you, Iron Spider’s armor seems to have an anti-imaging function when he removes his helm, his face gets blurred in the video feed. Another application of insect control is thievery, I can imagine a bunch of ants raiding a storehouse, a drug den, and even the police storage locker. I am not kidding, I think assassination is also possible. Did you see her range? Insects are hard to defend against when you are relaxing in your home. Imagine a bunch of insects coming at you in swarms even just a fraction of a hundredth of what Lung experienced. The insects would crawl into your every orifice, suffocate you, and then you are dead.

Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Enough, that convinced me… I am going to buy some bug sprays for emergencies.

 Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
@XxVoid_CowboyxX. No wonder you are scared of insects. Also, no swearing, I will report you… I never knew you had it to be a writer, you could totally write a novel from this.

@Urze_Overseer, you have a point… but we need evidence.

@AllSeeingEye, defend yourself, someone is unto your secret identity.

@White Fairy, everything is a conspiracy.

 AllSeeingEye (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Har har har, very funny.

@Bagrat, I see you. Look at my username and tell me I am not a cape.

 Bagrat (Veteran Member) (The Guy in the Know)
Replied on April 14th, 2011:
Definitely not a cape.

Replied on April 14th, 2011:
‘Suck my middle finger’ isn’t swearing.

Also, I got a warning from the moderator, I feel so motivated. Please don’t moderate me.

Replied on April 14th, 2011:
@XxVoid_CowboyxX, that’s nothing to be proud of.

Also, if ‘suck my middle finger’ isn’t swearing, then you might as well suck my cunt, shit stain.

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Lisa was definitely receiving an infraction for that one, but meh~ Void Cowboy deserved it.




#Tattletale creating Misunderstandings #Hype is real #No one is talking enough about Spidey soloing Lung, why? #Spider Couple #PHO #I cannot think of a username for Spidey, so he’s not here