Collection of Chinese Immortals —— Common Immortals(Gods)
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At the beginning of heaven and earth, Pangu set the elements of earth, fire, wind, and water in place with the diagram of Taiji, separating the clear from the turbid and the yin from the yang, thereby creating the vast primordial world. With his body, he supported the heavens and stood on the earth, but ultimately succumbed due to the insurmountable force required to sustain the separation of heaven and earth. After his demise, his primordial spirit left his body and divided into three souls, which then began a new cycle of gestation. The residual life force within his body transformed into all living beings, while his three souls, through cultivation, achieved greatness as the Three Pure OnesYuanshi Tianzun of the Jade Pure Realm, Daode Tianzun of the Supreme Pure Realm, and Lingbao Tianzun of the Great Pure Realm.


Following the creation of heaven and earth, the world was filled with abundant spiritual energy, allowing all beings capable of cultivation to aspire to immortality. However, the interplay of mutual generation and opposition among all things led to widespread suffering among living beings. During this primordial era, four ancient deities emerged: Nüwa, the Mother of Earth, who created living beings and fashioned humans from clay, thereby becoming the ancestor of all spirits; Fuxi, who divined the changes of the universe and developed divination and the Bagua; Haotian, who, after enduring 3,200 calamities (with each calamity lasting 129,600 years), ascended to become the supreme Haotian God with boundless magical power, and together with Nüwa and Fuxi, subdued the malevolent Hundun; and finally, under the guidance of the Three Pure Ones, Taishang Laojun assisted in establishing the Heavenly Palace, governing all of heaven and leading all gods, mastering the universe, cultivating the heavens, embodying the way of heaven, spreading heavenly virtue, creating all things, saving all beings, balancing the Three Realms, commanding all spirits, and, with immeasurable merit, became the supreme deity of heaven, the supreme ruler of all heavens.


From then on, the world had rules and order.

Heavenly Palace:

The Three Pure Ones (the highest gods in Taoism and the embodiments of the Tao, collectively known as "The Great Void Naturally Formed Supreme Pure Ones of the Three Realms and Three Treasures." They oversee the Heavenly Palace but do not directly manage affairs, serving rather like chairpersons of a board, with specific tasks delegated to the Jade Emperor, who acts as the general manager, and assisted by the Grand Supreme Elderly Lord.)


The Jade Purity Realm, Clear Sky, Primordial Heavenly Honored One

The Supreme Purity Realm, Great Crimson Sky, Moral Heavenly Honored One (Grand Supreme Elderly Lord)

The Grand Purity Realm, Yu Remain Sky, Lingbao Heavenly Honored One

The Six Imperial Heavenly Emperors→(Assisting the Jade Emperor in governing the Way of Heaven, referred to as the Four Imperial Heavenly Emperors)※[※Indicates characters frequently mentioned in the book]


(Upper) High up in the Mysterious Dome·The Jade Emperor, who rules over all gods and heavens [later achieved the Limitless Way and, with authorization from the Three Pure Ones, became the Jade Emperor, overseeing the Three Realms, all gods in every direction, and beings of the Four Births and Six Paths. Full title: Haotian, Golden Que, Supreme Supreme, Natural, Mysteriously Existent, All-encompassing, Utmost Truth, Jade Emperor]

(North) The Master of the Star Palace, Ziwei, North Pole Great Emperor, who governs the celestial patterns and coordinates, the sun, the moon, and the stars.

(West) Hook Chen Upper Palace, Heavenly Emperor, who commands all weapons and thunder, assisting the Jade Emperor in balancing the southern and northern poles and the Three Realms of heaven, earth, and humanity.

(South) Southern Pole, Longevity Emperor (commonly known as the Star of Longevity), assisting the Jade Emperor in governing the lifespan of all spirits, controlling the pivot of misfortune and fortune. Manifested as the Nine Heavens Responding Yuan Thunder Sound Universal Purification Heavenly Honored One, ancestor of the Thunder Department. Ranked first among the Nine Majestic Heavenly Emperors.

(Below) Following Heaven and Implement Law, Hou Tu, the Empress of Earth, wife of the Jade Emperor, who governs all mountains and lands

(East) Eastern Extreme, Qinghua Great Emperor (also known as Taiyi Rescue Suffering Heavenly Honored One), the Jade Emperor's observer, governing all kinds. [Later, to save the suffering beings in hell, he demoted himself one rank, becoming the co-ruler of the underworld with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva from the Buddhist forces.]


The Primordial Five Elders (Gods of natural truth, each receiving a command to govern a direction, residing in the Five Sacred Mountains, overseeing the Five Elements, rarely mentioned in "Journey to the West")


East, Green Emperor, Green Spirit Primordial Elder, Nine Qi Heavenly Lord

South, Red Emperor, Red Spirit True Elder, Three Qi Heavenly Lord

Center, Yellow Emperor, Mysterious Spirit Yellow Elder, One Qi Heavenly Lord

West, White Emperor, Bright Spirit Royal Elder, Seven Qi Heavenly Lord

North, Black Emperor, Dark Spirit Mysterious Elder, Five Qi Heavenly Lord

The Five Directional Forces (In the world of "Journey to the West," divided into five major continents, here are their domains)


※West,Tathagata Buddha (lord of the Western Cattle Gift Continent), Bodhisattvas, Arhats. (Western Cattle Gift Continent, spiritual domain of Buddhism at the Mountain of Spiritual Height)

※South, South Pole Avalokitesvara. (Great Compassionate Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva of the South Sea's Mount Putuo, lord of the Southern Jambudvipa)

East, ChongEn Saint Emperor (lord of the Eastern Victorious Divine Continent), Immortals of the Ten Continents and Three Islands. (Deities of the Eastern Victorious Divine Continent)

North, North Pole Mysterious Spirit, Doumu Yuanjun. (Lord of the Northern Kulun Continent) (Yuanjun is a Taoist title for female immortals, emphasizing the balance of yin and yang in Taoism, which includes many female deities.)

Center, Yellow Extreme, Yellow Horn Great Immortal. (Governs the central territory of the four major continents)


The Four Great Heavenly Kings (Also known as the Four World-protecting Heavenly Kings, they are the guardian gods of Buddhism, commonly referred to as the "Four Great Diamond Kings." Their daily duties involve rotating guard duties at the Heavenly Palace, guarding the South, North, East, and West Heavenly Gates, respectively.)


East, Guardian of the Nation Heavenly King, holding a pipa, protecting the Eastern Victorious Divine Continent;

South, Growth Heavenly King, holding a sword, protecting the Southern Jambu Continent;

West, Broad-eyed Heavenly King, holding a snake or red Loong, protecting the Western Cattle Gift Continent;

North, Much-hearing Heavenly King, holding an umbrella, protecting the Northern Kulun Continent.


Central Heavenly Palace Deity Registry (Common Immortals):


Far-Seeing Eye | Wind-Listening Ear: Patrol the South Heavenly Gate and beyond, listening to sounds from a thousand miles away, observing things from ten thousand miles.

Golden Boy | Jade Girl: Specifically refers to boys and girls serving immortals who possess wisdom roots; esteemed deities all have Golden Boys and Jade Girls serving them.

Thunder Uncle | Lightning Aunt: Thunder Duke is the deity in charge of  thunder. Lightning Mother is the deity in charge of lightning.

Wind Uncle | Rain Aunt: The gods of wind and rain.

Patrolling Spirit Official: A martial god responsible for patrolling and observing good and evil.

Yi Saint True Monarch: One of the Four Saints of the North Pole, possessing certain military power.

Great Strength Ghost King: Kind-hearted, serving in the Heavenly Palace. In "Journey to the West," the Jade Emperor often sends him to deliver messages or escort demons to be beheaded. Along with Mount Mang Ghost King and Single-horned Ghost King, he is one of the Three Great Ghost Kings.

Taibai Venus: The Jade Emperor's special envoy, responsible for delivering various orders.

Barefoot Immortal: A scattered immortal of the immortal realm, often descending to the human world to help humans eliminate demons.

Lunar Fairy Chang'e (also known as Heng'e Fairy): Chang'e is a title, referring to the fairy maidens of the Moon Palace.

Jade Rabbit: Responsible for pounding medicine in the Moon Palace.

Jade Toad: Another name for the moon.

Wu Gang: Punished to chop trees in the Moon Palace for his mistakes.

Marshal Tianpeng: One of the Four Saints of the North Pole, later demoted to the human world for harassing the Fairy of the Raiment of Rainbows while drunk, becoming Zhu Bajie.

Marshal Tianyou: One of the Four Saints of the North Pole.

Nine Heavens Profound Girl: A female immortal who assists heroes in eliminating evil.

Twelve Golden Hairpins: The Twelve Gold Immortals. The Twelve Gold Immortals are the twelve disciples under the Primordial Heavenly Honored One in the Jade Void Palace on Mount Kunlun: Guangcheng Zi, Chijing Zi, Yu Ding Gold Immortals, Taiyi Gold Immortals, Huanglong Gold Immortals, Manjushri - Guangfa - Heavenly Honored One, Samantabhadra Gold Immortals, Compassionate Traveler, Lingbao Great Master, Jurusun, Daoxing Heavenly Honored One, Qingxu - Dao De True Monarch.

Nine Luminaries: Special envoys of the Heavenly Palace, all being main or deputy directors of their departments.

Day Spirit | Night Spirit: Responsible for patrolling during the day (night), supervising good and evil in the human world.

Lunar Star Lord: The god of the moon in Chinese mythology.

Solar Star Lord: The god of the sun in Chinese mythology.

Martial Virtue Star Lord: Another name for the God of Wealth, governing wealth and luck.

Yousheng True Monarch: One of the Four Saints of the North Pole, also known as the True Warrior Great Emperor.

Nezha, the Great God of the Three Altars Sea Gathering: The third son of Pagoda-bearing Heavenly King Li Jing and Lady Yin (named Sushe), with brothers Jinzha and Muzha. Normally appears as a child with two arms, a youthful deity respected by Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism as a demon-subduing celestial deity. He rides the wind-fire wheels (possessing extreme speed), wields the Universe Ring (capable of binding demons), carries a long spear and a treasure pagoda, dons splendid armor, and sometimes holds a vajra, sword, or mace. His true form is a three-headed, nine-eyed, eight-armed Great Luo immortal, six zhang tall, with lotus leaves for clothing.

Giant Spirit God: One of the celestial generals, serving as the vanguard in front of the Pagoda-bearing Heavenly King's command, possessing immense strength, able to lift mountains and split boulders, his weapon is a broadax.

Matchmaker God: In charge of marriages and matchmaking, the god overseeing marriage and joy, also known as the Mediator God.

Left Supporter and Right Assistant: Assist beside the Jade Emperor, wise ministers for strategizing and governing the state.

ErLang God, Yang Jian {Zhaohui, Erlang, Manifested Saint True Monarch}: Also known as Erlang of Guankou, Guankou God, national deity titled Lord God, commonly known as Erlang True Monarch, Qingyuan Jun, River Lord, Great Emperor Benefiting the People, honored as Qingyuan Mysterious Dao True Monarch. Erlang Shen is handsome, dressed in yellow, immensely strong, with boundless magical powers, proficient in the Eight-Nine Arcane Arts, owning a divine eye, wielding a three-pointed double-edged spear.

Taiyi, Thunderous Voice, Appropriate Transformation, Heavenly Honored One, Wang Shan, Wang Ling Official: Renowned thunder and fire deity, demon-subduing god, in charge of controlling plagues and capturing toxins. The first protector god of the Heavenly Palace, safeguarding its security.

Sa Gold Immortals: Rigorously practiced internal alchemy and ascetic disciplines to achieve great success, known as the Master of the All-Heaven Sect, the Supreme One Yuan Supreme Sire Gold Immortals, Ever-Vibrant Mysterious Wind Heavenly Honored One, also ranked among the Four Great Heavenly Masters in the Tongming Palace. Also the master of King Ling Official.

Ziyang Gold Immortals (Zhang Boduan): An ancient immortal who used his treasure "Five-Colored Immortal Clothes" to protect the chastity of the Empress of Juzi Country in the Golden Holy Palace from being defiled by the demon Sai Tai Sui (the golden-haired lion mount of Avalokitesvara).

Wenchang Dijun: The deity in charge of scholars' success, rank, and fortune, namely the god overseeing examinations.

Heavenly Deaf | Earth Mute: The attendant divine children of Wenchang Dijun. Their placement by Wenchang Dijun's side is also to prevent the leakage of secrets.


Lishan Old Mother: The sister of Fuxi, equal in status to Nüwa, a female immortal with great magical power. During Nüwa's sky-mending, she and the Grand Supreme Elderly Lord crafted the five-colored stones, exerting all efforts to assist Nüwa in repairing the sky.