What Can’t Be Healed
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The river pulled Ezo further away from the city of Pramas and when he was sure they were safe from attack, he turned his attention from their surroundings to Kammon. “How bad is it?” he asked.

“It’s nothing,” Kammon said, but his words were clipped and his lips were held in a tight line. “It’ll be just another scar before long.”

“And you thought Eques Lestan didn’t like you enough to give you a parting present,” Ezo teased.

Kammon gave him a small smile and that meant something. Ezo tried to think of what to do, but he’d never been the sick type and Jacob hadn’t been the healing type. He’d learned a little from Alvrey over their travels, but not enough to fully heal something like this.

Ember left her vantage point in the sky and landed on their makeshift raft between them. That, more than anything, made Ezo feel safe. Ember wouldn’t leave them unguarded if there was a doubt about pursuit. Ezo didn’t know if Lestan would follow them later, but for now, they were clear of the danger.

He turned to face Kammon and let out a deep breath. “I can’t heal you, but I might be able to help a little,” he offered.

“I’ll be fine, Ezo,” Kammon said.

“Then consider it a favor. Alvrey has been teaching me to heal but I’ve never tried it on more than a scraped knee I got along the way.”

“It’s not necessary.”

“Really? We were attacked by an eques with a grudge against you. I’m worried he’d going to send soldiers out for us. I’d like to know that you’re ready to fight if they show up.”

Kammon stared at him but when the soldier’s eyes tightened ever so slightly, Ezo thought he might have won. “The best I could probably do is stop the bleeding anyway. Maybe take a little of the pain.”

For some reason, not being able to fully heal him seemed to be the argument that got Kammon to nod.

“When we got off this river,” Kammon agreed. “I don’t trust you not to capsize us both when you try.”

It was a weak tease, but Ezo smiled at Kammon for the effort. “I might leave you to bleed out, just for that.”

Ember butted her head against Kammon’s arm, then jumped back up into the air above them. “She’ll find us a safe place to land,” Kammon said while Ezo watched her flying high above them.

It would be pretty amazing to have an effigy like that, a purely magical creature brought into the world by the sheer existence of your power. Sometimes he forgot who he was traveling with. Others, he was painfully reminded that Kammon was an elemental of far higher abilities than he’d ever have.

When Ember found a stable landing, Ezo used the water to bring them close enough and helped Kammon onto land again. They were in a clearing that was encircled by tall grass, hidden from anyone passing through. It was a good place to land. And a good place for healing.

“Have a seat,” he ordered Kammon. The man opened his mouth to protest but Ezo reached over and pushed on his shoulder. He was in more pain than Ezo had realized, or he’d used up his reserves because Kammon went down with little resistance.

Kammon scowled at him, but Ezo put it out of his mind. Instead, he took a deep breath and calmed himself. He reached out for the magic around him, careful to pull equally on the elements. When he opened his eyes, he could see the warm light of healing that Alvrey had taught him. He was barely able to do anything with it, but he vowed to learn more now that he’d found the players again. He wasn’t going to go off on his own unprepared again.

Kammon’s eyes grew wide as he watched Ezo reach a hand to his shoulder. Ezo felt the magic rest against Kammon’s skin, then he felt the healing as it began to seep into the wound.

The ice blade had gone all the way through, but with its removal, Kammon’s shoulder had bled freely. Ezo did a rudimentary job of stitching flesh and skin back together. He felt the bleeding stop and though it would need time to heal, it was the best he could do. It would scar if Alvrey didn’t care for it, but they would be with her soon.

He took a deep breath as he looked to make sure there were no other wounds hidden from him when he felt the pull of something deeper. He was drawn towards it and he edged closer. Something dark was buried within Kammon, like a snake wrapped around his spine, constricting him at the very core. It moved with Kammon’s every breath, slithering across bone, etching itself even stronger in the man’s magic. It was terrible and yet Ezo could feel the power that flowed from it; he reached toward it, the healing light against the venomous beast that wanted to swallow Kammon whole.

Ezo’s magic came closer and as it did, he felt the beast become aware of him like it was a living breathing creature. He wanted to confront it, to rip it from Kammon’s core. As he turned his magic to the task, the darkness jumped at him.

Ezo stumbled backward, magic failing as Ember flew into him, knocking him away from Kammon. He landed hard on the clearing floor.

“What the hell are you doing?” Kammon demanded.

“What was that?” Ezo was too shaken to do anything but sit there, staring up at Kammon. The other man had his fists clenched and his face was pale.

“I warned you. Some things can’t be healed. Do you have any idea what you would have done?”

“No! Tell me!”

Kammon glared at him a moment before he turned away without answering. “Get up. Your healing is done and we’re leaving.”

Kammon didn’t wait for him but walked off as Ember landed on his shoulder. Ezo scrambled up, confused and exhausted from the day’s use of magic, but he had to follow. The quicker they got to Alvrey the quicker he could make sense of what he'd felt. As he got closer to Kammon, Ember turned to look at him. The falcon screeched at him, then launched herself into the air.

They walked quietly for a few minutes before Ezo couldn’t stand it any longer. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?”

Kammon let out a deep breath, then stopped and turned to face him. “The question is, are you? Do you feel different?”

“I’m fine,” he said. “I was worried about you. I must have hurt you for Ember to attack.”

Kammon rolled his eyes and began walking. “You’re an idiot.”

“What?” Ezo caught up with him, ready for another fight, but he was surprised when Kammon just gave him a small smile.

“Ember didn’t attack you. She was protecting you.”

“From what?”

“Something you don’t need to worry about ever again.”

“Kammon, whatever that was, it’s not good. You have to let us help you.”

“I know what you saw Ezo, and there is no healing it.”

Ezo was about to ask Kammon to explain what it was but the other man must have sensed the question coming because he stopped Ezo with another comment.

“But thank you. The healing you did on my shoulder is good work. It feels much better.”

It was an offer of truce and Ezo had spent enough time with the Disavowed to know that. If Ezo pushed it would only drive him away.

“It’ll do. Until Alvrey can heal you at least.”

They walked in silence for thirty minutes before they found the players on the road. Alvrey had returned before them. The wagon had been easy to get, however, she’d had to distract the innkeeper while Mathis and Tamis broke into their rooms to steal their belongings back.

When Alvrey took Kammon into her wagon for healing, Ezo sat on the outside, trying to relax. He wasn’t worried about Eques Lestan anymore. Pramas could empty and they’d deal with it if he had to, but the darkness creeping in Kammon’s soul haunted Ezo.

 He clutched his left hand against his chest and could almost feel the hunger as it lunged for him. What would have happened if it had touched him? There was a lot he didn’t know, but now more than ever he felt out of his element. He had to know more, and if Kammon wouldn’t tell him, he’d search the world until he found someone who would.

What is the darkness inside of Kammon? And will Ezo be able to get him to talk about it? I'm taking bets :P Wanna find out earlier? Check out episodes earlier at www.reamstories.com/chrisbannor