Ch 5 – Eun’s Scolding
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The next morning.

It was Saturday. The day when Ahn Noona works half-time. And also the day when Eun always goes out to who-knows-where. So I thought I would be the only one at home at this time, but–


The little imp was there.


A short command.

Did I offend her or something?

"Ah! I just remembered I had to go to work today."

"Aren't you jobless? Anyway, just come here and sit."

The operation to run away from home had failed.

I gulped and sat straight on the floor.

"Are you angry?"

"What do you think?"

"You're angry."

"I'm not angry."

"So you're on period."

"Wanna die?"

I wanted to bicker a bit more, but her mood seemed too serious for a joke. So, I decided to close my mouth for now.

"I heard from Unnie."


Could it be… Is this what I think it is?

Did she find out about me masturbating last Sunday?!

"Wait, I can explain."

"Go on."

"That is… It's something I can't help with…"

"Even so, you could've at least told me."

"Hm? Why?"

"If you just told me, then at least… At least I could help you with it."

Something sounds wrong, but I don't know what it is.

"Help me? How?"

"That's… You know, it's hard to keep it in, right? So rather than let everything pent up, I thought… I thought you could let it out on me."


A bombshell remark.

"We're siblings, you know? There's no way I can do that."

"What are you talking about? Isn't it normal to do it precisely because we're siblings?"

"Huh…? Is that normal these days?"

"Why do you sound so shocked? Of course it is."


Is this the future?

Even Noona bought me a porn mag yesterday.

If this is normal, then am I the weird one?

"That… Eun, I appreciate the offer, but… It's too sudden, you know… As I thought, I can only see you as a little sister for now. But if you just wait a bit more…"

"Eh? I also only see you as a big brother, you know? What's the big deal?"

"What?! Despite that, are you fine with it?"

"? Yes. You can let it out on me all you want. I know that I'm not as good as Unnie, but I'm sure I can take everything in."

No, no, no. I wonder if Eun is being humble or what. But she also has a different charm that's just as powerful as Noona's.

"Then… Can I?"

At that, she smiled.

"Sure. I also want to be helpful to Oppa… Ah, I mean, it's not like I care about you or anything, okay? But… Just for today."


"Good. If you understand then… Hm? Wait! Why are you undressing, suddenly?!"

"What are you talking about? Aren't you the one who suggested doing it?"

"What? What is this about? Ah, no! Stay away!"

"Ack! Why are you throwing that pillow at me? Wait, stop!"

“Pervert, siscon, Duho!”

"Calm down. Why are you like this? And don't use my name as insult!"

I couldn't help but endure the onslaught as I wore back my clothes.

"Huff… Huff.. That's what I want to ask…"

She's gasping for breath after shouting a plethora of insults towards me.

"Why are you doing this, Oppa?"

"Like I said, wasn't it because you're inviting me?"

"What are you talking about?"

So, I explained what I meant.

Her face went redder and redder as she heard my explanation.

"I can't believe you! Geez. And to think I used to respect you."

"Hey, I'm the one who was wronged here. You could've at least be direct about it."

"I-It's your fault for being dense, you know?."

She fanned her face with her hands.

The heavy atmosphere was no longer there, but I couldn't just walk away before hearing what she had to say, right?


After a few deep breaths, she finally calmed down and brought up the main point.

"I heard you wanted to quit school."


Ah, so that's what it's about.

She must have wanted me to consult with her, too, rather than mulling everything over myself and making a decision.

"Tell me why."


"If it's because of me or my future, then..."

“T-There’s no way that’s why, hahaha.”

She looked at me strangely and muttered.

"So that was the reason after all…"

She sighed, put on her baseball cap, and stood up from the sofa.

"I was planning to scold you a bit more, but… follow me."

"Where are you going?"

"Don't ask. Just come with me."

My little sister was unreadable today, too.


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