Chapter 233: The Emperor and the Voyager
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Decimus’s camp.

Two legionnaires stood guard at the gate.

After she gave the whole speech to her entire army, Jean made many changes to “combat the alien threat”. First of all, she gave every single one of her legionnaires and equites a crossbow in additional to their standard weapons. According to her, most legionnaires couldn’t get close enough to use their swords before they were put down. Might as well get them some sort of ranged attack.

Jean set up the defenses around the entire Alphian ship. Now, she knew that was just for show. There were only a handful of Alphians in the ship. If she ordered an attack now, she could probably take the ship with just the Roman prowess.

But those below her were less...informed. Equites patrolled the perimeter. Legionnaires and archers stood guard behind a giant trench, a sea of traps, and a wooden fence designed to provide some cover against the Alphian blasters. The only way through the walls was through the gates.

Jean told everyone the walls could keep the Alphians in. After all, how the hell was she supposed to know the Alphians could fly? Don’t be crazy!

The legionnaires stood quietly for a while, but as they glanced around and made sure no officer would be listening, they started chatting.

“Legatus Decimus, he’s a true Roman.”

One of the legionnaires said casually. That wasn’t him trying to be flattering. He honestly believed that.

Anyone who abandons his personal goal for the greater victory should qualify as a true Roman.

“A true Roman…” The second legionnaire didn't quite agree. “by the way, have you heard about the rumors?”

“What rumors?”

“You know...the one about how the Emperor, you know, wasn’t quite...satisfied with Legatus Decimus.”

“Wow wow!” The first legionnaire was slightly taken back. “I wouldn’t suggest getting too caught up by these rumors.”

“But...but if the Emperor wants Decimus dead, then there must be a proper reason for it.”

“It’s Legatus Decimus to you! Show your respect or you will be whipped! You know what? I did hear something about it. Apparently, the Aggressors think Legatus Decimus will be a better leader to the Roman Empire than Emperor Marcus.”

“That is treason! And you think I will be whipped!” The second legionnaire frowned. “The only purpose those rumors serve is to act as a justification for conspiracists!”

“Now who’s believing in the rumors?” The first man shrugged. “Anyways. It’s not up to us. We follow orders from our officers, and they follow the orders of the Legatus. That’s it. It is not our task to do the thinking.”

The second legionnaire was about to say something when he spotted something.

It was a rider in red armor. A Roman scout.

The man waited for his ride to come to a stop before delivering a message.

“The Emperor’s forces are approaching. Inform your Legatus.”

The two legionnaires exchanged a glance before the first legionnaire ran into the camp. The horseman and the second legionnaire waited patiently.

In just minutes, Jean and her guards reached the door. Not long after, an army approached from a distance away. Jean instructed lieutenant Cossus to help the forces settle into the camp. She herself waited at the gate.

Eventually, a squad of elite riders reached the gate. Unlike the normal equites, these riders wore chain armor rather than leather armor. Their weapons were much more refined. While all the other Romans looked a little exhausted, these warriors remained completely vigilante.

Guessing from the way they scanned the surrounding, if anyone made a wrong move, these men would put themselves between the threat and their leader without a second thought.

These were the Roman Imperial Guards.

One of the Imperial Guard officers glanced at Jean with ice cold gaze. He has heard about the conflict between Decimus and the Emperor as well, and as a loyal supporter of the Emperor who would follow the rightful heir of the Roman Empire to the depth of hell, he wasn’t satisfied.

Jean brushed off the gaze. Throughout the years she has encountered a lot of elite royal guards. Emperor Guards loyal to the Emperor of the Moon. Empress Guards who served the Empress of the Sun. Even in the Starcraft world, Emperor Mengsk had his own personal guardians.

None of them stopped her from killing the Emperors and Empresses and getting what she wanted. These Imperial Guards would be no different.

Finally, his grace himself stopped in front of Jean.

“Legatus Decimus.” The Emperor glanced at the surrounding. There were plenty of Romans around from both factions. He had to play it nice. “This is quite the defenses you have set up here.”

His words were praising ones on the surface, but in reality, they were spoken with the intent to mock.

“You flatter me, your grace.” Jean saluted and gestured for her command tent. “If you wish, we can continue this conversation in a more private place.”

The Emperor grinned.

“Very well.”

Emperor Marcus and Jean slowly walked into Decimus’s command tent. As soon as they entered, a squad of Imperial Guards replaced Jean’s household guards and took up positions around the tent. The Imperial Guard who stared daggers at Jean was the third person in the tent. He stood at the entrance. His hands rested on his blade’s hilt.

When the Emperor sat down inside the tent, outside of unwanted eyes, his smile disappeared.

“Give me one reason I shouldn’t have Captain Agos here kill you right now.”

Jean faked being shocked.

“Your grace? I have served the Empire well! My forces have surrounded the aliens…”

“Then how did a full legion of these aliens circle around your defenses and ambush me on the way here? How did they even know where to go?” Emperor Marcus frowned. His words came out slowly yet viciously. “As far as I know, you may be working with the aliens.”

The Emperor didn't actually believe that, but that didn't stop him from giving voice to the accusation. He had no idea how right he was.

Behind Jean, Agos pulled out his blade, and he made sure everyone in the tent could hear it.

Jean wasn’t intimidated.

“Your grace, how many men did you have?”

“You dare evade the Emperor’s question?” Behind him, the Imperial Guard Captain named Agos growled.

Jean turned around and glanced at him.

“Silence. The men are talking. This is not a place for a hound like you.”


“Enough.” Emperor Marcus waved his hand. “I had 70,000 men with me.”

“And those aliens defeated you?”

Marcus wasn’t going to admit his forces got completely slaughtered.

“They dealt quite the damage, but we were able to repel that. That was hardly a defeat.”

“If they have the ability to take on an army of 70,000 strong and leave, then what can my forces of 25,000 do?”

The two men that mattered were both silent after that brief exchange. Agos wanted to say something, but he quickly decided otherwise.

Both Marcus and Jean knew this conversation was somewhat meaningless. Jean obviously couldn’t kill the Emperor. At the same time, Marcus couldn’t just have the loyal Roman defender murdered the day he arrives. It would be a huge blow to his reputation. The other warlords wouldn’t sit back either for fear of suffering a similar fate.

The only thing Marcus tried to do with those accusations was to remind Jean that the power now belonged to him, and Jean should learn when to back off.

Finally, it was Marcus who spoke. A smile climbed onto his face like nothing happened.

“Well said, Legatus. You did what you could.”

“Thank you, your grace.”

Jean returned the favor.

For a moment, the two man who were about to kill each other became as if they were best friends. Agos coughed quietly and returned to the corner.

The outside world was so fake...he would rather stay by himself.

“Legatus, in your opinion, when can we launch our attack on the alien vessel?”

“9 of the 16 other noble Romans have arrived with their forces. The rest should arrive within a day. After that, the time will come when we can launch a combined effort to remove those aliens from our world.”

“And your forces? How are they doing?”

“They are doing well, your grace. An army of 10,000 has arrived from my capital city to reinforce. Even the 25,000 men stationed in this camp are ready to serve.”

“Then I’m sure they will be fine acting as the vanguard of the assault.” that was what Marcus was playing. Forcing her to waste her units on an enemy Marcus knew would be more than what she could handle. Agree, and she risks her army. Refuse, and she gives the Emperor a chance to punish him.

Not bad, except once again, the lack of information has returned to haunt the good Emperor.

Jean wasn’t really a Roman Legatus who couldn’t even keep himself alive without his army. Every Roman in this world would end up dead anyways. If Jean had to kill those under her now, then so be it.

Nonetheless, she made it look like Marcus’s words hit hard. It took her a handful of seconds before agreeing.

“Of course, your grace. My men will gladly give their lives in service of the Empire.”

Sensing he just claimed another victory, the Emperor finally allowed himself to reveal a truehearted smirk. After saying farewell to Jean, he stood up and left the command tent. This was Decimus’s tent after all, and Marcus had no intention of just taking it over, at least not now.

As the Emperor left, Jean summoned his top underlings. Lieutenant Cossus. Tribune Lorus, who has just arrived from Cayden with Jean’s reinforcement. Captain Caeso. She instructed them to ready the forces for an assault mission.

Of course, they raised concerns, but Jean put them down with words of the greater good.

As these underlings departed and she was finally by herself again, Jean sat down and closed her eyes.

There was a reason why she didn't just possess Emperor Marcus. Like the late Legatus Decimus, Emperor Marcus has been in contact with the Aggressors. In fact, he has been with the Aggressors longer than Decimus.

The Aggressors gave Decimus the Supersoldier serums. What could they have given to the Emperor?

If Jean made a move on the Emperor and failed to kill him quick enough...Decimus was also allowed to contact the Aggressors, but he just never got to use it. Jean never touched that area after she took over because she was afraid her facade would be exposed. But if the Emperor made it out, chances were he would find the chance to summon the Aggressors here.

That would be really problematic. Jean knew she wouldn’t be a match for the Aggressors. These blue-armored combatants might be hunted across the Infinite Realms by the Protectors, but a single one of them could take care of her. She had to be careful.

Speaking of careful, Jean had no idea what was going on with the Power of Death. It was as if she has reached a threshold, and that was a threshold that she couldn’t bypass with sheer understanding of death. She needed something more...substantial.

She decided she would consult Assistant in the Simulation Room or a Protector after this mission was over. Even so, Jean knew nothing was preventing her from repeating what she did a few days ago in the future. The only difference was this time, she would be taking the souls of her own.

Suddenly, Jean felt something in her pocket buzzing. She took it out. It was a communication device Alpha-Sierra gave to her before they departed.

“What is it?”

“We have a problem. The brains we retrieved from the legionnaires in the field were all dead. They cannot be converted and power the Alphian shells.”

On the other side, Alpha-Sierra looked at a diagonistic report. He was obviously confused.

“There have been no damage to the brains themselves, but none of the brains seem to be functioning. According to our past experience, brains that are retrieved at the time that these brains did should be fully functional. The Alphians have never seen anything like this.”

“Oh.” Jean suddenly realized something.

In the past, the Alphians were fine with killing their enemies and then taking their brains and converting them to Alphian units because even after death, the souls would still be connected to the brains for a short while. With sheer technology, the Alphians could sort of revive the dead. A few electric shocks and surgeries, and the souls would return to the brains, which would be put on life support.

But here, Jean extracted all the souls, crunched them down, sucked in what she needed, and then got rid of what was left. There was nothing left in those brains.

Jean immediately realized the problem. Without fresh brains, the Alphians lacked the reinforcements they needed.

“How many units do you have left?”

“Over 700. The brains of our compromised units that were brought back were also disabled.”

At this point, Alpha-Sierra could guess what was the cause of all this. The only thing differentiating this battle from every other battle the Alphians have fought in was the presence of Jean Turner. But he wisely kept his mouth shut about it. If he still had his emotions, then he might complain at Jean for her error, but not now. Not when complaining couldn’t change anything.

“And the squads you sent out?”

What was another benefit of dragging all the Roman forces here? Their territories would be defenseless. A while ago, after Jean confirmed all the warlords were on their way here, she had Alpha-Sierra send out multiple kill teams. Each time included dozens of Alphians and multiple transports. All of the transports were equipped with loads of empty Alphian shells. Their task? Infiltrate the Roman territories and go from village to village, convert everyone in their path.

This way, even if the Romans happen to win the fight here, they would return to a world of ruins. More importantly, when the Romans suddenly look away from the Alphian ship, they would find themselves facing a full Alphian army.

“They are successful in their task, yet they need more time.”

“Time.” Jean suddenly realized something. “Interesting. Listen, here’s the plan...”

Time? If the Emperor had all the Roman warlords and their tens of thousands of troops attack tomorrow, then 700 Alphians would never be able to hold their ground. Within just a day or two, the Romans would be barging into the Alphian ship. A lot of Romans would die, but the end would be the same.

But the Emperor wanted to conserve his troops and wait for her men to strike...well, she wouldn’t be Jean Turner if she doesn’t abuse that all the way home.

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