Shopping in the magical world 8/11
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After both boys had finished eating, Professor McGonagall took them to an establishment called 'Madame Malkin, robes for all occasions', a place attended by a kind and plump woman who served many children and young people, either taking their measurements, or selling them their respective uniforms.

John didn't understand much about fabrics, but, even so, he noticed how certain customers received uniforms made of high-quality fabrics while others received uniforms of very low quality. That wouldn't be a problem, except that such action was not based on the customer's wishes but on the seller's wishes.

When it was his turn, John directly pulled out many gold galleons while pointing to himself, Harry and Lily.

"Three of the highest quality, if galleons are missing, just mention the price and I'll pay it." He said casually as he motioned for silence to Harry.

The woman nodded with a polite smile and went to work.

"Excuse me, I noticed that for certain students, the uniform came customized in colors, can you design mine silver with gold tones?"

"Mr. Carter, your uniform does not come customized, those colors represent the Hogwarts Houses those students are affiliated with."

"Excuse my ignorance."

"No problem, any questions, I'm here to answer them."

Madame Malkin shortly after handed them their uniform packets, urging them to put them on to corroborate that these would fit.

"Professor McGonagall, I know that Hogwarts currently has four houses, and based on what you said earlier, I have seen red, green, yellow, and blue, so why is our uniform all black?"

"Because you have not yet been sorted to any of the Hogwarts Houses, the uniforms I make and sell, unlike the competition, have the particularity of changing to the corresponding colors of the House you are selected to, that way, you won't have to buy two packs of uniforms."

"Very good service, five stars, from now on you have gained a loyal customer."
Madame Malkin smiled at the words of the boy in front of her, so she pulled a sweet from her robes and handed it to him as a gesture of goodwill.

As they left the store, Harry faced John, handing him a small bag which, by the sound of its contents, implied that they were gold galleons.

"Harry, newbie, no need to do that, take it as a reunion gift," he said casually, popping the sweet into his mouth and savoring the taste of it with glee.

"I don't think it's good to accept these kinds of favors."

"Harry, look at the way you are dressed, if I hadn't intervened, both you and Lily would have received very poor quality uniforms. Don't think so much of me; think of Lily. Will you let her dress in such a poor manner? Let me tell you, the world of women is more frightening than you realize, one mistake, and you become a social outcast."

"I understand about Madame Malkin and I thank you for intervening, but I don't consider it right to let you pay for our things."

"Harry, boy, ever since I met you, I've had a feeling that you know who I am or get a rough idea of who I might be. I'll only say it once; if you've been unlucky enough to meet one of those bastards, you'll understand how overprotective we are of our friends, so instead of giving me money, just buy me cups of latte; that will be something that I'll gladly accept from you."

Harry hesitated for a few seconds before putting the bag back in his hands.

"Thank you," Lily said sheepishly as she noted the conclusion of the discussion between Harry and John.

After that brief exchange, the group continued shopping for their other school supplies, and on their tour, they stopped in front of a store called 'Flourish and Blotts'.

John whistled in amazement at the staggering amount of knowledge presented before his eyes, so he immediately asked Professor McGonagall to do him the favor of contacting Mundungus, as well as the favor of having to wait for him to arrive.

After half an hour, a haggard Mundungus appeared in front of them.

"Mundungus, is there a problem?" asked Professor McGonagall.

"Nothing, nothing, what is your wish, your excellency?" asked Mundungus to John.

"I need you to get me a copy of every book, every bookstore, and every meeting place you know of in the magical world; you are free to spend whatever you need," he said excitedly, handing Mundungus, a blank check from Gringotts.

"Mundungus, don't try to swindle him, understand?"

"Don't worry, Professor McGonagall, my appearance does not represent my work values."

"Mundungus, I'm serious, don't try to con him."

Mundungus let out a miserable smile.

"I take my leave, I have work to do, see you later." After saying this, Mundungus disappeared.

John wasn't worried in the least, the fate of those who tried to cheat or swindle any member of the Quelrathar was death, or eternal slavery, if they escaped to the eastern empire.

After this scene, they finished shopping for most of their school supplies, making a stop in front of a magical pet store at John's request.

This was not because he was thinking of having another pet, work and laziness often prevented him from having a healthy lifestyle, and if he could not even with his life, much less with that of someone in his care, for that reason, he was seriously considering the idea of hiring a middle-aged maid, the latter so that Karenina would not beat him to death.

The reason came in his curiosity to know the kind of beings that wizards had as pets, since he found it hard to believe that they had ordinary beings like the ones humans had.

Upon entering, the three children were dazzled, on the one hand, Harry and Lily were amazed by the various creatures that dwelled in it, while John was astonished by the huge space in front of him.

"I don't get it, I just don't get it," he said in confusion.

"What don't you understand young Carter?"

"How is it possible that magic exists to enlarge a place, making it seven to ten times bigger than it looks, but no magic exists to create clothes or clean?" he said in an exasperated tone.

"That magic does exist, you just run into those who didn't learn it or are too lazy to use it." She said with her hand covering her face, although there had been a few times John had reprimanded her, these few times were seriously bringing up the idea of including such incantations as compulsory in the upcoming exams.

"I want that owl!" said Harry, to the store keeper.

Harry's words gave a break to Professor McGonagall, who left the store.

John, who had been left with no one to talk to, went to where Harry was, noting with amazement the owl Harry chose.

With plumage as black as darkness itself and a sense of presence so low as to give the impression of not being there, this was an owl as stealthy as an assassin, but one that, when discovered, conveyed a sense of pride and elegance without bounds. If there was an owl that deserved the title of king of owls, this would undoubtedly be it.

John couldn't help but feel like punching Mundungus, the difference between his owl and Harry's was abysmal, for which he could only curse Mundungus for being so blind and letting this beautiful specimen pass him by.

In order not to watch the scene of how this owl was being purchased, he decided to go see Lily.

His initial surprise upon entering the shop was not without reason, although on the outside the shop looked small, inside it was extraordinarily large, so it took him a little while to find her.

Creeping closer, he noticed that she was squatting in front of a small cage, inside which was a small cat. Her nervous glance looking in all directions, her trembling hands approaching the cage door, and her gasping for breath from the excitement of doing something wrong struck him as most adorable.