2. Smooth… Until it wasn’t.
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"We're here my Lord. " Mane said as I looked outside of the carriage. 

From what the intel told us, there should be a mine full of building material and iron somewhere around here... 

"Mane, send the explorer to map the surrounding areas and give them five silver for each discovered mine or resources. " Five silver is about a month of wages for a farmer so explorer should be motivated enough to actually work. 

"Oh, and make sure to register each person for the prize, also report on me when they found something that warrant my attention. " Let's see... I already done the paperwork yesterday so I have about two hour of free time before one of the noble complained about houses. 

But, first visit on the day is for the farmer. 

Getting out of my carriages, I stretched my body a little before heading to the farmer camp. 

"Good morning my Lord! "

"Good day my Lord! "

"You're up early my Lord! "

I returned their greeting with a nod and a smile as I moved quickly through the newly built road made by the worker. 

I and the architect already mapped the blueprint for the city, it was a rough map that took over a week of our journey to do but it was worth it as the builder immediately worked on it along with the worker. 

Preparation really do make everything as smooth as dirt road. We can't make cement just yet because it's too early, but it's good enough for now. 

I can see around me that people started to wake up from their camp, following the small dirt road to the farmer camp, I saw a small commotion as my guard deftly shouted to garner attention to me. 

Immediately the crowd attention snapped to me as they greeted and make way for me. 

"What's going on here? " Stepping into the scene, I felt the mad glare of two people looking at me. 

"My Lord! You have to believe me, that man doesn't want to agree with the contract we had! " The person who had a rather fancy outfit said... Purple snake insignia? A representative from Seshaleen? Oh... It's that guy. 

"Lies! Lord he's the one who's changing the contract! The paper clearly said that I owned the right to distribute my produce however I please without any cost! " Ah, hmm... 

"You both should have the contract right? Bring it to me. " 

"I have it here my Lord. Please trust your own judgement... " The noble guy said as he brings me his paper, look at his barely held back scheme face... 

"Ah... Please wait a moment my Lord, I will fetch the paper right away. " And the farmer's gone... This seemed very suspicious from the get go... And from that noble reputation for ripping people off, he's surel-

No, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt, innocent until proven guilty. 

Upon reading the contract, I immediately noticed the problem... This contract is extremely vague. 

Extremely, extremely so. What the fuck did it mean by "control upon distribution" Did it mean rights? Did it mean service? Did it mean quality control?? The fuck this mean??? 

"Law 32, clause 4. Every man and woman shall obey the contracts agreement made by both of them. " Feels real smart huh? 

"Law 53, clause 20. Shall a man or woman is objected by a contract they did not agree to or rules they were not aware of due to exploitation from the other party, they are not required to do what was written upon those contract. " The man only gritted his teeth. 

However it's not over yet, because if that farmer has indeed signed the proper contract, there's nothing he can do, at least until I invested some time making a new law regarding this hyper specific situation that can lead to more chaos later on, so it honestly depend on the farmer. 

"Lord here is my paper, please do something about that man! " I checked the paper. 

So far so good... Until it isn't. 

"May I inquire your name? " I looked at the farmer as he beamed a smile at me. 

"Thompson, my Lord. " I scanned the surrounding crowd as I held the paper up. 

"This man, Thompson has committed forgery! " A resounding gasp and a snicker from the noble as he laughed. 

"Ha! Serves you right bufoon! I the great magnif-"

"And this man, Foryeri Seshaleen has also committed forgery! " Another gasp followed, I didn't want to make a spectacle, I just really like being dramatic. 

"Men! Arrest these two and send them to the prison for now. I will talk with them later. " With that the crowd dispersed into a series of whisper and hush. 

Now to the farmer that I need to meet. 

In the distance I could see a decently sized tent, farmer Joe is the person I had to meet, he's the head of all the farmer and the primary spokesperson for all farmer. 

Regular farmer and people can still meet me, however that line is slowly growing longer as time goes on. It was better to have a representative telling me the real important thing instead of waiting three weeks to do so yourself. 

I'm a busy man with busy things that do busy stuff. 

"Joe! How your kids doing? "

"Good my Lord, they've been healthy thanks to your swift intervention and I can't thank you more because of that. "

"Don't sweat it, just think of it as a... Favour if you know what I'm saying... " 

"Of course! Please come inside, perhaps some coffee? " He offered as we both walked inside to the tent. 

Noticing the wood frame around, I let out a sound of astonishment. 

"Hmm, wood frame? Didn't we just arrive ten hours ago? Impressive. " He laughed as we sat down. 

"My brother from the builder's league helped with this, he certainly does not want my pregnant wife to sleep on the dirt. " He say as said pregnant wife poured some coffee for us. 

"Thank you Sherry. " After scouring hours and hours to memorizing each representative and their connection and family. It was nice to make use of that. 

"Your pleasure, my Lord. " She smiled as I took a sip of the coffee. 

Bitter... I prefer a more sweeter version of coffee, but this is good enough. 

"Hmm? My Lord did you took an interest for coffee? " Here comes the small talk. 

"It was largely my wife's fault for getting me into the coffee scene. " He and I laughed as we took more small talk, discussing the intricacies of coffee beans. 

"I always wondered how coffee tasted when combined with milk, they both seemed like complete opposite, one was smooth and tasty, the other is energizing and bitter. " He took a more thoughtful hum as I broke the talk with a small statement. 

"Now, where were we? Yes... Did you manage the paper? " I said as he broke out of his thinking and present me with a huge stack of paper. 

"Everything is going well, the new 'printer' helped more than expected, the land was divided evenly between the noble, and everything is going extremely smoothly. "

"Good, any complaint? " I said as I thumbed through the paper. 

"The usual, rumor regarding security, complaint regarding divination magic only accessible to certain farmer family, a new weird technology that sprungs up suddenly and many more complain regarding the builder's league preference toward the noble. "

"I believe you have taken most of it no? "

"Of course, everything is taken care of. The complaint mostly came from the same person each time anyway. "

"Great, now tell me about that weird technology. "

"Right... They said some people saw weapons or relic of the past when exploring for ground to farm. Small coinlike things jutted from the underground, a beeping noises that head straight to their skull and rectangular tablet like device. " 

"Hmm, make sure to tell the authorities for any weird object or noises, they could be some remnant of the monster technology... War technology. " He widened his eyes as he nodded, no one wanted a giant explosion of fireball in the middle of the town. 

"Right, thank you my Lord for the information. " He said as I took a look at my empty coffee. 

"Hmm, I think we should call it quits for now, may your harvest be bountiful. " Getting up, I dusted myself off and exited the tent. 

"He knew a farmer's greeting?? Never thought a noble would know something like that... " Farmer Joe had worked with many different noble and this one strikes his interest way too much. 

Normally genius like him is hailed like a hero in all circle of noble, his ingenious idea, his abstract thinking, and the not so subtle suggestion...

"Maybe it's worth to look into him. "