Glass 1(MS)
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Today I took another quest. But this time I am accompanied by Elly, Gerald with Kanna on his back. At first we urged him to let Velvet and Emy take care of Kanna but he insisted. 

(Well... Can't blame him. It's better if he is assured than anything else.)

Anyways the quest we took are kind of weird? If not unusual. An old man went to the guild asking them to save his lady he served. The place is a kind of a cave according to him which is weird. I mean where in this shit hole of a desert can we even find a cave? Well not that I judge cause here we are walking towards the said cave.

We took a while walking so I started checking the old man up. He got white hair and few visible scars on his hand which means he must be using sword before judging by it's form and the way he walk. Paired by his odd aura if I where to describe, it felt like he will devour anyone under command. But who we are to judge someone's past right?

Atleast not Gerald. Since as of now he is under call and the recipient is me which is weird since we are literally running side by side. That said I answered the call without looking at him cause maybe it's a secret.


(Sup? Anyways lady Eris ready yourself.)

(Ready? Why?)

(One of my skills in spy series can detect skills activated around me and it's name.)

(And you're saying he is using a skill of sorts?)

(Good thing you are quick to follow. He is using or maybe he is affected by a skill called 'light refraction' I'm not sure how it works)

(Wait. Light refraction?)

(Have you heard of it lady Eris?)

(Urgh... Yeah? Not sure if it is what I think it is but light refraction are sort of bending the light that changes the image?)


(I guess?)

(Then this might be bad. Please call lady Elly too. We need to prepare quickly before we arrive.)

(Got it.)

-call ended-

(Damn... This might be bad.)

(Call Elly)

-call request sent-


(Hey Eris. Why did you call)

(Listen Elly. Don't look to me and just act normal. I don't have time to explain but here is my orders.)


(We might be in a bad situation so first of all since it's a cave we will leave you outside to guard. Kanna will be with you. Gerald and me will follow him inside if the situation allows.)

( it.)

(Good. Also remember Gerald's emergency plan?)

(The one he told us last night?)


(I remember it.)

(Once you received my call again. Do it.)

(Are you sure?)

(Listen Elly. We are in a tight spot if we think it is what Gerald fears. So don't hesitate.)

(Alright... Got it.)

(Good. Don't change just act normal. Bye)

-call ended-

-you received a call from Gerald answer?-

(What? He called again?)


-connection established-

(Lady Eris. Have you told lady Elly?)


(Great. I can detect the said cave. There is one person inside)

(Where? I still can't see it.)

(My range is wide that's why.)

(I see.)

(Anyways. Prepare for the worst lady Eris. I fear the opponent might be strong. As a spy I can tell if the target killed someone and this old man did a few. But the one over there is the worst.)

(Should we continue?)

(Normally I would suggest otherwise lady Eris. However I am on guard with this old man. If somehow we or I can't defeat him then if we changed our plans now it might be bad.)

( bad.)

(Don't be lady Eris. You only accepted the quest. You just got unlucky. Anyways I'm cutting it now.)

-call ended.-

(Damn it! If only I didn't accept the quest.)


-at the guild-

(Hmmmm what quest should I take today?)

Currently I am alone again and looking for a quest. Gerald told me he will accompany me later after buying ingredients asked by Velvet. Elly also wish to join so I decided to look for quest right away.

Suddenly all the attention inside the guild directed to the door that suddenly flanged open.

The one who entered is an old man breathing hard.

He look fit with his white wavy hair wearing a butler clothes or sorts. He quickly run towards the counter making me step aside in a rush since I am talking to the receptionist earlier.

"I have a quest! Please help rescue milady!" The old man dropped a bag of gold in the table as he said.

"Understood sir. We will post your request on the board right away." The receptionist replied in a calm demeanor.

"How long do I need to wait? Milady is in danger!" He demanded.

"Normally it will be available upon posting but as of now only one available member and one party is currently free." The receptionist replied as she looks at me and the party of 6 sitting on the table.

"Then take the party. They can go right away right?" He asked.

"Actually I believe two of them can't. The reason they are free as of now is because they suffered from their last quest." The receptionist explained.

"DAMN IT!" The old man slammed his fist on the counter making a loud thud without destroying it.

(Rescue quest? Hmmm... Maybe we can take it with Gerald with us it will be easy to plan out a map.)

"Ummm..." I tried to speak to the two.

"What is it Eris?" The receptionist asked. We got to know each other earlier as we are now on name basis.

"If I can bring none guild member I can take the quest." I said.

The receptionist girl thinks for a while.

"Certainly that is allowed but may I ask why they are not registered yet?" She asked.

"The truth is we just arrived yesterday and they are busy fixing some thing inside our new residence. As I am free, I decided to take a quest alone. Later we will have a party instead." I explained.

"I see. How many members?" She asked.

"Should be 6 but today only 4 of us can go." 

"Then as for a rescue quest it is required to have minimum of 4 members so it is acceptable."

The old man smiled upon hearing the receptionist.

"Then let's head out already!" The old man claimed.

"Got it. I will be back in 10 minutes."


(Haa... Me and my idiot mouth.)

We continue our running pace for good 10-16 minutes when we finally saw a cave.

(Seriously? A cave in a middle of desert?)

I what I thought but we followed the old man.

"It's inside." He said as we all stop infront of the cave.

"This looks like a tunnel entrance instead of a cave." Gerald said.

"I don't know. Anyways let's proceed." The old man urged us.

"Elly stay on guard at the entrance." I ordered Elly.

"Got it. Leave the entrance to me."

"I will leave Kanna with you lady Elly." Gerald asked as he place the throne with Kanna sitting on next to Elly near the entrance.

Elly nods at Gerald. Gerald looks at me one more time and with a nod we followed the old man inside. As we walk we noticed that this place is huge compared to the image from outside.)

"How can this expand inside when it looks small on the outside?" I asked as we walk onwards.

"No idea miss. " The old man replied.


I look around as we follow the old man. After few minutes or so of walking we stumbled upon an open area. It's wide enough to rival the inside of the guild building. At the center is a small throne where a little girl in twintails wearing black and red dress as she holds a teddy bear. Gerald tensed upon seeing her which made me on guard.

"SHIT RUN OUTSIDE LADY ERIS!" Gerald screamed which made me obey as I run towards the exit only to be stopped when we heard the little girl snap her fingers. Invisible wall enveloped the area.

"Glass prison." Is what we heard right after the snap and before this walls appear.

"Fufufu good job Sebas." The girl praised the old man as she raise form her throne and walk towards us.

"It's my honor lady Anna." The old man kneeled infront of her.

The little girl approached us slowly.

"It's been a while sir Gerald." The little girl smiled as she stopped few steps away infront of us.

Gerald looked at her with fear in his eyes on guard as he stands infront of me to protect.

"I trust my sister is safe right?" She smiled again. 

This time the smile is different. Even I can tell that as of now she... Or the girl infront of us are seething in bloodlust which made me sweat coldly.