World of duality 2(MS)
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-inside the cave-


"Urgh.." slowly standing now as I feel my body pain after getting beaten up by Sebas.

"You're still naive Gerald. You always fall to easy tricks." Sebas claimed as he walk towards me.

"Surely you jest... Damn you old man." I groan but held my shield in my hand as my sword flew away after his beating earlier.

"But atleast you are still standing. You have grown son." He smiled as he point his blade to me.

"Why lady Anna want to kill lady Eris?" I asked with pained voice while holding my shield to defend myself.

"Kill? Didn't you hear lady Anna say 'test' her?" Sebas said.

"Test? But lady Eris is sure that lady Anna want to kill her." Gerald asked again.

"I don't know what lady Eris think but as a loyal butler of lady Anna. I am only here to deal with you. Now that I am here might as well retrain my bastard son that took lady Kanna away hmm?" Sebas readied himself with an over hand stance ready to slash down the enemy.

"Damn it old man." I hold my shield up once more and ready for his attack.

Sebas once again dashed towards me.

"Talon of eagle!" His sword swung downwards creating a small vortex enough to send me flying once more.

(Urghh... This old man didn't grow weaker despite his age.)

I stand again and ready for another strike. In which Sebas started running again towards me but stopped and look behind. I got surprised and look there too only to see.

"Where are they?" I gasped.

"It seems your companion knows a few tricks." Sebas smiles.

(They disappeared.)

-Back to Eris pov-

As I open my eyes I saw the world changed. It seems we are in an endless plane. Orange red colors spread out in the sky like a world engulfed in flames. While the ground covered in snow white. As if the goddess of ice breath in here. I look around and saw it spread all the way to where I can see. I look behind me and saw the two Anna now holding each other.

"World alteration magic? To think you also possess one like my inversed world. Tsk." The smiling Anna groans seemingly annoyed.

"World alteration magic?" I couldn't help myself but blurt it out.

"Hmph. To think you have one and you don't even know what it means. No matter. I will see to it myself how strong you are." The frowning Anna said before the two separates again. This time they are running towards me instead of their former encirclement earlier.

(I still don't know what this two skill does but I have no time for that.)

"Frost wall!" I unleash my frost wall creating a huge wall of ice around me. 

I got surprised since the size of my skill differed from the usual considering I am always using my skills that are roll 6 effect thanks to my luck.

The two Anna groaned and jump backwards before the two open their hands and with their palm infront they both yelled.

"Shatter!" The wall around me shatters releasing shards flying everywhere. 

But unlike before, the wall only shattered a part infront of them instead of the whole frost wall shattering like earlier.

The two used this chance to run towards the hole they made. In before they do I already jumped above the wall to exit which is why when they entered no one is there already. 

Now the two inside the wall I aimed my hand and use my other skill.


The inside of the frost wall explode. The explosion this time is the same. The damage are more severe as I saw the whole frost wall crumble before me. I can totally see a small mushroom cloud like when the nuclear explosions on earth happened.

(Damn. By any chance, Muspelheim and Niflheim increases the strength of my skills?)

What I guessed is right but not completely. After all Muspelheim and Niflheim is a world alteration magic. Something I didn't know what yet.

After the smoke dispersed I saw the two figures now crouching in the ground.

"Fuck. This is not fun!" The former smiling Anna said.

"What to do?" The frowning Anna now with tears on her eyes asked.

"What else? Use our own!" 

The two stands. They hold each other with both hands and press their forehead together. The two let go of their other hand and raise it on the sky.

"Inverse world!"

The world went to another change. This time in addition to the orange red skies stretched out far and the white snow on the ground the time became night or to be precise it felt like we are now inside the void. The frozen fiery hell inside the void is what it felt like if I where to give a description.

(Seriously what is this world alteration magic? And is it really that powerful? Although my skills really did get stronger I just can't find it more useful than it.)

"Now we are on equal playground. Time to get serious." The smiling Anna said in which the frowning Anna nods.

I ignore the two and requip my skills. 

(Since passive skills works despite being unequipped I will change my skills. I will include flare and frost this time. Now four including frost wall and explosion, I will also use fireball and water ball.)

But when I try to equip water ball an error occured.

-error. Cannot use any skill with element other than fire and ice-

(Damn it ice are also water isn't it?)

Either way I just forget adding water ball and return my attention to the two as they start running.

I slowly walk backwards and use my skill

"Frost!" With my skill frost the ground instantly froze. Well it's already snowy earlier using skill frost jist made the ground ice.

I saw the two now having a hard time running and became slower must be thanks to the debuff of frost which gives the enemies slow.

I aim my hands onwards and starts another skill.


With both my hands aimed at the two I release fireball with a condition to release another one after a fireball fired. This will continue until I say stop. 

I noticed the fireballs released are a lot bigger now. I wait upon contact to check how strong they became but the two open their hands forward and both yelled.

"Reverse!" The fireballs that hit their hand started flying towards me instead.

I aimed my hand to the flying fireballs on my way to hit them with another batch of fireball. The collision send a small wave of force upon contact halting the movement of the two as they focus on reversing my fireballs back to me.

After back and forth exchange of my fireball against myself I stopped. I saw the two made a deep breathe before they start running towards me again.


I made another frostwall around me and one in the center. Raising me from the ground high above. And then as soon as they reach the first wall around the wall where I stand I release an explosion. They didn't expect it so the explosion hit them. I saw the two get knock backed now laying on the ground.

The two stand slowly and look at me. I noticed when I focused on their body.

(Still no damage? How is this possible.)

I observe the two longer thinking how or what to do then a thought comes to mind.


"I sensed the butler got a skill called light refraction"

"Light Refraction? I believe it's the bending of light to change image?"



(That's right! By any chance...)

I look around looking for clue then I saw not so far away the throne she sat earlier.

I aim my hands forward towards the throne and release a skill.


The two noticed me release a skill in which they reacted quickly and and ran towards the throne to defend.

Unfortunately they are a tad slower so the fireball hit the throne cleanly.

Smoke released thanks to the contact. I stare at it waiting for the smoke to disperse.

As soon as the smoke disappear I saw the image of the two Anna started to become glitchy? Their image seems like a broken image file in which I am familiar since I cam from earth.

Then after few seconds the two disappear. In exchange her figure appeared sitting on the throne.

*clap* *clap* *clap*

She claps her hands as she remained settled on her throne.

I deactivated my frost wall slowly dropping me to the field. I walk towards her now standing few steps away from her.

"Not bad. Very few managed to realize my skills. Tell me. What is your name again?" She asked as she look up to meet my gaze.

"Eris." I replied still watching her move incase.

"I see. It looks like you are strong enough. I thought you are just simply using my sister so I tried eliminating you. Turns out I am wrong."

"You didn't allow me to explain."

"Fair. In exchange I will allow you to ask 3 questions. No matter what I will answer it honestly." She relax on her throne as she lay her head on her clench fist now laying as she stare at me.

I thought for a while what to ask then started questioning her.

next chapter will explain about world alteration magic and the change in glossary will be done after next chapter too~