Chapter 2
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[kidnapping warning]

11:20 am Skyridge Apartments, Lexine, Kentucky. October 18th, 2024

P.O.V Third person- Luca

        The letter shook in his hands as tears welled up into Luca's eyes. There was no way. They sent him a personal letter with his results. He was a submissive, which didn't shock him, but what did was the fact that he was tied to be both a little and a slave. He had never had time to explore that side of him and the testing... well, it was unusual.


        ~~~~"Please sit in the chair Luca,  thank you." The doctor was kind and polite, clearly a vampire by the pure skin and ageless look. They looked like a supermodel Luca thought. He climbed into the chair despite his nerves and sat down. They attached some cords with sticky pads to the base of his skull, and with a quick pinch Luca felt the anaesthesia needle slide into his arm.

        They did a neuro dive with those cords to access core memories. Luca did not know much more than that. A process that had been developed by Sir Valbrich Deitrine. A rather old but intelligent and caring vampire. Not all were like that however. 

        Luca quickly fell asleep and he thought he slept a dreamless sleep as he woke up two hours later in the chair to the doctor saying "Afternoon sleepyhead, all done!" Luca was given time to regain his legs and mind as he groggily functioned. The testing was complete.~~~~

P.O.V Third person- Luca - 11:30 am Skyridge Apartments, APT 413, October 18th , 2024

        He couldn't be?! Could he? Luca suddenly noticed the letter behind the results. Hand written in practiced cursive, a missive to him. 

"Dearest Luca Moore, 

        It has come to our attention with your latest test results, that you are extremely rare and unique. We have several individuals interested in changing your life for the better. We are aware of your top notch performance at the University of Kentian and would like to meet with you. 

        As it also turns out you are a unique submissive slave/masochist. Most individuals score out top at just one archetype. You have scored perfect on both. There is the 100% turn rate associated with your blood which is also unique. This indicates a bloodline that has originally risen from vampirism but has lost it in some way. We do not know if you know your family history, as we know you were raised in the Lexine Orphanage. A third astonishing factor is that your blood shows signs of being unusually nourishing for vampires. THIS IS DANGEROUS. Please take care and do not leave for classes upon reading this letter. 
        We do not know if the information provided will have been leaked prior as we are dealing with a new uprising of slavers among the US. A car will be sent after the confirmation of this letter. Do not open the door for anyone without this specific confirmation phrase: "Nectar." It should arrive around 12pm from the date of opening. 

        Thank you Luca Moore, the family looks forward to meeting you,

William Alden"

        Luca began to hyperventilate. He couldn't breathe. No no no this couldn't be happening to him. Could it? He never thought he was anything special. He just knew he was good at whatever he did. Not like this though. He dropped the letters and stabilized himself against the countertop. Doing his breathing exercises  the therapist taught him, he  began to calm down. Looking at the time on the stove it was only 11:35. 25 minutes...25 minutes...25 more minutes.... Then his life would change. He could run, but what good would that do? Seriously.

        Luca suddenly remembered something. Normally a badge came with the letter. He checked the envelope and there was a small laminated card within. There it was, in all its official glory, if that was even the right term. Luca Moore. Born June 15th, 2006. Type O blood. Submissive. Category: Masochist/Slave. He shook. His nerves would get the best of him one day but for now he needed to calm down. 

        Little did Luca know, he was about to have visitors, and all it took was turning around to see the bag go over his head. Luca tried to scream but a gag went around the cloth bag as soon as he opened his mouth. All he could taste was silk and a bar across his jaw. His instincts began to kick in, but they were not the ones he needed at the time. Dropping to his knees his captor? Captors? Well, however many must have found it amusing because a light chuckle was heard and the shuffling of feet moved behind Luca. The now sobbing, gagged, and about to be wrist bound Luca. Harsh hemp rope clamped his wrists to one another. His captor was skilled and quick. But there was certainly more than one. As someone in front of him picked up his card. "Luca Moore, nice to meet you kiddo, your ours now." It was a deep rumbling voice. 
        Luca suddenly wondered how they had gotten in so quickly and so silently. Oh by god, he had forgotten to lock his door. Fuck fuck fuck, they must of followed him after class. He wanted to lash out. He wanted to kick and scream and cry. But all he could do is one of those things. Tears streamed down his face, snot soaked the silk bag. Luca just wanted to be back anywhere but here. 

        Hoisting him up from behind the man's lackey, threw Luca over his shoulder and out the door they went. Click. Clack. Click. Clack. The shoes went on the tiled floor. Through the back staircase... down the stairs Luca had often excitedly skipped down for class. Luca closed his eyes trying to get the tears to stop. His body shook with fear and hiccuped with from the sobbing. The lackey just snorted as though it was hilarious to him. 

        A car door opened, and Luca was shoved ungracefully inside. It must have been a limo, because there was a large enough floor space for Luca's legs to sprawl. The individuals climbed in behind him. Clack. The door closed. Not only on the car, but on Luca's new fate.

~Chapter Complete~