Part 1 – The start
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It was around summer.

I remember because my mom had a carnation garden on the front side of our home, and the blooms were everywhere. It was always nice to have them around.

They smelled nice too. The color was pretty. But you couldn't even pick one up.

My mother was really strict about that, I remember. And I really didn't have a reason why I couldn't, other than her just saying to leave them.

She had her reasons, I'm sure. And I respected that. I always have.

But... I never really liked my mother very much. Not to say I hate her, because I don't, but I always thought that she was a bad mother.

She wouldn't let me play out with my friends, for example.

Or have boys over.

She wouldn't let me go to sleep-overs.

I really felt like a loser. I've never been allowed to live. Not only that, but I really didn't know how it was.

My parents separated when I was really little. They divorced.

And I was given custody to my mother.

So she was the only parent I ever really knew.

My dad is like a mystery to me. I'm not even sure where he is.

No... It doesn't matter. It never mattered to me.

What really got me down was when I got accepted into this new high school.

It was really exciting to me, but my mom had this new set of rules for me.

I can't stay up past 9, no matter what.

So in the end, it didn't matter. I hated it.

So I decided to get out of my house for the weekend, because I needed time alone.

I was walking through the street, with my ear buds in, and I just wanted to get out.

But... The unexpected happened.

There was a loud noise, and then the world got quiet. I remember hearing a sound... Then silence.

When I opened my eyes, everything was red.



There were a few people screaming, but most of them were in shock. I saw blood. So much blood.

I had been hit by a car. It was on purpose, too. The guy sped up when he got close, and... And...

I couldn't breathe...

My life was flashing before my eyes.

I knew.

At that moment. I knew.

I had lost it.

My life was over.


My future, my dreams... Everything.

It's funny though. I wasn't scared.

Maybe it's because my life didn't amount to much.

I never did anything. I was never happy.

Maybe it was because I was never loved.

But at that moment, I wasn't scared. I was actually content.

And I wanted to smile.

All I ever did was think. I was never happy.

I was a failure.

And I accepted that.

I had a few friends, but not really.

They were never loyal.

But I'm not bitter about it.

I accepted that as well.

I mean... The world is not a perfect place.

Was it my mother's fault?

Was it my friends?

Was it myself?

I was stressed. I didn't have anyone to lean on.

No one I could turn to.

Because I was so stressed.

I masturbated a lot.

I mean, like a lot.

Like... Every day...

Despite never having a boyfriend.

My mother wanted me to be a perfect person.

No drugs. No boys. No... Anything.

But... I'm not perfect. I'm human.

Do perfect people masturbate every day?

I don't know. But... It makes me feel good.

And it helps me escape my problems.

I never told her about that. She'd probably have a fit if I ever did.

I think she was just disappointed with me, and...

She expected me to be like her.

...I'm not her. I'm not this perfect girl that she wanted. I never was.

I just... Wanted someone to love.

And someone to love me back.

My vision fades out... I don't feel so good.

I'm fading...

My mom... I'm sorry... I...

I wanted to be a better daughter.

I wanted you to love me too.

...I just... Wanted to be loved...

And now I'm dying...

I can't hold it...


The world crumbles...

It's the end...

It's over.


Shuts down.

It's dark...


And I'm in a deep, dark abyss...

...Where do I go from here?

The end.


I opened my eyes.

Everything was different.

...Was I dead?

Everything is dark, but there's a light...

A soft glow...

It's coming from an opening...

There is no blood.

...Everything is white.

I walk through.

Where am I?

What is this place?

I don't remember...
