Part 20 – Witch
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Time stops.

All sounds and sights disappear.

Am I dead?

It must be death, if not. Why is it so calm?

...I open my eyes slightly.

"...What is this?" I ask myself.

Everything stopped... I'm not dying anymore...?

"Is this... Purgatory?" I ask, slowly opening my eyes more.

The giant is frozen. He isn't attacking.

"Ah, my ears and my tail stopped shaking..."

They aren't moving at all. I'm not moving at all.

Is this how death feels like in this world?

If this is death... It's pretty scary. It feels like an eternity.

The club is just a few inches from hitting me.

Is this... Some sort of trick? Am I supposed to figure out what is going on before time resumes?



This doesn't feel like some sort of game.

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯A voice rings inside my head.

"Welcome to the pause between life and death. It's a lovely little limbo, isn't it? Don't worry, I'm not here to trick you... yet. You're just... suspended, for now. Take a deep breath, or rather, don't bother - you won't need to, anyway. You have a few moments to collect your thoughts before... well, before the inevitable. So, what's it going to be? Are you going to try to bargain your way out of this, or will you simply accept your fate with a smile?"


A pause between life and death?

And a voice I can hear inside my head.


"...I don't understand..."

It doesn't make any sense... Am I hallucinating? Is this the afterlife? What's going on?

"You really don't get it, do you? Don't worry. Let me explain everything for you. After all, we have plenty of time."

Who is it that speaks? And why can I hear them? I must be dreaming... This must be some sort of dream or illusion.

Maybe the pain of being hit by a giant club, was enough to trigger my imagination.

"Hey! Don't ignore me. This isn't a dream. I'm really here." The voice said again, sounding a little irritated.

I guess it is talking to me?

"Then... Who are you? And where are you?"

"My name? Ah, let's keep it a mystery for now. I'm a witch. But, as for where I am... Well, I'm everywhere. I exist between time, between dimensions. You might even say I'm a figment of your imagination - or rather, you are a figment of my imagination. Isn't it poetic? Anyway, let's cut to the chase - do you want to make a deal?" The voice asked me.

"No." I reply.

"Ah, such a pity. But no need to worry. You don't really have a choice. There's only one way out of this mess for you, I'm afraid. Well, it's either you accept the deal and save yourself, or you refuse and get... crushed to death. There is no other way."

"Wait... So what you are telling me... I'm really in-between life and death?" I ask, puzzled.

"Huh... Well, sort of. Time is only stopped because I've started a contract with you. Think of it as... I'm stopping your death. I don't exist in your normal perception of time, but you exist in my timeless dimension for now, since I've paused you in time." The voice explained.

"And this contract... Will only save me? No one else?"

"Correct. Only you. But your body is really damaged. Honestly, I can't heal you. And if time resumes, you're as good as dead."

"Why?" I ask.

"That giant thing. He is extremely powerful, and I doubt you'll survive even the first hit. I can kill it, but I can't fix your body."

"Wait a minute. Why is your voice inside my head?"

"What are you talking about? I told you I'm in a different dimension than yours. It's just telepathy. We're communicating with each other by magic."

"Oh... How can you tell that my body is badly damaged?"

"Your thoughts and emotions are easily detectable in my timeless dimension, that's all. I can't see where you are exactly, but I can feel what is happening to you, if that makes any sense."

"Okay... And why did you choose me, a child, for the contract?"

"Why not?"

"No. You seem like someone with knowledge." I say, curious about this voice in my head.

"It's simple. I'm interested in your world. It's my hobby to choose certain individuals to test my experiments, to see how they respond, to see how their minds react, how their souls are influenced by me. It's a sort of... fun game. But no one ever accepts my deal."

She sounds super dangerous! I shouldn't agree to anything from this voice... It must be dangerous.


"And why is that?"

"It seems risky. And besides... Why would I?"

"What do you mean by 'it seems risky?' And 'why would you?' Because you have no choice. That's the deal. No choice at all." The witch replies.

"Just let me die, then!"

"...Do you not care about your life at all, child? Don't you want to see your family again?" She asks me.

"I don't care anymore! I can't do anything, I don't have any power to protect anyone. What is the point?" I exclaim.

"Are you sure? Don't you think there might be other ways? After all, you did try to create your own shield. And it didn't even fail. You are powerful, even if you don't believe it."

"What? The shield failed. It broke. And what can I do to fight him?" I exclaim, feeling frustrated.

"...I suppose. That shield did not protect you for long, but its thanks to that you and that girl behind you are still alive, you just don't know it yet." She says.

"She's alive? I... I hope I didn't hurt her too much..."

"You sound more worried about her than your own life..." She replies.

"She seems like a very vulnerable person, and I felt sorry for her."

"How about your life?" She asks again.

"My life is nothing, it never was, and it will never be. I don't want to live anymore. It was a mistake for me to be born. I wish I could disappear right now. I'm weak and a useless human being."

"You're wrong. You're not a weak or useless human. You're just in denial." She says.

"Huh? Denial of what?"

"Of your power. You created your own shield! That takes more than a mere imagination. It is thanks to your magic. You clearly didn't make that shield through casting. Your magical power was being suppressed, it seems like you used some other kind of magic, you made up." She explains.

"That was visualization. My parents told me I should suppress my mana for now, it seems to be really high, and I could die if it isn't suppressed."

"What? You can use visualization magic? I see, I understand. I have underestimated your capabilities... I suppose." The witch seems surprised.

"Um... Do you think you could explain it to me better?"

"Sure. You see... Visualization is a way for a mage to create objects and effects in the world without casting spells. But I doubt much people in your world are using visualization magic. It's really complex, and dangerous, as well. I'm surprised you even made your own shield."

"Why?" I ask.

"Visualization requires a strong mind. One that is capable of manipulating magical energy to create an object. Envision the desired outcome, Focus on the intention, Channel magical energy, Release the energy and Maintain focus and concentration. If one of those steps isn't completed properly, you fail. The fact that you made the shield proves your skill."

"...And that shield wasn't strong enough. So what? If I try it again, won't I fail as well?"

"Idiot. I can see you lack self esteem. It wasn't strong enough for you... But it saved that girl. You have potential... I want you to show your skills again." She tells me.

"I want to protect that girl... And I also want to survive, for my parents. But you're clearly a dangerous witch... So no. I don't want anything from you."

"Hm. I see... You are more complicated than I thought you would be." She sounds disappointed.

"If you're worried about me being dangerous, we can decide on a contract." She says.

"...What is that?"