I Like When You Call Me That
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“Hey, Annabeth!”

Annabeth opened one eye, the other lazily following. “Oh. Hey, Percy.” Annabeth groaned and sat up. She glanced at the clock on the wall next to her bed. It read 5:57. “What on earth are you doing up this early?”

Percy giggled. “It’s the 18th, Annabeth. You know what that means!” she said in a sing-song voice.

Annabeth was suddenly wide awake. “Oh my gods. Today?”

Percy nodded enthusiastically. “Yup! 1 whole year! Gods that makes me so happy.”

Annabeth smiled at her girlfriend.

Yeah that’s right, girlfriend.

Percy had only recently come out to Annabeth, doing so while they chatted, alone, in the empty stables on the Argo II.

At first Annabeth had been a but thrown off… for all of 5 seconds before she decided, quite simply, who the Hades cares? Percy was her girlfriend, and, as far as Annabeth was concerned, always had been.

Of course, it was only days later, after they had finally made it out of Tartarus, that Annabeth finally managed to make the connection that she was actually bi. It turns out that so was Percy.

Percy had remained closeted to everyone else right up until they got out of Tartarus, after which Percy immediately messaged her mom.

Annabeth had been with her, of course. It was now, more than ever, difficult for the two of them to be apart. (Hooray for trauma!)

Back in the present, Percy had grabbed Annabeth’s hand and was pulling her up out of bed. Annabeth was more than willing, and the two girls quickly found themselves standing, barely an inch between them.

Annabeth brought her hands up to Percy’s waste, pulling the other girl closer to her.

Their height difference was negligible, and Annabeth was easily able to reach Percy's lips on her own.

Percy eagerly kissed her back. Annabeth felt Percy brush her hand through her hair.

The two girls pulled apart.

Percy grabbed Annabeth’s hand. “Come on!”

Annabeth followed, not particularly caring that she was still in her sleep-wear.

Percy led her outside to the beach. She sat down, Annabeth following, setting next to her and snuggling up next to her.

“You know we aren’t facing the right way for the sunrise, right?” Annabeth said.

Percy laughed and nodded. “I just like the beach in the dark. It’s so… relaxing. And having you with me is very nice.”

Annabeth smiled, kissing her girlfriend again.

“So, quite the year, huh?”

Percy sighed. “We missed half of it.”

Annabeth ran a hand through Percy’s hair. It had continued to grow out the entire time she had been under Hera’s spell, leaving it at shoulder length. Annabeth loved Percy’s hair.

“And I’m still mad at Hera about that. Don’t think I ever won’t be, to be completely honest.”

The two girls continued sitting on the beach as the sky lightened. At one point, Percy had lay her head in Annabeth’s lap and had fallen asleep.

Annabeth absent-mindedly caressed Percy’s head, watching the waves splash gently onto the shore.

Eventually, Percy woke up again, shifting and pressing her face into Annabeth’s tummy, groaning. “Morning, Annabeth,” a muffled voice said.

“Morning, Percy.”

Percy sat back up partially, but as her head came closer to Annabeth’s, she quickly stole another kiss.

Annabeth kissed back, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend.

Percy pulled away, sitting up fully. She shifted so she was sitting in Annabeth’s lap.

“So I’ve been thinking…” Percy began. “And then last night, when talking to my mom, I figured something out.”

“What did you figure out?”

Percy blushed, something which made Annabeth really want to kiss her again, but she held back so she could hear what Percy had to say.

“My name. I mean, what I want my name to be.”

Annabeth did kiss Percy then, quickly and pulled back just as quick. “And what would that be?”

Percy smiled, her blush staying. “Well, I was thinking, and I like Percy. So mom and I were trying to, you know, come up with girl names that could shorten to Percy. And well…” Percy took a breath. “Persephone. That’s what I decided on. My name is Persephone Jackson.” She was looking down at her lap.

“That’s a pretty name.”

Percy looked back up at her. “Yeah?”

Annabeth nodded. “A pretty name for a very pretty girl.”

Percy’s blush got more pronounced.

Annabeth kissed Percy’s forehead.

“I think the name is perfect.”

“I love you, Annabeth.”

“I love you too, Persephone.”

Percy smiled, her face redder than Annabeth had ever seen before. “I think I really like when you call me that.”

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