Chapter 2
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I still couldn’t get over how absurdly hot the image of a Greek goddess of a woman covered in my cum was. Ari must not have had this experience before, because her adorable face twitched as she tried to clear her vision.

She wiped her forehead mostly clean of cum with one hand, gathering up the sticky white strands between three fingers.

Ari tsked. “I need my hands to cast. This won’t do at all.”

She looked around, realized there was nothing around, and shrugged. The white-haired girl stuck her fingers in her mouth, sucking the cum off them. She made a strange noise, tried to swallow, then coughed halfway through. What she didn’t manage to swallow found its way onto her well-toned belly, her legs, and the ground.

The sight had my cock hardening again already, which was an impressive feat given the prodigious amount of cum I’d just covered her with.

Lust could wait, though. For now, with my immediate needs taken care of, I needed an explanation.

“Where are we?” I asked. “Why are we here?”

“You must be an otherworlder,” she said distractedly. Her voice had a distinctly high-class bent to it—vaguely British, but mostly featuring an accent I’d never heard before. “It would explain the aberrant class and the sudden appearance into my cell.”

“Cell?” I put two and two together. “You were talking about the Templars earlier. They put you here?”

“This cave is part of a Templar holding facility,” Ari said, stretching like a cat.

The angle I had towards her gave me a view of her perfect, pink pussy that glistened with moisture as well as a tantalizing outline of her tits. I felt the primal heat reawakening within me already.

Focus… Erin, I thought, settling on the name I’d chosen.

“Hey.” Ari got up, waving a hand in my face. “Are you listening?”

My eyes flicked to her face, still dripping with cum, then to her tits, then back to her face.

She reddened. “We don’t have time for you to ogle me all day.”

“I wouldn’t mind,” I teased. “Sorry. You were explaining.”

Ari was so cute when she blushed, pink cheeks contrasting her snow-white hair and shining azure eyes.

She crossed her arms over her chest, giving herself a modicum of privacy that didn’t really cover anything.

“The quick version of the story is that you are in a land of magic,” Ari said. “I am Ariana Skyheart—“

“Ari,” I said.

She pouted, stamping a foot with surprising childishness. “Ariana.”

“If you say so, Ari.”

“Goddess’ grace…” she muttered. “The long and the short of it is that I come from a rather important family in one of the larger adventuring towns, and the Templars, who serve the Demon King in the north, want me.”

“What do they want you for?” I asked, looking her up and down. “I can’t imagine.”

Ari blushed pinker. “It—it’s not just that! They might have tried to breed me or enslave me, but I have value as a hostage and a mage as well.”

“Come to think of it, you did just blow us out of that metal box.”

“I am a force mage,” she said. “That means large-scale invisible attacks. Not very flashy, but effective.”

“You’re pretty flashy,” I commented. Ari had no response to that.

“I thank you for rescuing me from the bondage they had me in,” she said, struggling to regain her composure. “We must escape the facility before they realize I’ve been freed. For your service, I will bring you to the nearest civilization.”

“That’s big talk for a girl who doesn’t even have panties on,” I said, gesturing between her legs.

“B-besides the point,” she said. “Come. Follow me.”

She didn’t need to tell me twice. I wasn’t the one with the box-exploding magic, after all.

Running should have been more awkward while naked than it was. My class must have been giving me some kind of stabilizing effect for my “unconventional weapon,” giving it ample opportunity to harden again as I watched Ari’s cum-splattered tits bounce with every step she took.

We made our way out of the initial cave and soon found that we were in a labyrinth. The floor was made of a surprisingly modern metal, so we could at least tell that we were still in the facility, but the cave walls teemed with crystals that all looked the same. Ari blitzed through corners with apparent purpose, but after about half an hour…

“I’m lost,” she admitted.

“I noticed,” I said drily. “We haven’t even run into any of the Templars you were talking about.”

“The Templars themselves rarely tend to their facilities,” she said. “Mostly, they are guarded and managed by their monstrous underlings.”

“Underlings like those?” I asked, pointing far off down a cave hallway to our right.

At first, I’d thought the blue blobs down the hall were more gems, but they’d started moving towards us, ever so slowly.

“Oh!” Ari said, brightening up. “Yes! Those are slimes! This must be a low-level Templar outpost, thank the goddess.”

“Can you deal with them?” I asked uncertainly. I could still feel strength in my body resulting from the skill that had activated after I’d used her mouth, but I wasn’t sure if I could punch them away.

“Of course,” Ari said confidently. “Follow.”

True to her word, she was able to deal with them. She simply pointed a finger at them, made some arcane gestures with her other hand, and they were blown away, splattering into blue goo against the walls.

When she was done, she muttered a few more words and gathered what looked like crystals from the slime corpses.

“What are those?” I asked.

“Monster shards,” she said. “Valuable materials. These are what adventurers search for. These low level ones aren’t worth much to my family, but someone may find value in these.”

“How are you going to carry them?” I pointed out. “We don’t have any pockets.”

“You hold them for now,” she said, handing me a fistful of small, marble-sized gems. “I will find us clothing before we return. This state is unacceptable.”

“Pretty acceptable to me,” I said, eyeing her cute butt and resisting the urge to squeeze it.

She squeaked.

“F-follow me,” she ordered again, her voice an octave higher than it had just been.

I grinned. “Sure thing, Ari. Lead the way.”

After finding the monsters, it became clearer which way was out. There were more of them in the directions that they wouldn’t want us to go, so Ari continued onwards, using her blasting spell to kill every slime we ran into. Some of them dropped the monster shards she’d been talking about, which I gradually filled up my arms with.

After maybe an hour of clearing out monsters, I realized that it was getting noticeably lighter. We must have been on the way out.

A hallway in front of us glowed with magical light that was brighter than the rest of the area had been.

“Let me scope this out,” Ari said quietly. She crept forward around the corner.

A moment later, I heard a whoop of victory.

“What’s in there?” I asked.

“Treasure chest!” Ari whooped. “Finding a chest is the key to navigating the dungeon. They will almost always have a map of some kind within them. Let me just open this and—AUGH!

“Ari?” I cried out, fear jumping through my chest. I ran forward, rounding the corner.

There was indeed a treasure chest inside, and Ari had reached deep inside it. Too deep. She was bent over on her knees, and I couldn’t see anything of her past the small of her back. The rest had vanished inside the chest.

Oh. I knew this one. I’d only seen it in games before, and it had never seemed quite as… lewd… as this one did.

A mimic. One of the tentacles-inside variety, apparently, not teeth and gore.

Which was good, because that meant Ari was still alive.

I heard a muffled shout for help from inside the chest.

“One second!” I cried, taking her by the legs and pulling as hard as I could.

Nothing. She barely budged, though I heard her yelp in pain when I pulled.

This wasn’t going to work. I just wasn’t strong enough right now.

Hold on. I had a skill to get stronger, didn’t I? It was absolutely crazy that magic could exist, but I’d taken it so in stride that I’d almost forgotten I had my own.

I looked at Ari’s ass, sticking up and wiggling as she struggled within the mimic.

“Hey, Ari,” I said, knowing she could hear me. “I… might have a way to get it out. You might not like it, though. Sorry.”

She stopped struggling for a moment, and I put my hands on her hips.

I heard something that might have been a sigh within.

Then, Ari spread her legs.

Oh, I thought, my Eyes of Lust skill activating. Or maybe you’ll like it a lot.