Prologue – Man on A Plane
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"Okay class I want you all to turn to page thirty-three in your foreign studies books and follow along--" The teacher was interrupted as the class phone rang. Mr. English's phone never rang when he was teaching, actually the only time it rang was for when one of the class was being brought to the office...actually that was a lie too. Zach was the only one sent to the office in that class, almost every time the phone rang it involved him. The teacher stopped talking and he went over to the phone and answered it. He talked to the person on the other side of the line for a little while, and the he looked towards Zach with a grim expression.

"Zach, I need you to come into the hallway with me for a second." He said and, ignoring all of the comments and murmurs, he overheard the teacher finishing his phone call.

"Yes. I'll tell him," the grim expression he still had told Zach that it was something bad this time. Then he followed Zach out the door, and right as the door closed Zach came at the teacher with everything he had.

"What's wrong? Is it my grandma? My grandpa? Who were you talking to? What's happening--" he stepped forwards with almost every word and the teacher held his shoulders firmly stopping his assault.

"It's both of your grandparents." He said and looked down, taking off his glasses as he did so, "They were found dead by a neighbor coming to visit. The officer I was talking to said that the back door was still open and so they'd gone into the house to investigate."

"I accidentally left the door open. I do that accidentally sometimes, but I swear it was an accident..." Zach was frantic and his mind finally caught up to the main point. "Wait they're dead?"

"Look. I don't know how to tell you this, but yes. They were found dead together in their bed, the officer said it looks like they died peacefully in their sleep, and hopefully the official report says that too." The teacher confirmed. Zach was confused, he'd said goodbye to them that morning as he left for school, and nothing seemed off, sure they were still in their room, but they still said goodbye to him as he left. He remembered that clear as day.

"I--I said goodbye to them this morning though, and I remember them responding like usual." He pulled out his phone and went to call them, but the teacher gently put a hand over it to stop him. "I know they said it back to me as I left. I wasn't too tired this morning and I just know they said something."

"You need to go to the police station,"Mr. English said, "They'll tell you everything they know about what's happened, and hopefully you can figure out things from there." Zach didn't waste any time: He ran down the hall, passing the stuff in his locker on his way to the main doors. In his mind there wasn't any thought of stopping to grab anything, wasting precious time he needed to leave. Then, after practically falling down the steps twice, he got to the bike rack, and practically ripped the thing off before tearing off towards the nearest station.

The teacher watched him run down the hall for a moment before going back into his classroom. He sighed and everyone looked at him from where they were by the window with confusion, guilt, and a few other emotions, and the others just watched Zach racing down the street on his bike.

"Class. Class is canceled for the day. Go do whatever you want for the rest of the period." He said before sitting in his classroom chair and staring out the window with a sigh as Zach's figure turned the corner onto the main street. Everyone practically ran from the classroom, the earlier events quickly fading from their memory as they thought about all the things they had time for now. Some just hung around in the hallways until lunch, and others decided that they were going home for the rest of the day. The last half of their school-day had been basically canceled after all, so they could just say that they had an unexpected half-day at school that day.

Meanwhile, Zach was racing down main roads, alleyways, and sidewalks to get to the police station. When he finally got there he dumped his bike onto the grass right next to a red fire-hydrant and bust through the front doors of the place. He stalked up to the front counter, and after a little while of the receptionists trying to calm him down, he finally got out the names of his grandparents and they put him in a conference room.


Later. Zach is now a senior, and 18; Second semester of school.

Zach's grades had started falling; he seemed to not pay attention or care in any of his classes, but every teacher he had knew that he was purposefully failing everything: his tests, projects, and homework assignments came back with perfect 0's. Even half of the quiz material being only two answer questions. He was always doing the direct opposite of every project outline and sometimes even using non-school friendly descriptions and pictures. He hadn't turned in any other assignments when they are clearly showing through his folders, correctly filled out because they were the only thing that helped keep his mind off of the pain...other than drawing that is.

Zach was in Foreign Studies 2, his last, of only two, class of the day. It was nearing the end of the year, but the teacher didn't them to end the year without having at least a fond memorable moment of their time there. So he announced a field Japan, the physical embodiment of their studies that year, with a goal of enjoying the culture there and using everything they've learned to interact with the locals.

"Class I have decided that I don't want this year to end on a boring note in my class, so I am going to be handing out a surprise that I have been preparing for with the school for this year." The teacher handed out a stack of papers, to everyone, and once they read the text all hell broke loose.

"Japan?!" One of the unruly kids exclaimed, "My parents won't have enough for even a single plane ticket let alone--" There were a series of agreements and like comments throughout the entire class.

"Yes, I figured that this was going to be a problem, so I asked the school to organize something to pay for everyone's round-trip tickets. There were even a few non-profit organizations that were willing to help, and all of those trips and volunteering work that you all did wasn't a waste like you might've thought. It includes a week long stay at a hotel, a tour of a few of their popular areas and businesses, and you all will get the chance to style and take home your own plushie. However all of you will have to convert whatever extra money you're given to Japanese Yen if you want to buy extra things during our stay."

Zach looked away from the window and stared at the teacher who looked at him subtly with each emphasized word. When the teacher dismissed the class he softy put a hand on Zach's shoulder before he could leave, making Zach look at him with an irritated scowl, something that had never left his expression since that day.

"I actually have something for you." Zach didn't like how he said that last word, but he turned around and waited as the teacher went through his desk looking for something. Then he brought out a thin device and held it out to Zach. "This was something that your grandparents entrusted to me a few weeks before they died, coincidence or not they said to wait to give it to you until your graduation."

"Now as you can probably tell. I have is no-where near the salary to actually plan for something this big for the entire class, and though it was a shock, the government has surprisingly taken an interest into you." He handed the stick to Zach, who realized what he was holding rather quickly, "I don't know why, or how you were noticed, but maybe you failing everything given to you so spectacularly -- even managing to change the grades that you had gotten into trash that you know would make any college look away in disgust -- has actually managed to give you a chance forwards for once." Zach looked at the teacher with surprise, and the teacher just nodded.

"Yes, everyone here, teacher and staff, knows that you are purposefully failing their classes, and changing your grades to fail. I've actually had to sit through quite a few meetings on how to deal with it, with you. I mean you can't just expect to just do all of those things without someone noticing, or did you think otherwise?" Zach turned away looking at the device in his hands.

"You're going through a tough time, with your parents and your grandparents both having died and having to live alone, I can't imagine how you feel. But you don't need a job, nor do you need to be failing so spectacularly like you are, so promise me that from now on you'll at least try to look forwards and do something in life. Do some sports, find something else, or even someone else to put your mind to other than sulking and hating all of existence all the time." He stepped back and rubbed his forehead, but Zach continued to pretend he wasn't listening.

"Anyways, you're the only one that doesn't need a form, so I want...I expect to see you in this classroom on the day of the trip. I don't care if you skip out the rest of the year, with your current grades it won't matter anyways. Just be here for this trip please; Maybe it'll help you find something to look forward to in life." Mr. English looked at Zach one last time before going past him and leaving the room.

Zach didn't go to school for a while after this. If the teacher said that he didn't have to, he wasn't going to, and while he didn't promise to be there for the trip he respected Mr. English more than all of his other teachers. Zach couldn't find it in himself to let him down, so while the rest of his class was off getting their things together and begging for money. He wasted away the weeks trying to figure out the device that was given to him. After a week he was able to look through it a little, and three weeks after that he was able to get through the multitudes of firewalls set up around the entire system in the device. Now it was just sitting there till the morning of the field trip. His bag and other things had been packed a while ago, so all he had to do now was wait until it finished and hopefully it was done before he had to leave in an hour. The device was still sitting on his dresser while Zach's program tore apart the last, deeper layers of it's security measures.

He got ready for the day, took a shower, brushed his hair, and got his best set of clothes on. Then he checked the computer, and seeing that it had been successful, he packed it up and headed off to school. Zach made it just as they were getting onto the charter busses for the airport. His luggage was grabbed from him and the device was firmly tucked into his pants pocket. Why there and not with his bags? Because he didn't have to worry about losing it before getting on the plane, and this way he'd remember to look through it once he landed since his laptop was packed in with his other clothes and snacks.

"Thank you for coming Zach. I know that you don't want to be here, but I promise you it'll be an experience you'll never forget. I hope everyone enjoys it too, as it took a lot of work to get the school to accept the idea." Mr. English smiled at Zach and stepped aside to let him go and once everyone present got onto the bus he joined them and went over the etiquette for travel. Zach was in the very back leftmost seat, where no one else was at, on purpose. His class was quite small with only twenty people, and most of them knew each other from previous years and hung out often during summer after the school year. Zach had no one, and it did't really bother him that much, so instead of listening to everyone's chatter he slept all the way to the airport.

When the bus stopped Zach was nudged by the teacher, and it made him look around for a moment. There was no one else was on the bus anymore besides him and the teacher now, in fact all of the commotion and noise had moved outside of the bus. He followed Mr. English out off the bus, grabbing his things and the teacher told everyone to stick together, not wander off without telling someone, and be patient.

It seemed luck was on their side that day as they were on the plane in less than half hour after walking through the doors, and a person had even gotten distracted and lost on the way there as well. Zach was the last to get on, but when he went to sit with the others in his class he was flagged by a member of staff and brought to the front of the plane. Then he was pretty much forced into a seat, in-front of a man in a black suit, an uncharacteristically happy businessman.

"Finally you're here, wait you're Zach right?" the man looked a little shocked at Zach's dark clothes and defensive posture.

"Yes. My real name is Zathaniel, but I keep the name Zach." he said irritated and confused.

"Ah. I see..." The man rubbed his hands before at Zach's clothing wolfish-like, "Despite how you sound it seems that you take care well. You got anything new recently? It would probably be something tech related, and mysterious." He said rubbing his hands together and Zach looked at the man confused for a moment before crossing his arms defensively and asking "Why?"

"There's just something that I gave to your parents a long while ago in hopes they would be able to help me access it, but sadly they died before getting the chance to do so and I hoped you would pick up after them and help me out." The man said, "I'm assuming it's in your possession, maybe as something they passed down to you?"

"I'm not sure." Zach said becoming uncomfortable with the two men sitting close by watching them twitched. "Why? Is it important or something?"

"Yes I'm afraid. It's very important and it could be something that could very well destroy the world, or even save it and the entire Human Race." The man said and Zach tapped his fingers on the arm of the seat nervously.

"Okay, say I was to have something like that. What would you do with it?" Zach asked and the man tsked his tongue.

"I can't go about telling all of my secrets now can I?" He reached a hand forwards and put it on Zach's left shoulder, "All you need to know is...actually I can tell you what it basically it. I've been given permission to now after all. So basically this tech is going to revolutionize your world: from industry to space exploration, nothing will be unreachable for us, and I can guarantee that the planet will become a much safer, organized existence after my tech is implemented." The plane's engines started up and the man turned to the other two, one got up and went over to the pilot's door and knocked once before walking back to their seat. Zach was confused as to what that meant but he wasn't about to ask...

"Thing is I do have it." Zach said as the two men moved to stand, but the person sitting before Zach put a hand up, stopping them. "However it's with my things so I can't get it for you currently."

"Oh, you brought it with you? Excellent!" The man clasped both hands together and lent over the table to look Zach in the eye, "I doubt you just left something like that behind, wouldn't want to risk it being stolen...both of your parents were the same way so no doubt are you similar. Why are you lying to me young man?"

"I'm not." Zach saw the two men get up again and make his way over to him, but they were stopped once again and the man hummed for a moment and then sat back and grinned.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way kid." He said, "These two aren't above thrashing down a kid to get what I want, and if they have to do that I won't be giving you the gift I brought with me." Zach stayed silent for a moment wondering what he should do and the man motioned a hand, the men took a step forwards, and Zach held up his hands in resignation.

"Okay. I'll take the first option." He said quickly, "I do have it with me, but it was given to me by my parents, and then my grandparents when they died, so why should I give it to you?"

"Do you want to keep your life?" The man said and Zach quickly fished out the object and handed it over.

"Excellent! Is it unlocked?" A nod, "Fantastic! See boys, this kid clearly isn't like his parents at all. This will definitely help set the future on the correct path." The man said and then he pocketed the device and fished out a different one as the two men returned to their seats. It was slightly darker than the other one, and the little screen on the side facing Zach was dark.

"What do you want me to do with this one now that you have the other?" Zach asked and the man hummed as if thinking.

"When you open this one. You'll know why you had it." he said cryptically and then stood up and walked off, the men also got up and one went over to the pilot's door and knocked on it twice before following the man past the room.

"In fact everyone will know, and you'll finally be out of my way." The man said as he, along with his two extras, exited the plane. Just as a last group was rushing past them to board. The door to the tunnel was sealed and the man fished the device from his pocket and then smiled wryly. "If only they let me recruit you, I'm sure I could've done so much more with you at my side.

Then he put the device back in his pocket and left.

Trying my hand at publishing something in ScribbleHub to try and expand my horizons and get more used to writing here, as I want to do so more often with another few stories...and make a series (or a few) that will go far as I continue writing


Going to be publishing up to Chapter 5 for now and continuing with a Tuesday/Thursday Updating schedule
