Chapter 36 Closure
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“That cloak looks good on you.” Stephanie said as she wore her Spoiler outfit. I smiled. “Yep this is what I spent yesterday making.” She looked at me in confusion. “You made that? Like tailored it?” I laughed again. “No. I added the plastic layer of enchants to it.” I pulled the cloak to the side and showed her. “It does a bunch of things but the main one is levitation magic. It was expensive though… There’s a sheet of plastic worth ten thousand dollars floating over the Atlantic ocean right now.”


She laughed thinking it was a joke but my dead stare in the direction the plastic flew off let her know I wasn’t lying. She asked. “So where are we going on our date?” I opened a portal to the entrance of titans tower. She froze and I had to grab her hand before she finally followed through.


I clicked the buzzer and I’m connected to the vision of Nightwing on the other side. Cool this will make things easier. “Is Tim in?” A whooshing sound of a weapon passing by his head as he responded. “Yea he’s here. What is this about?” They really shouldn’t have a visible camera in their room. “We’ll be right up.”


I made a portal into the room he was in. Portals didn't work like in the movies. I couldn't just think of a name and open a portal to that person. I needed to have been in that location before. Normally you wouldn’t be able to connect a video or picture with a location but you could if it was an accurate depiction of the room nearby. It also increased the mana cost tremendously but it was only like five floors up. We entered as I felt the dip in my mana from not using the teleportation magic correctly.


The two people fighting were none other than Nightwing and Robin. Both stopped mid fight to look at us. I looked Tim dead in his eyes before saying. “Alright. You and Spoiler have a lot to talk about. I'll be heading out to bring back a pizza.” Without another word I flee the scene. I port out and almost drop from lack of mana. I order the pizza and wait for it to cook and recharge my mana before porting back in.


No one is in the training room. I head to the door but it’s an automatic thing that opens when someone with either a communicator or some other piece of tech gets close. I called out. “Any help with the door?” For a brief moment I think I might need to port down to the bottom before the door opens. I follow the hallway to an elevator and go up to where they were.


Surprisingly there weren’t many people around. The Titans tower should have like twenty to thirty residents but I only see five. It must be Nightwings group as the only ones in the tower right now the other four teams must be out on missions. More likely Nightwings team got stuck in case help was needed by the other teams out.


I feel really silly ordering five pizzas now. “Hey you get that sorted out?” I ask the two sitting next to each other watching another team fight an army of robots. Looks like a H.I.V.E base they’re taking down. I recognize Jason Todd, Robin and Wonder Girl. The Atlantean and a metahuman? I couldn’t tell who he was, just looked like a normal kid to me without his costume.


“Pepperoni here, meat lovers, extra cheese, vegetarian and vegan pizza from top to bottom.” I said as I put the pizza’s down. They’re young kids and as expected one goes for the vegetarian while the other goes for the vegan. I pop the pepperoni and sit down next to Stephanie.


I should have grabbed plates, I thought as I caught hot cheese dripping off the pizza almost ruining my new cloak. I changed my hair to the normal blonde color last night so the room wasn’t full of black haired boys. I asked again. “So Robin explain himself. We good Steph?”


She took a bite out of her pizza. “Yea we’re good. Thank you for this. I needed closure.” I finished the pizza and told Tim. “No one cares that you’re gay. This isn’t the eighties anymore. You should have told Steph two years ago when you got that crush on the pink haired boy you thought was a girl at first.”


“All the way back then!?” Stephanie asked and I could only laugh as I remembered she was mad at him because she also thought he was a girl and was jealous. It might have even been before that as it was the first time in the new comics that showed him as anything more than straight. I’m glad they didn’t go the bisexual route with him this time.


This might have seemed like an odd place to bring someone on a date but it made sense in my mind. It would let her know for sure that I was telling the truth and close a potential rift between the two of them for as long as Tim hid that fact from Steph. I mime looking at a watch saying. “Alright folks best to mosey on out of here. We still have dinner to head to.”


I open another portal back to about a block away from the restaurant. This is the fancier place you needed a reservation to get into. At least you did if you didn’t tip the staff a thousand dollars to misplace someone else for that night. We made it a few steps before her phone started pinging her.


“Again!? Can we go on a date without something happening?”


Alright so a lot of people are asking why the protagonist is stealing when he had the money to pay for things. Because he can, it's super easy to do and why waste money when you can just take it with there being no chance of being caught. Also I find it strange you guys care about him stealing when he literally sawed a man's head off because it was seconds faster to do that then figure out how to steal  the collar. Like killing is fine but stealing is somehow worse? He placed a tracker on someone so he could hunt them down and kill them later when his girlfriend wasn't around to see it then looks around his apartment for cleaning supplies to get blood out of his robe.

The protagonist isn't a good guy. He likes heroes and he likes villains. He kills for a reason, he steals for a reason. The average daily income of a jewelry store is over 30k. He didn't even steal what they'd make in a single day's worth of gems. The jewelry store owner wont even register the amount stolen as more than a blip and that's if they weren't insured which I'm pretty sure(not positive) they need to be in order to run the store. You can say the employee might be fired or their could be other repercussions but once again the protagonist has killed multiple people.

The protagonist has goals. One is to be one of the richest people on the planet and spending 3% of your networth on something you can get for free is incredibly short sighted. He spent twenty minutes of his day to save 30k and get the gems he needed anyways. When he's racking in billions of dollars do you think he'd steal the gems? Probably not (he might still do it for fun), because it wouldn't be worth his time to do. He'd buy the gems and have them shipped to wherever they're needed. Or more likely have someone else buy more gems so he wouldn't need to. (which SHIELD is in the process of doing. He just wanted to make his cloak first.)
