By tounokenja
Ark, a budding human magician enjoying his second life in a new world full of swords and magic left his home to become an adventurer, only to be defeated on a goblin subjugation quest. Waking up in a lightless cavern, Ark’s battle for survi
It's so... weird. There's just something wrong when I read it, I don't know how to explain. The writing style and sentance structure just feel off, it's like the author just throws his thoughts without any internal editing, like a big word soup. Things just happen with little to no context at all. Not for me.
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So... First thing I’ll say is the author is very self-aware about the type of story they’re writing. The next thing that really caught my attention with the story was the fact that there wasn’t just one character who was transmigrated, but 100. The story is still early on at only chapter 11, but the story if a little bit fast-paced is still pretty smooth. I definitely think there could be some fleshing out of the characters and maybe slowing the pace of the story so it doesn’t come to an abrupt end due to burning all it’s potential in the early stages. But overall, I like it a lot!
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The premise is pretty interesting, with the mash up of marvel/DC quite well done. There's 100 other isekai'd people which has well and truly shaken up canon, making for an unpredictable plot. If you're not super familiar with the intricate details of Marvel/DC and the many timelines and character variations, then be prepared for wiki reading.
Overall the text isn't very descriptive, everything is broad strokes and happening a mile a minute. What another fic may take multiple chapters to deal with, this one can gloss over in a paragraph. I usually enjoy villain protagonists, however, this MC is excessively edgy and incredibly narcissistic, with many of his conversations turning into lectures or grandstanding.
The s*x isn't what I'd call 'smut', as it's written in a matter-of-fact/clinical way. No build up, no pay off, few if any descriptions, little emotion, not erotic or satisfying. It's like I'm reading the minutes of a meeting.
Spelling is good, but the grammar and syntax isn't great. Lots of run-on sentences, lacking punctuation, some missing words, and random tangents, all make for quite a difficult and distracting read. That said, this has noticeably improved as I've continued to read on.
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