Chapter 18.2 Primal Age
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I was nice and decided to post a bunch of chapter for you guys <3 Also, anyone interested in a Q&A? I will gladly do one from the characters perspective. It will be meta though, so they wont know the interaction in story.

I sat back into my throne and watched Nemesis take her seat. She moved with predatory grace and was, in a way, slightly terrifying to behold. I glanced over to my right and saw Aphelia shift in her seat like she wanted to talk to her. I gave Aphelia a soft smile, "Go ahead; it’s probably better than just sitting here waiting for me to finish." She gave me a happy smile and walked down to Nemesis and instantly started chatting. I hope Nemesis wasn't too brash or cold. I'll try and correct any behavior as time goes on, but for now, I need to start on my second deity.

I went back into my creation screen and read down the list of races. I already used a Nephilim, so I wanted to use something else. I narrowed my search down to a human this time. I didn't want anything too over the top, and a human seemed to be the best fit. I pulled up another model and stared at it for a moment, as I tried to decide between a male or female deity.

I glanced around the room and took stock of the beings that were currently residing in it. I saw two females and Helios. That would make two males if Included myself, so I would be perfectly fine if I added in another female. My focus went back down to the screen and to the image of the female model t-posing.

I strummed my fingers across my armrest as my mind started to work through a large number of possible combinations for my new diety. I decided that I wanted her to have dark scarlet red hair that hung loosely down her back in gentle waves. I shifted the shape of her face and made her cheeks slightly sunken and made her cheekbones prominent. I carved the angle of her jawline and made it come down to a very prominent tip.

I reduced the size of her eyebrows and shaped them to the curvature of her face and added a slight S-shaped curve to it. I reduced the size of her nose down so it would not be overwhelmingly prominent. I shifted the screen back and spun the model around and made small adjustments to her overall shape. I reduced her overall height and made her slightly shorter than average. I lowered her overall muscular structure and made her lithe. I adjusted her breast size down to that of an A cup to bring her into proportion.

I pushed her model around and made some small adjustments to her overall appearance. I looked her over and couldn't help but feel like something was missing. I checked over her again, and I narrowed it down to her eyes. I didn't like how they looked, so I shifted through the various colors and eventually landed on a vivid cyan. I was happy with the contrast that it gave her, and I saved the model and moved onto her domains.

I scrolled through the countless options of domains as I kept glancing at her form, hoping for some kind of inspiration. As I glanced at her hair, a thought struck me; her hair was the color of blood, so why not make her the goddess of war? I selected the war domain and then sat back in my chair as I thought about her second domain. I spun her body around and looked over her and couldn't help but see the waves of confidence that radiated from her.

What would pair well with war as a domain? I looked through the extensive list of domains as I mentally started combining them. The goddess of war and faith? Nah, that did not seem to connect well with each other. The goddess of war and battle? That seemed a little excessive for her. I sat back and started to think very carefully over what she would rule over. I only had four slots, and I needed to make sure that I had my back covered until I could unlock more slots. I strummed my fingers, and the thought occurred to me. She should reside over strategy as well. That way, I could have two necessary domains covered.

I locked in the domain and then went to her personality. But what should be her key defining traits? What would fit a goddess of war and strategy best? Well, she needed to be level headed for starters. After I typed that into the bar, I carefully considered my options with her. I wanted her to be patient and confident as should be befitting a goddess of war. But I felt like she could have a little more to her personality. So I added in serene, indifferent, and perceptive into the main personality template. That should encompass everything for her personality, and if she needed more, then she should pick up some traits as she gets older.

Next up is the personality modifiers for her, so I quickly typed in a few key ones that I think she should have based on her traits.

She is always faithful to her word.

She learns rather quickly.

She is so confident that she is borderline arrogant.

She knows when to concede if she is unable to win.

She has substantial control over her emotions.

She is loyal to Kairos and Kairos alone.

She values precision

I saved her personality template, and the screen shifted to her name, and I stared blankly at it for a moment. I always had to name stuff, and I was running out of proper names. I decided to stick with a specific letter since that would help me name her. I looked over her form and slid on the same clothing I gave Nemesis. For some reason, the letter I was coming to mind. But what good names started with an I. I hummed to myself as I started typing in a different name. Irelyn? I quickly deleted the name. It didn't fit her. Ishtar? I deleted that one as well, I think that was a goddess of love or something. I mindlessly typed another name in and immediately fell in love with it. Her name will be Inovia, the goddess of war and strategy.

The name screen flashed away, and another screen appeared, the option for her class. That was strange, didn't this appear earlier for Nemesis? I brushed the thought away; it was really inconsequential compared to what I was doing. I clicked on the search bar for classes as I took a moment to think about what class I wanted her to have. I looked over her body and thought about what would synergize with her body type and personality the most. She would definitely not fit a berserker type class. I guess as my war goddess; maybe she should value efficiency over raw aggression.

A few moments later, it clicked. She should have a class that focuses on fencing; that way, she can place priority over ending a fight quickly rather than letting it drag out. I typed fencer in the class searcher, and many different fencing classes appeared, however, only three managed to catch my interest.

Bloody Rose- A style that focuses on overwhelming dueling potential and has robust defensive options.

Crashing Needle- Overwhelming attacks based around stabbing lacks any defensive options.

Paradoxical Fencer- A class that utilizes space and time magic. It gives the user an equal blend of offensive and defensive options.

I looked over the classes and the barest of descriptions. I removed the Crashing Needle from the list since I wanted Inovia to have reliable defensive options. That left me with the Bleeding Rose and the Paradoxical Fencer. I balanced both options for a moment, and selected Paradoxical Fencer. Only because it utilized magic, and seemed rather appealing. I locked in her class, and the screen flickered, asking me if I wanted to use this template.

I clicked confirm, and the machine turned back on, and the familiar ray of light shot out from the bottom along with the fine mist. The particles floated down slowly and started to form flesh and bone. The bones began to rise and grow like zombies from a grave, and then meat started to develop shortly after. Eventually, the particles stopped coming down as the last bits of her came into existence. The light shut off, and Inovia shifted as she opened her eyes. Her vivid cyan eyes locked onto us, and she gave us a nod and dropped to a knee.

"My lord Overseer. Thank you for creating me." She stood up, and I took a moment to analyze how she spoke. Her words carried confidence, and her voice had a deeper tone to it than most women I remembered. She seemed to keep her words very curt and measured, and they did not contain a lot of emotion.

I made a gesture to the thrones, "Please take a seat anywhere you like. I need to finish creating the last two deities before I address all of you."

She gave me a curt nod and started to stroll up the stairs. Each step was measured and held the fluid grace of a duelist. It was a beautiful and elegant walk. I stared at her for a moment and glanced over at Aphelia and Nemesis and saw that they were both talking and giggling. Aphelia glanced up from the conversation with Nemesis and made an excited gesture towards Inovia, beckoning her over to them,

I felt a grin appear on my face as I watched Inovia walk over to them. I am glad that everybody is getting along. I glanced over to Helios and saw that he was wrapped up in a blanket and was passed out. I shrugged as I settled back into my chair. He has been busy lately and deserves some peace, at least for a little while.

I brought my menu back up and took stock of my options. I had two gods left to create at the moment, and I needed to figure out what they needed to be. I immediately decided I needed a more light-hearted deity since the last two topics I covered were severe by nature. I glanced over to the species list; I had already used Nephilim and Human. I glanced through the list, and my eyes landed on Dark Elves. They were always my favorite race to play in most MMORPGs that I have played, so why not make a diety for it.

I brought the creative menu up, and the form of a Dark Elf appeared. It looked somewhat similar to the Drow but had a few key differences. The body was painted an almost black, dark grey, and it stood in stark contrast with its snow-white hair. The ears were swept back and came into a sharp point, and the eyes were a vibrant ruby red. The body was slender and thin. The fingernails grew out into small claws.

I nodded my head in approval and kept it male. I wanted to try and keep the genders in balance and not have a pantheon full of females. I cracked my fingers and went to work on customizing the Dark Elf. I shifted his skin tone back to an ashen grey and sculpted his chest and abs down to something that would make even the most dedicated bodybuilders jealous. I set his hair to shoulder length and shifted the tone to the original Dark Elf skin color to provide contrast.

I decided to set his eye color to a random set-piece and connected it to the user's desire. I pushed the model back and started to make small changes to the overall body shape, and some features on his face. I shifted his eyebrows and made minor changes to his lips, making them seem a little thinner than the standard Dark Elf. I brought his body into proportion and saved the template.

After I saved the template, I glanced at the menu and saw that I could choose any of the menus at will. I made a mental note of that and selected the domain screen and racked my tired brain through the many different options. I wanted something light-hearted and not as severe as the other two have been.

I mindlessly scrolled through the list for what felt like hours until my eyes locked onto a specific domain. Trickery. I immediately clicked on it and locked it in as his main domain. Alright, now I need a complimentary domain that goes along with trickery. I glanced through the list of domains and tried to find a second that would compliment him. Eventually, my eyes locked onto another, and the two seemed to complement each other reasonably well. I locked in acting and saved the domains and immediately went over to the personality settings. I clicked on the first bar and stared at it for a moment as I tried to decide what I wanted his personality to be.

I strummed my fingers as I tried to come up with traits that will suit his domains. I typed in morally ambiguous for starters since he is a god of acting. Next, I typed in cunning since I wanted him to be smart, and then fun-loving since he is a god of trickery. I tacked on irresponsible and partially selfish. I added in charismatic for good measure and seemed happy with that, so I moved on to the primary modifiers.

Always likes a good prank

Will never intentionally bring harm to Kairos or his family.

He will be serious if it is required of him.

A small amount of kleptomania.

He is loyal to Kairos

He is a good actor and can shapeshift to fit his needs.

He is dishonorable by nature.

He will always try and find the most comfortable way out of things.

He tends to overcomplicate simple tasks.

I read over his modifiers once and saved them. Good, he was turning out rather well so far. Now I just needed to give him a class and name. I glanced over at his form and thought about what a good class would be. I thought about his nature and his race. I wanted the two to synergize well together. I brought up the Dark Elf overview and saw a class named Harlequin. I typed the name into the skill search menu, and a handful of options appeared.

The Grand Harlequin- The pinnacle of the Harlequin class. It focuses on trickery and grace to defeat enemies.

Dancing Harlequin- This class focuses on gracefully killing opponents through theatrics and vibrant displays of power

Solitare- An exceedingly powerful class that focuses on a lone-wolf style. This class offers theatrics, trickery, gracefulness, and strength at the cost of being not being able to fight in parties.

I read through the classes and thought about how I would want him to fight. I took off the Dancing Harlequin, which left me with the Solitaire and the Grand Harlequin. One was the pinnacle of what a harlequin should be, while the other was focused on fighting alone. I bounced between both of them before I decided to select the Solitare class. I wanted this deity to be able to perform well by himself since I had a feeling that he would spend most of his time on his own. I confirmed the class, and the final screen appeared, asking for a name. I sat back into my seat and thought about how I should name this Dark Elf. I should do something unexpected since it would fit the vibe and his domains. I decided that I wanted it to be something relatively plain and ordinary, at least on earth, anyways. Dave maybe? No, he didn't look like Dave. Steve? I glanced over at his form and nodded my head. Steve seemed to fit him. I clicked confirm and set his clothing to the default like the others, and the screen flickered as it saved my choices.

The machine whirled to life, and the light pulsed on, and the mist shot out once more, and the body started to appear in the air morbidly. The more I looked at it, the more uncomfortable I became. The entire process was very off-putting, to say the least. Eventually, the machine turned off, and Steve opened his eyes and tilted his head, "Ahh, I breathe." He took a deep breath in through his nose and closed his eyes. He opened them once more and raised his arms to the air. "I live." He let out a high pitched giggle and spun around on the platform like a dancer without a partner. I sunk in my seat as I watched him move. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

"Steve, take a seat anywhere you would like. I need to create your last sibling, and then we will discuss our plans for the future," I told him, and he stopped spinning around the platform.

Steve gave me a grand bow, and his hair stayed close to his flesh as he did so. "As you wish, my lord." His body vibrated for a second and started to flow like water, and he began to take the form of Helios, who was still asleep beside me for a second. I rolled my eyes as he began to ascend the stairs. I would need to make sure that he wouldn't screw over the deities or myself, but I'll touch on myself once I finish the last god, and create the monsters.

I watched Steve as he started to morph again and decided that at the moment I didn't care too much what he was going to do. I wanted to finish making the last god. I brought the menu up and thought about the last major god I needed. I had a deity of nature, war, justice, and trickery. I'll decide on what Helios will do after I create the last god, and I didn't even know where to start with my domains. I brought the screen back up and stared at the creation screen. I was totally at a loss for what I needed last. I glanced up from my screen and looked at the small cluster of female deities giggling, and I looked over to see Helios sleeping, and Steve was nowhere to be found. What was I missing that was vital to everything. I closed my eyes and started working through everything before it hit me.

I needed a forge god. That would be vital to everything that I would need in the future. But what race should I use? I already have a Human, Nephilim, and Dark Elf. But the remainder did not seem to be a good fit for forge god. I'm not quite sure what I was going to do with the Ancient ones just yet, and I'm not sure about the drow. I have the Angels and Demons that I can make deities, but they didn't seem to fit the idea of a forge god. I didn't want to use my race cause at the moment, I was the only member of my species, and I wanted a birth of a deity of the Celestial Nephilim to be a momentous occasion.

"Helios, am I stuck with only using these races as deities? Can I use something else?" I asked him as I tore my attention from the screen to his sleeping form. He shifted to the side and turned his head in my direction and opened a bleary eye.

"You can use any race or monster though the latter will cost creation points to do so. You can purchase more from the market place though I'm not sure how much you are willing to spend. What do you have in mind, Kairos?" He asked me through a giant yawn and shifted in his seat.

"Well, I am trying to make a forge god. But none of my current species seems to be a good fit for it. What would be a good race for it?" I asked him as I shifted my screen to the side to focus on him better.

"Well, you can be cliche and use a dwarf. They typically act as most forge deities for the Administrators that walk the Path of Godhood."

I shook my head, "I don't want to use a dwarf. That seems rather boring and expected. I want something unique. I want something that will define my legacy." I told him as I set my arm down on the armrest and rested my head on my palm.


"Hmm. You just bought the Deluxe Elemental package, right? Why not use a metal elemental as a forge deity? That would be rather interesting to see." He told me through another giant yawn as he pulled his blanket higher.

I sat back into my chair and ran my fingers across my chin. A metal elemental, huh. That would be rather interesting to see. I brought up my menu and asked Helios, "So how would I transfer a metal elemental to the creation menu. What would even be a good choice for this?"

He was quiet for a moment as he thought about what I asked. "Well, you can either start off with copper since that is the first metal that most species find, or you can create an elemental that can transform itself into various metals. I feel like that would be the best option. As for now, just open up the Deluxe Elemental package and take a template out and paste it into the creation menu. It will cost a small number of creation points in turn, though."

I nodded my head and brought up the thousands of templates of the various elementals that existed in the package. I mindlessly scrolled through the different kinds as I thought about what I wanted in a metal elemental. "Helios, is there a class that I can choose that would allow for the Elemental to shift itself into other metals?"

He let out another yawn and settled himself back into his throne. "Yes, it's an atomic manipulation subclass. It’s called metallic manipulation or something like that. It has no offensive functions and acts as a pure utility and defensive class. That would be your best bet." He told me as he pulled his blanket up and closed his eyes.

I strummed my fingers along the armrest and nodded my head. If that was the case, then I decided that it was best to go with the copper elemental. Mostly because I had a feeling that the system would restrict the forge god to materials that are currently known and can be used by my species, considering that's how it has seemed to work in most of the stories I've read like this. I clicked on it and transferred the template over to my creation menu, and a small notification appeared.

This action will cost 15 creation points. Would you like to continue?

I clicked confirm, and the elemental appeared on my creation screen. It appeared as a formless mass of copper with a vaguely human outline to it. The head was composed of the familiar reddish-brown color and was a misshapen blob of metal that floated above a large chest that was in the shape of a boulder. Extending out from the chest area was a set of pillar-like arms that came down into rounded tips. I decided to mold fingers the best I could on its right arm and left the left one a rounded club. I pulled its arms out slightly more and took a look down at its lower half. The two legs that hovered from its chest were massive pillars with rounded bottoms. I sculpted the legs down and gave them a smoother appearance than what they were previously. I worked on its head a little and gave it a more rounded shape and a pair of small indents for its eyes. I pushed the model back and fixed a few small things and saved the template. I figured that the copper elemental would be able to change its body at will to suit its needs. Next up would its personality. How would I want it to act?

I thought back to all of the stereotypical blacksmiths and other forge deities and decided that I didn't want him to be overly gruff and rude. But a small amount would be fine though I would make that a modifier. I typed in jovial, straight forward, and gruff. I also typed in honest since I wanted him to be fair. I quickly keyed in hard-working and mused over my other options for him. I added in a helpful trait as well as extremely focused.I assume that would cover everything I needed for a forge god. Now I just needed to put in his modifiers.


He is a gruff individual but not overly so.

He is loyal to Kairos.

The only thing he enjoys is metalworking.

He dislikes working with unconventional materials but will do it.

Has an interest in rune work and enchanting and inscribes all his work with runes, whether they work or not.

I read over his modifiers one last time and clicked save. Alright now, what did this elemental need as a name? I've referred to him as he, but in all reality, it doesn't really have a specific gender; it's just a living pile of metal. I thought about the various names of forges or references to a forge since I had a feeling he would appreciate his name being something that he would like. I thought back to my time in school, and my mind wandered to the time I took a Latin class. I vaguely remember the teacher telling us about what a blacksmith was called in Latin. It was Ferrarius or something like that. So I typed in the name and saved it.

I went into the domains and selected the Forge domain and then the Metallurgy domain and saved them to Ferrarius. The last bit of stuff I needed to do for him was to set his class. Helios said that I would need to choose the metallic manipulation subclass for him to work with all metals instead of just copper. I typed it into the search bar, and the option I was looking for came up.

Metallic Manipulation- Grants the user power over manipulating various metals. It offers no offensive capabilities, only knowledge over the material and its components.

I clicked it and confirmed it for my deity, and the machine whirled to life once more. Instead of the familiar mist of white sand-like particles that came from the bottom, a new set of clouds came out. Mist the color of copper that floated lazily to the ground and started to build the hunks of metal. Inch by inch, chunks of copper began to form, and Ferraris was born. He was a hulking golem of metal that stood heads taller than the tallest person in the room. "My forge, where is it?" It asked. Its words sounded like rolling boulders that were crashing into each other.

"Soon, Ferraris. I need to create two more entities, and then I will show you the way to your forge." I told it as I watched him closely. "Please take a seat and relax as I work on the monsters next," I told the lumbering hulk of metal as I brought my screen back up and clicked on the monster creation tab.