Sophie looked around at the options, there were the classic ones like, warrior, paladin, mage, rogue, archer, and many more and there were some more not so common like, worm master, sea wave singer, ooze mage, and some others that sounded unique. The ones that caught Sophie's attention she clicked on them and they showed her more information, but there were so many that most of them she just skipped over.
And with time she skipped more and more, and the ones that she usually looked deeper into were classes that had something with crafting or making things. The more she looked the more she wanted to find a class that would allow her to express her creative freedom, and although there were many classes that would allow her that, for some reason they all were missing something.
All the crafting classes had either a specific direction they went or maybe a hybrid of a few of them, but Sophie wanted a class that allowed her everything. For example, there was a blacksmith class, Sophie would love to be a blacksmith, but she also wanted to be a carpenter or a tailor, she wanted the freedom of making anything that popped into her head.
So she looked until she found something that fit the bill to some extent. It was a class named crafter, and when she clicked on it more information popped out.
[Crafter]-Be free and let your imagination run wild, you can create practically anything as long as you have the skill and time, the only thing stopping you is your own imagination. You gain skill [Crafting] when choosing this class.
The description was short but Sophie liked the sound of it, the creative freedom to make anything was just too attractive for Sophie so she didn't hesitate much and chose this class.
Class: Crafter
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Dexterity: 5
Vitality: 5
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 5
Wisdom: 5
Perception: 5
Skills: Crafting
''Oh, you have chosen a hard class.'' After Sophie chose her class, the blond man said something, and it took shocked her a little, because while she was looking at all the options he didn't say a word, so Sophie got used to the silence.
''Hard class?'' Those two words interested Sophie a little bit and at the same time made her a little fearful because she was getting thrown into a new world full of magic and monsters, and she had no idea how dangerous it is, and if her chosen class was somehow so bad that she will not be able to survive, then she will need to change it.
''Well, not hard but difficult to level up.'' Sophie was still confused, and that showed on her face, so the man continued. ''You see classes level up and that's how you get stronger, now they level up by doing things that are appropriate for the class. For example, a swordsman would level up by using a sword, either training or fighting, basically as long as he uses a sword he will get some experience even if a little bit.''
''Classes like blacksmith will level up when they create tools, armor, and other things that belong to their class, but then there are combined classes. Those are usually a little harder to level up, for example, one of them is called magic swordsmen, people with this class have to know both how to do magic and how to wield a sword and they won't get far if they only use and know one aspect of their class. So they can do more but they have to know more.''
''Crafter, the class you chose is one of the classes that is a combination of many, so you have to dip your fingers in many pots to progress after a certain point. Similar concept with skills, the more skill is a combination of other skills the wider you will have to cast your net to level it up.''
Now Sophie understood, it wasn't that this class was useless, it was just that she would have to put more effort into growing it. She didn't mind that, she was happy that she could keep her class, even if she won't progress as fast as other crafting professions. So she kept it.
''It looks like you have chosen your class and are ready to stick with it.'' Sophie just nodded to that.
''Well then let's move on to stats, as you can see you have five in every stat, you can take some points from one stat and add them to another, but you can't have any of the stats below the value of one.'' While he talked Sophie looked at the displayed stats and confirmed that all of the values for them were 5. ''Before you start changing things let me explain what each of them do.'' So the man started to explain, and these were the things Sophie understood.
Strength- As the name suggests it gives you strength, you can lift more, punch harder, jump further, and all that good stuff.
Agility- How fast you can move your body, how fast you can react, and helps you a little bit with flexibility.
Dexterity- Your hand and eye coordination, and how well can you utilize and coordinate your body.
Vitality- Basically your health, how fast you heal from wounds, how well your body can fight and recover from poison and infections, and how long can you live.
Endurance- How much you can endure, your stamina, how many punches can you take, how hard is your body, and if the stat is high enough you might not need to worry about someone stabbing you, because the blade won't be able to puncture your skin.
Intelligence- How fast your mind works, how fast can you make calculations it doesn't make you smarter directly but helps you learn faster.
Wisdom- This one Sophie got a little confused about, but the gist of it was the ability to better remember things, connect things, and see the bigger picture, and something about a deeper connection to nature and your soul. So yes Sophie wasn't still fully getting what it did but she got the basics down.
Perception- This stat is connected to your senses, you can better perceive things, your instinct is better, and your senses get heightened.
You could go into more detail about what each stat did but these were the basic descriptions. Another thing Sophie found out was that there were hidden and special stats, that are only visible to certain classes, one of them being Luck for example, but crafter didn't have such a stat so she had only the basic ones visible.
After learning all this Sophie decided to not change any stat and left all of them with the value of 5. It maybe wasn't the best decision but she liked the neutral start, and she expressed the desire to the man so that they could move on.
''Understandable, well before we move on there are little more about stats I have to tell you.'' The man said with his monotone voice. ''When you level up you will get fifteen points, five of which will atomically get allocated and ten that you can allocate where you want them. Four of those five will get allocated based on your class and one will always go to vitality.''
''Where my points will go?'' Sophie wanted to know where those 4 will go with her class being a crafter.
''Those four points get split in half and are put into two main stats for the class. For you, it will be dexterity and perception.'' The man's monotone voice sounded through the room as he answered the question.
''Now let's move on to skills.'' After answering the question the man was ready to move to the next thing, and Sophie was the same. ''You have to options here, you can do the regular option and choose your skills or you can gamble and get semi-random skills.''
''Can you elaborate?'' Sophie was a little confused, because why would someone choose option two without any reason, maybe if they wanted to save time, so there had to be a catch.
''In the first option, you will open the skill catalog and will be able to choose skills, either four low tier, two middle tier, or one high tier skill, but if you chose option two, you will get random skills, but they still be least a little connected to your class, and you will get a bonus skill.''
Now Sophie understood if she goes for the gamble she will get a bonus. Not a bad option and Sophie was roaring to go and wanted to get already to her new world, so the option didn't sound bad.
''Option two.'' Sophie knew that she might regret it later, but if she didn't take risks she might replace her past life. Maybe this wasn't the right place, but Sophie didn't care right now, she was read for her new life, ready to chase her dreams and ideas.
''Very well.'' For the first time, the man smiled, and then waved his hand. ''I hope for your success.'' And with those words, it all turned black for Sophie.
you can some points from one stat and add to another
Try "you can take some points from one stat and add them to another"
Otherwise your English is good.
Thanks for the chapter.
Thanks, fixed!
The last paragraph started with werry well instead of very well. Haven’t seen to many things like this and have been enjoying it so far just recommend reading previous chapters occasionally and knock out any obvious ones.
Thanks for catching that, fixed!