CH 3-Memory fusion
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''Bridget, wake up.'' Sophie was having a wonderful sleep until someone started to shake her awake. 

''Mmmm, few more minutes.'' Not wanting to be disturbed she took the blanket and covered herself fully with it, hoping that the disturber of her sleep would go away. 

''Bridget noooo, you will miss the breakfast and then you will get scolded by mom.'' The disturber didn't leave instead they started to shake Sophie's body harder and even tried to pull the blanket off, but Sophie was holding strong, trying with all her might not to get out of bed. 

''Yo, Bridget if you don't get moving, I will shock you.'' Sophie heard another voice, this one sounded as if was further away from her, than the one who was pushing her around. But the moment she heard the words that were uttered by the other person her body shut up from the bed at record speed. 

''I'm up.'' The moment she got up she looked at the person who threatened to shock her. ''Last time you shocked me Lyra I couldn't walk without my legs jerking for half a day!'' Sophie looked at the girl with an accusing glare. 

'Wait, Lyra? Bridget?' Only now Sophie was starting to register what was happening. She remembers being in the white room choosing things, and when she finished she was here. While Sophie was trying to figure out what was going on, and as to why she knew the other girl's name she suddenly felt a headache as multiple memories started to play in her head. 

The headache wasn't bad just a bit uncomfortable, so Sophie, now known as Bridget didn't need to sit down she just stood there for a few seconds before she got back to normal. Thanks to these memories Bridget now knew what was going on. Yesterday was her 13 birthday, and she unlocked her system, as a result, she got her memories of when she was Sophie unsealed. 

Bridget didn't know why she was so calm right now, she felt like this was the moment normally people would freak out, but for some reason, she felt calm. It was as if this was just another day in her life, nothing to make a fuss about. So she didn't and decided to move on and go with the flow. Right now her name was Bridget a 13 year old girl, who didn't like mornings, and sometimes got shocked by Lyra and for now it was good enough.

''You moving or what?'' Lyra's voice dragged Bridget back to reality. 

''Yes give me a moment.'' Bridget waved at Lyra as she got ready. She walked up to her wooden locker where her clothes were and started to change from her sleepwear. After that, she started to dress herself, with some simple linen clothes. After getting her socks on, she found her shoes and put them on. Her clothes weren't anything fancy, but it was expected after all she was living in an orphanage with five other kids.

Bridget's bed was the furthest from the exit, but she didn't mind because she had her own window. Lyra and Auriel were already waiting for her at the door. Bridget made her way to them, and after that, they went out of the room and started to make their way to the dining room. This building was two stories high, with all the sleeping quarters being on the second floor, while the first floor was reserved for everything else. 

''So how does it feel to finally have a class?'' Lyra indicated a conversation as they walked down the hallway.

''Nothing much right now, but it probably will change after I get my first level up.'' Bridget was the last of the six children who got her class because she is the youngest, and now finally she was in the same cart as they were. Emotionally she was happy, but physically nothing had changed, or nothing that Bridget could feel. 

''Well just wait, the first time you get your stats increased it feels amazing.'' Bridget could see Lyra's blue eyes unfocus as her mind swam into the past for a moment. 

''We'll see.'' Bridget didn't question Lyra's words, but she was skeptical about it feeling as good as Lyra described. But at the same time, Lyra could be right, so only time will tell. While they had this short conversation they finally arrived at the dining room, and everyone was already there, so the three of them were the last of them all. Bridget, Lyra, and Auriel took their seats, with Aurial sitting in the middle between the two others. 

''Now that everyone is here, let's eat.'' There were nine people sitting around this large rectangular wooden table, and the one who spoke those words was the oldest woman here, known as the mother of this place. So when everyone heard her words they started to eat with gusto, because the food made by father was known to be delicious. 

While Bridget ate the pancakes she was served she started to go through her memories, mostly so that she could check if everything was in its place and if she had lost some memories. So the first thing she did was look around and see if she could remember everyone's name.

First, she looked at the oldest woman here, she had horns and white fluff around her neck, and wrists like a sheep. She had white fluffy long hair and sky-blue eyes. She was the mother of this place, and although none of the children here were biologically her's everyone still called her mom, or something similar, and she was a sheep beastkin. 

Next, Bridget looked at the older man sitting beside the mother. He looked big and had plenty of muscle, he looked like a regular human with black hair and a full beard, his dark brown eyes might look a little fierce but Bridget and all the other kids knew that he was a gentle giant. He was the father of this place, and similar to mother, kids accepted him as the father figure. 

After that Bridget looked at the young elf. That was Sera, or big sis Sera, she had light brown hair and hazel eyes. She was older than the other kids here and was already a full adult, but she grew up in this orphanage and now helps out, so the kids call her big sis Sera. 

Now onto the kids, the oldest of them was Ethan. He was a wolf beastkin with grey hair and eyes and was a little bratty. Ethen wasn't bad or a bully, but he liked to sometimes rub it in that he got his system first, and Bridget being the youngest had to endure it the most. 

Next one was Lyra, she had light blue hair and eyes, and the scales that covered some parts of her body and her tail were in a similar color. She had two horns growing from her head and sharp teeth, Lyra was dragonkin and had lightning affinity, which she liked to use when Bridget refused to get up in the mornings. 

The third kid was Theo, he was raven Aerathi, basically half-human and half-avian. He had looked mostly human, with black wings in his back, and some black feathers here and there. He had black eyes, and his head was decorated by black feathers that looked like hair from a distance. 

Next in line was Lucas, he was a human kid with blond hair and blue eyes, and right now was immersed in eating the pancakes. 

Auriel was the second youngest and was an elf with light green hair and eyes in a similar color, she was the one who tried to wake Bridget up this morning with little success. 

Bridget was the youngest of them all and was just a plain old human with dark brown hair and eyes. Now that she had confirmed that she knew people close to her, she could continue to eat her breakfast. The dining table was quiet, and everyone was fully focused on eating. Slowly after finishing their food people started leaving going to do their things. This was normal in the mornings, everyone was getting ready for the day and they had places to be and things to do, especially adults.

''Thanks for the food.'' Bridget same as the others finished her food, said her thanks, and took the plate and fork to the kitchen. After getting to the kitchen she located the sink and put her dishes there. She got ready to leave, but before she did that, an idea came to her mind. Today she can finally use her class, so it would be a waste to not try and make something. So with that thought in mind, she looked around and found what she was looking for. Bridget took one of the kitchen knives from their holder and went outside while hiding the knife and without arousing any suspicion. 

Now with a tool in hand, she made her way to the back, where there was a pile of chopped wood, plenty of material for Bridget to work with.