'Wait I should probably check my stats.' Bridget had almost forgotten to check her system menu, but it would do her some good to check because she now should have more skills besides [Crafting].
Name: Bridget
Class: Crafter(Lv.1)
Strength: 5
Agility: 5
Dexterity: 5
Vitality: 5
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 5
Wisdom: 5
Perception: 5
Skills: Crafting(Lv.1); Warehouse(Lv.1); Focus(Lv.1); Versatile Combat(Lv.1)
Looking at her status, Bridget saw that she indeed had three more skills. She knew what [Crafting] did, and had an idea what [Focus] was all about but she was a little confused about the other two. So she looked up their description.
Warehouse- Let's you make a dimensional room where you can store anything you want with some limitations.
It was a short description but Bridget mostly understood what the skill did, she even tried it. Bridget stretched her arm and in her head activated the skill. The next moment the air before he rippled for a second before a wooden door appeared in front of her.
Bridget looked at the door and saw that it looked like a simple wooden door, nothing special. She got closer to the door and saw that she was kind of wrong, although she didn't know much about doors this one looked perfectly made, yes it didn't have any fancy designs and looked plain, but it was made with mastery.
Bridget spent a little bit more on looking over the door, she even inspected it with her finger and saw no dents or scratches, she wanted to spend even more time checking this door, and see if she could find any superficial flaw, but when she saw the handle she remembered that she was seeing how her skill worked.
So she stopped her door inspection and opened it. Inside she was greeted by a cube-like room made from wood, it was completely empty, and the only light that was available in this room was the sunlight coming in from the open door. Bridget looked around and saw that the room wasn't big, and if she had to guess it was a 2x2x2 meter room. As there was nothing here Bridget decided to leave, but she left the knife in the middle of the room.
After she got out she tried to deactivate the skill but nothing happened, she still could see the room and the knife she left behind. Little confused she tried again, but again nothing. Noticing that nothing happened Bridget started to think why. For a moment she thought it was because of the knife, but soon after dismissed that idea, because in the skill description, it was said that this room was made for storing stuff, and it wouldn't make sense if she couldn't store a knife.
Fortunately, she didn't have to think about this problem for too long, because her next idea was to close the wooden door and then deactivate her skill. So she did just that, and this time the air around the door rippled, and after a second the door was nowhere to be seen. So it looked like the door had to be closed before she could deactivate the skill. 'Good to know.'
Now the important part, again Bridget activated her skill, but this time she aimed to her right. The air again rippled before the door appeared where she wanted it to appear. After seeing the door come to be, Bridget walked up to it and opened it, and she was greeted by the same empty room as the first time, with the exception of a knife that was lying on the wooden floor, in the same spot Bridget left it.
'Looks like it works.' After confirming that her skill worked as intended, she went and retrieved the knife, before deactivating the skill. Now that she had familiarized herself with this skill, it was time to check out the other one.
Versatile Combat- You can learn and adapt your fighting style so that you can use your environment and the tools it gives you to your advantage.
The description didn't help much, but what Bridget could peace together was that this probably was a combat skill, that allowed her to use different tools and weapons. Now the question was why it was here. The white room man said that her skills would be semi-connected to her class, or helped with it, so why give her a combat skill. Bridget kind of guessed why it was a combined skill, that allowed any tool, after all, she will be creating different things, but the question was why a combat skill.
The only conclusion she could come up with right now was that she at some point will probably have to find her own materials or get some if the market didn't have it, and the outside world is dangerous and full of monsters, so maybe because of that.
'Well, enough of that, time to move these hands.' Bridget decided to stop trying to guess why she has a combat skill, and decided to start doing what she came here to do.
She turned her attention to the pile of wood that was put under a roof. The wooden roof was connected to the back of the orphanage building, so Bridget had to be careful otherwise she might make a huge noise and alert mother. Mother wasn't against Bridget doing her thing, but she was against Briddget ruining her knife blade, not to mention the unsafe practices Bridget liked to use.
First Bridget had to figure out what she wanted to make, it had to be something simple, and the first thing that came to her mind was a club. it shouldn't be hard to make a simple wooden club. So now with a rough design in her mind, she started to look around for a good piece of wood.
It didn't take long before she found a piece of wood that was good enough for her, it already had one side wider than the other so she already had a start, and while she was looking for her material she stumbled upon some axes. Bridget found two axes leaning against the wall near the pile of wood. One of the axes was a big wood-chopping axe and right now didn't have much use for Bridget, but the other axe was a hatchet.
Finding a hatchet was a nice surprise because it was more suitable for her project, so she took it. Now with a wood piece under her armpit, a knife in one hand, and the hatchet in the other Bridget made her way to a suitable spot where she could make her club. The spot she was thinking about was in the corner of the yard, it was a little secluded, but it had a nice stump that remained when father chopped a tree here, and the spot was protected from the sun as there were some trees around that made a nice shade.
''HA!'' ''AH!'' While making her way to the spot, Bridget saw Ethan and Lyra sparing with sticks. Both of them had multiple bruises on their bodies. It was understandable they both wanted to be strong warriors, for different reasons, but still similar, and this fighting wasn't anything new, they usually did this at least once a day, so Bridget just moved on.
'Mother won't be happy.' Mother didn't mind them sparring, she just didn't like the bruises and the dirty clothes that came as a result from that, and while walking by them Bridget saw that some of their clothes had rips in them, so it looked like they were going at each other full force, which resulted in more bruises and more dirt than usual and some damage to their clothes.
But at the same time, their appearances might distract mother from Briget's own mischief of taking a knife. Thankfully she found a hatchet so she probably won't use the knife, but it was still missing and she will have to return it in its place before mother notices, but if she does notice, Bridget hopped that Lyra and Ethan will distract her and Bridget could get away.
While thinking about how to get scot-free Bridget finally arrived at the place. She looked around, located the stump, and took her seat on it. The stump was pretty wide, so she had no problem putting her tools beside her on her right side. Bridget took the wood piece with both her hands and started to better inspect it, and at the same time marking places in her mind where she should start.
After assessing the material, Bridget got started. She put a piece between her legs with the wider side touching the ground. With her left hand she held the wood in place and with her right hand she took the hatchet and started to remove the bark. The bark came off somewhat easily, she didn't need to use both hands, and one was enough. There were some spots where she had to use more strength, but all in all the bark came off nicely. The next step was giving it its shape.
Versatile Combat- You can learn and adapt your fighting style so that you can use your environment and the tools it gives you to your advantage.
I hope she ends up using a multiple weapons and not just sticking to a singular one
That's the idea, I gave her this skill with the intention of her changing her weapons regularly, some might stick longer than others, but with time they will change, and probably times where she uses multiple at the same time.
Thanks, fixed!