CH 5-First official creation
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Bridget whittled and chopped the wood. Her hands moved and shaped the piece of wood, her attention fully on the wood, it was as if she was in her own world where the only thing that mattered was to get this piece of wood into her desired form. Slowly but surely the club took its shape, there were mishaps on the way, a wrong chop here, and a slip there, but Bridget didn't care, she was fully focused on finishing the work. 

Even when strands of her own brown hair slipped into her vision she didn't take her eyes off the wood. Like a machine, she just blew the strand away and continued without stopping. It took a considerable time before she finally stopped. 

Bridget put down the hatchet and took a look at her final work. The club was pretty small, uneven and probably will give her splinters if she used it, but it still was made by her. Her first official club was bad, but it was normal, she was an amateur and made plenty of mistakes. But no matter how bad it looked Bridget was happy, and she knew that with time she will improve, and make better clubs. 

She took the club in her right hand and swung it a few times. The grip was a little uncomfortable, and there wasn't much weight behind the swing, but Bridget was sure that she could probably give someone a concussion with it if she wanted. That statement wasn't much because you can give a concussion to someone with many things, but that didn't make her stop smiling. 

While still holding the club, Bridegt looked into the sky and saw that the sun had moved quite a bit. The time flew and Bridget didn't even notice it, because when she was making her club it was all she was focused on. 'Talking about focus.'

Name: Bridget

Class: Crafter(Lv.2)

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Dexterity: 7

Vitality: 6

Endurance: 5

Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 5

Perception: 7

Points- 10

Skills: Crafting(Lv.2); Warehouse(Lv.1); Focus(Lv.2); Versatile Combat(Lv.1)

Looking over her status, Bridget saw that two of her skills had leveled up and the same was for her class. Looking over her stats she saw the values that had gone up, but she didn't feel much different. Next, she looked at the 10 points that she could put into stats. 

She had to think for a moment before she put any points anywhere. Two attributes that looked important to her right now were strength and vitality. Strength because when she was making the club there were some places where she got stuck and she had to put an effort to move the hatchet's blade, and vitality was so that she could heal faster from her mistakes. Her fingers had a few nicks in them from when she slipped up and the blade went off course, but the endurance could help her too, so that even if she slips there are fewer injuries.

Name: Bridget

Class: Crafter(Lv.2)

Strength: 8

Agility: 5

Dexterity: 8

Vitality: 9

Endurance: 7

Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 5

Perception: 8

Points- 0

Skills: Crafting(Lv.2); Warehouse(Lv.1); Focus(Lv.2); Versatile Combat(Lv.1)

After thinking it over this was how she allocated her points. The moment she confirmed her point allocation she moved her body around, and felt a tiny difference, nothing much, but there was a difference, not to mention she felt like she was full of energy, so much that she wouldn't be surprised if she could run around in circles for hours.

'Is this the feeling Lyra talked about?' If this energy was the thing Lyra talked about then Bridget had to agree, it felt amazing, she almost got ready to go get another piece of wood and make another club. But she stopped when she saw approaching her.

''Hi, Theo!'' The one coming was Theo, similar to Bridget he was a regular visitor of this quiet corner. Theo liked to read books, and this corner was a perfect spot for it. Well, that was what Theo told Bridget. 

''Got a new book?'' Bridget saw the book that Theo was holding and saw that it was new, or at least new to her because she hadn't seen the book previously.

''Yes, just picked up.'' Theo showed the book's cover so that Bridget could see it better. <Hystory of dungeons> was written on the cover. The title was self-explanatory so she didn't ask what it was about. 

''Mom, won't be happy about that.'' Theo saw the knife that was left on the stump and pointed it out. 

''Don't worry I have a plan.'' Bridget dismissed Theo's words and instead showed him her club. ''Instead look at this, my first official club!'' Bridget was excited to show someone her club, and Theo happened to be that someone. 

''Is it safe to use?'' There was little concern in his voice as the black-winged boy asked that. 

''Probably not, but still it's my first club.'' Bridget didn't let the question dampen her mood and continued to show her club. 


''Thank you!''

Theo congratulated her for making the first official club of her career, and that made Bridget happy. After that Theo sat down and leaned against a nearby tree and started reading his book. Bridget didn't want to disturb him, so she had to find something to do. Her first thought was to go make another club, but looking at the sun's position she won't make it until lunch. So instead she decided to sit down back on the stump and decorate her club. 

She used the hatchet's blade's corner to engrave some simple lines and designs. So like that they spent their time, Theo reading his book, and Bridget carving lines in her club. 


*TINK, TINK, TINK...* After a while a bell started to ring, indicating it was time for lunch. Theo closed his book, got up, and started to go in the direction of the building. 

Bridget hearing the bell, finished engraving a line before she opened her warehouse and put the club in it. After deactivating the skill she also made her way to the building. It didn't take long before she got close, but she didn't go straight for the door, she made a little detour to put the hatchet back in its place, and only then did she make her way to the entrance. 

'Hope this works.' Bridget was the last one of the kids outside, meaning that Ethan and Lyra were already there, perfect for her plan. Now she just had to hope that they could distract mother long enough for Bridget to put the knife back in its place before mother catches her with it. 

''I sometimes don't understand you two, just look at the bruises and...'' Bridget went inside and a little distance away from the door, Lyra and Ethan were standing in front of mother while she was in the middle of giving them a verbal spanking. Seeing her chance Bridget kept the knife behind her and started to sneak by. 

''Young lady stop right there.'' Unfortunately for Bridget, her plan didn't work. Mother stopped her lecture the moment she saw Bridget and made the brown-haired girl stop in her tracks. Bridget stopped in her steps and looked in mother's direction and saw three pairs of eyes looking right at her.

''Yes, mother?'' Mother was smiling, but Bridget didn't like this smile, it was the smile she gave troublemakers. Seeing this Bridget started to sweat a little, but she still didn't give up hope, maybe she could get out of this. 

''Would you like to give me the knife?'' Bridget's hope crashed faster than rose. She was caught and there was nothing else to do but give mother the knife. So Bridget stopped hiding it behind her back and gave it to mother. 

''The three of you will be washing today's lunch dishes.'' Bridget wasn't new to doing dishes as a punishment, but that didn't mean she liked to do it. But she got caught so she had to serve her due. 

''''Yes.'''' All three kids answered at the same time. They knew they did wrong, so no one protested. 

''Good, now wash up and go eat.'' The three obeyed mother, and went to wash their hands and face. All of them went to the nearby bathroom and used the sink to wash their hands. 

While washing her hands Bridget looked at the sink and compared it to the ones she saw back on Earth. There wasn't much difference, maybe only the material that was used in making it, but besides that, they looked pretty similar by function. Bridget didn't fully know how this sink worked so she would like to dismantle it and see what made it function. But maybe another time and maybe a sink that no one used, because she wasn't sure she would be able to put it back together. 

After washing their hands, the three of them made their way to the dining room, ready to eat.