CH 6-Back in business
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''So what have all of you been up to today?'' Linch was different from the breakfast, as it was full of chatter and liveliness, and today Sera and father had joined them. Usually, those two were at the bakery at this time of day, but today they had come and spent their lunch with everybody. Father was the one asking the kids what they had been up to today. 

''I made a club!'' Bridget was the first to answer, she couldn't wait to tell everybody about her achievement, and her energetic voice pulled the father's attention to her. 

''Oh, your first official creation, congratulations, you'll have to show me later.'' Father was happy for Bridget, even he could see the excitement glowing through her brown eyes. ''But I hope you didn't blunt another of our knives.'' Getting new knives in this town wasn't easy, and sharpening them took some time, even for him. 

''No, I used a hatchet.'' Bridget refuted the accusation. 

''Hihihi...'' Mother let out a small giggle, with Lyra and Ethan following right after, they giggled for a few short seconds before stopping. ''Don't mind me.'' Mother dismissed her giggle when others looked at her. 

''It's good that you used a more suitable tool for it.'' Father was a little confused as to why his wife giggled just now but he had a guess, and later he will just ask her for confirmation. 

''Yes!'' Bridget didn't pay mind to those three who giggled and still showed a proud smile. 

''I bought a new book.'' Theo was next who told about his day. He mostly talked about how he visited the market and how this book caught his attention so he bought it. 

Just like that one by one, the kids told what they did today, and after they shared their stories father told them about how was his day at the bakery. It wasn't anything extraordinary, but he did mention a client that had just moved to this town, besides that, most of his and Sera's day was just the usual. The lunch was spent talking and laughing. 

After lunch ended Bridget wanted to go and make something again, but she remembered her punishment, so when she brought her dishes she stayed in the kitchen with Lyra and Ethan. They formed a line and started washing. Bridget got the easy part, whipping them with a towel and putting them in the drying rack. Ethan washed them, and Lyra scrubbed them. 

They were pretty fast, but that was expected because these three were the usual troublemakers and were already used to these kinds of punishments. It wasn't like they intentionally made trouble, but they sometimes forget to think ahead and just end up causing trouble, which translates to free labor. 

Pretty quickly they were done, they checked if every dish was clean because the last time they wanted to finish quickly they did a bad job and left some dishes dirty, and that resulted in more punishment. So now they check their work before they leave, not wanting to make the same mistake. After they had done all that they went their separate ways. 

Now that Bridget was free, it was time to go back to crafting, but she couldn't think of what. While thinking she made her way outside and started to walk around hoping to get some inspiration. She could make another club, but right now she wanted to make something different. One idea was to take a stick and make it into a spear, but Bridget didn't want to do it either. 

Seeing that just walking around didn't help, she sat down on the grass and just looked at how Ethan trained. Lyra had gone somewhere so the young beastkin didn't have a sparing partner, so he just went through the motion by himself. It still was good training, but it looked like he preferred if he had a target. 

'Target!' Finally Bridget got an idea about what she could make, but first, she had to find out some things. So with excitement, Bridget got up, patted her pants clean, and went looking for mother. It didn't take long for the young brunette to find the one she was looking for. Bridget found mother some distance away, washing some clothes with Auriel helping her. The young crafter sprinted over, with enough energy that mother saw the child from a good distance away. 

''Mother!'' Bridget practically yelled when she was only a few steps away from the sheep beastkin. 

''Yes, sweety?'' Mother lifted her blue eyes up from her task as she addressed Bridget with a gentle tone. 

''Do we have old sheets or clothes I can use for making stuff?'' Bridget was excited to make her next thing, so much so that she was basically vibrating on the spot. 

''We should have some in the shed.'' Seeing the kid so excited mother couldn't help as her smile grew wider. 

''Thank you!'' Bridget was already running to the shed before she said her thanks. Seeing this mother couldn't help but giggle a little before she returned to washing clothes. 

Bridget's brown hair was getting blown by the wind, as she practically sprinted to the shed. ''Huff...'' She was a little out of breath but that didn't stop her and she opened the wooden door and went inside the shed. The shed wasn't big, and it was here to basically as a storage. There were some tools, but mostly the basic ones like shovels and some hammers. But she wasn't here for them, she started to look around until she found an old wooden chest. 

Opening it she was greeted by some old sheets and clothing, they were worn out and dirty, perfect for what Bridget needed. She grabbed a shirt, some pants, and one big sheet. With these items in hand, she went to her favorite crafting spot and put her materials on the big stump. 

After that, she went where the wood was stored, but this time she wasn't aiming for the already chopped-up wood or the small pieces. Instead, she looked for the few unchopped tree logs. It was the beginning of the fall, and father was getting ready wood for the cold season, so he had chopped some trees down from the nearby forest and brought them here. So Bridget started looking through the pile of logs before she found two that looked good enough for her project. These logs weren't too long or too wide, so she took them and hauled them to her crafting spot. 

Next, she went to grab the hatchet and a few of the cut wood.  She saw that she probably will have to come at least another round so that she could bring all the wood she needed, plus she needed to get some rope from the shed. So she grabbed the hatchet and started to take some wood while trying to figure out how she could do it comfortably. 

'Wait.' While trying to figure out that, she remembered that she had a skill for that. Bridget felt a little foolish because if she had remembered sooner she could have done all this in one go, it looked like excitement turned off her brain. After activating her [Warehouse] skill near her, she opened the wooden door and started to put some wood inside it. She took a little more wood than she thought she would need just in case. After getting the needed materials inside the space, she closed the door and deactivated her skill. 

With a hatchet in hand, she made her way to the shed. Opening the shed's door she instantly found what she needed, a spoil of rope. The long piece of rope was wrapped around a wooden structure and was put on the floor. Bridget started to unwind the rope until the length she thought would be enough. After unwinding it, she used the hatchet to separate the piece she needed from the rest. 

She coiled the rope for easier transportation and put it on her shoulder. Now with every material gathered she made her final trip to the spot before she started crafting. 

''Hi, Theo.'' When arriving at the spot, Bridget saw the raven aerathi leaning against a tree reading his new book. Theo just nodded in acknowledgment without lifting his gaze from the book. Seeing this Bridget didn't mind and just sat down on the stump ready to dirty her hands. 

The young crafter organized the materials around her and started working. First, she took the longest of the two logs and put it between her legs. The log was pretty long so a part of it went over her shoulder, but she positioned it so that it was comfortable for her. Then she took the hatchet in her right hand and started to sharpen one of its ends, while with her left hand, she held it in place and rotated it when needed. 

Her hatchet came down and the wood came off. Bridget was focused, immersed in sharpening the log's end, one chop after another. From the side, Bridget looked a little reckless but she was careful, never pointing the blade at her body. Bridget needed just a sharp end that she could stab in the ground, so she wasn't going for fines resulting in the sharp end looking a little bit crude, but it would suffice. 

After getting the log sharpened she got up and put it on the stump in a sleeping position. Then she took the other log and laid it across it, making a wood cross. Now with the logs in the position, she uncoiled the rope and started to wrap it around in an x pattern around the logs where they met, and then knotted the rope. 

Taking the hatchet she cut off the rest of the rope and then checked if she did a good job. Jerking around the two logs showed Bridget that she did a decent job, and it was satisfactory. 

'Next the body.' She needed the wood she stored in her skill, so she willed the wooden door to appear beside her. She went inside and started grabbing some wood, and when her hands got full she got ready to leave. But when she was leaving she was met with black eyes looking straight at her from the warehouse's entrance.