''Oh, hi Theo.'' Bridget wasn't bothered by the black-haired kid, just a little surprised to see him standing there.
''What is this?'' Theo on the other hand looked curious and intrigued by her warehouse skill. His pupils shot around, inspecting every corner of this place and he even glided his fingers across the door in amazement. It was a rare sight to see Theo this excited about something, usually, he had a neutral expression on him.
''This is my skill it lets's one store things.'' Bridget gave a simple explanation as she made her way outside the space with a pile of wood in her hands. She was more interested in finishing her own thing than anything else, so if Theo had more questions he will have to ask while she worked.
''How does it work, can it store the living, does time stop in it, or maybe is significantly slowed down?'' While Bridget walked out of the space, Theo walked in and started asking questions, many questions. He just asked one after another, and Bridget had no time to answer any of them, and at one point she even questioned when Theo would stop from lack of oxygen. So she felt Theo have his time, while she herself finished what she started.
She let the skill be active as it didn't trouble her at all, the skill didn't eat her mana and it made Theo happy so she just let it sit there. Putting the wood near the stump, she put her attention back on the wooden cross. Bridget used her eye to measure a few things before she took four wood pieces and put them around the sharpened log in one section, then using the rope she tied them around the log tightly, and with hatchet cut off the unnecessary rope. After making sure that they would hold, she moved up to the next section. Altogether she needed to do 5 sections like this, so with 1 down 4 more to go.
''Sorry about that.'' At one point while Bridget was tying one of the sections, Theo came and apologized to her.
''No problem, I can try to answer your questions, but I myself don't know much.'' Bridget had no idea why Theo apologized, but she accepted it and encouraged Theo to ask questions if he had any.
''Okay, so how does it work?'' The first question was a little broad but Bridget answered in any way while still moving her hands. ''Well when I activate the skill, that door pups up, and behind it is a space storage, besides that, I know that everything I put there will stay there and that if I want to deactivate the skill I have to close the door.'' She finished another section as she explained.
''I see, then is there any time difference inside there?'' Theo asked the question while Bridget was aligning another section, and found out that one of the wood pieces needed a little piece chopped off.
''I have no idea, haven't tested it.'' She used her hatchet to chop off the piece that was bothering her.
''Are there any limitations on what you can put there?'' Now happy Bridget started to tie the section together, while still listening to Theo.
''None that I have encountered yet.'' She chopped off the excess rope as she continued. ''But if you're asking about the living, I have no idea, and even if I could there are high chance that I can't keep them long in there before they die.'' Bridget was sure that the warehouse space didn't provide breathable air.
''Understandable, but how did you get this skill?'' Theo asking her how she got the skill, was expected after all, storage skills were rare and valuable, even if the space they provided was small.
''It appeared when I got my class.'' That wasn't entirely true, but close enough, plus it wasn't unheard of skills that didn't normally come when you chose the class to appear. There are plenty of instances where people get skills that aren't normally class skills when they awaken their system. Usually, those are inherited by bloodline, but her situation isn't unheard of.
''And you chose the crafter class, right?'' Theo wanted to confirm that Bridget had taken the crafter class, not some other.
''Yes.'' She had nothing to hide from Theo so she confirmed that he was right.
''Amazing.'' Bridget had to agree with him, this skill was amazing. Theo returned to explore the warehouse space while Bridget finished doing all the sections. She had to make another trip to the warehouse, and while taking the wood, she saw Theo looking around a mumbling something to himself, so she just left him be.
After the body was made, Bridget made another inspection making sure that it held, and was amply secured. In the next step, Bridget took the construct off the stump and laid out the big sheet on the stump before putting the construct a top of it. Then she flooded the sheet around the wooden body, making sure that most of the structure wood was covered, and then using the rope she made sure it stayed covered.
The covering was a little more difficult than she thought it would be, as the sheet resisted her in some places but the result was satisfactory. Now the last step was to put on clothes, putting on the pants wasn't difficult, just looked a little odd, but it was easy enough, using the rope she secured so that they don't come off by themselves. The shirt on the other hand was more difficult, and Bridget had to rip it in some places to make it take its place.
It took some time but finally, she had finished the wooden dummy. It looked odd, but Bridget was sure it would hold and fulfill its intended purpose. She left the dummy on the stump and put the unused materials inside the warehouse space.
''Hey, Theo can you help me move the dummy?'' Theo was still distracted by the space, and Bridget was a little confused how, there was nothing in here. So she asked if the black-winged teenager could help her move her construction.
''Huh? Sure.'' Theo agreed to help so he put down his book, which he was carrying around, on the floor and came to help Bridget.
''Up.'' Each from one side they lifted up the dummy and started carrying to the yard's middle part. The dummy was heavy and Bridget's arms started to feel the weight. She looked at Theo and saw that he was having an easier time than her, and she got a little envious, until she remembered something.
Name: Bridget
Class: Crafter(Lv.3)
Strength: 8
Agility: 5
Dexterity: 10
Vitality: 10
Endurance: 7
Intelligence: 5
Wisdom: 5
Perception: 10
Points- 10
Skills: Crafting(Lv.3); Warehouse(Lv.1); Focus(Lv.4); Versatile Combat(Lv.1)
Seeing the unspent points Bridget put 5 in strength, 1 in vitality, and 4 in endurance. The moment she did that she could feel the loud slightly decrease in weight, it wasn't much but it was enough, for Bridget and Theo to bring the dummy where they needed to without taking any breaks.
''Here should be good.'' On Bridget's command, both of them slowly up the dummy on the ground. Theo then nodded to Bridget and went back to exploring the warehouse space. The young crafter thanked her helper and let him go do his own thing. Now she had to get this thing standing, and secured into the ground. First, she probably needs to dig a hole before she attempts to install it. So she made her way to the shed with the intention of getting a shovel.
This time she didn't run, just jogged to the shed. When arriving at the shed, Bridget quickly found a shovel and then went back to where the dummy was. With a quick jog, she was back and ready to dig. Bridget took the shovel in both hands, aimed it at the ground, and started to dig. Using her hands and feet, she started to make a hole in the ground.
The hole she was digging was intended to be deep, not wide, so she tried to not widen it unnecessarily. As the hole got deeper the pile of dirt got higher. Fortunately, it didn't take long before Bridget was done with the hole and it was ready for her dummy. She stabbed the shovel nearby into the ground and went to her dummy.
The wood dummy was lying down near the hole with its sharp bottom closes to the hole. Bridget squatted down beside the dummy and slowly started to push inside the hole while at the same time lifting its upper part. *TUD!* ''UGH!'' With some effort, Bridget succeded in getting the dummy into the hole, but she was in a bad spot when it went in and slid down, and as a result, she got hit in the head by one of its arms, and as a result, now Bridget had a headache and a mouth full of dirt.
This is my skill it lets's one story things
story —> store
Thanks, fixed!
laid out the big sheet on the stomp before
she could feel the loud slight decrease in weight,
load slightly
Thanks for the chapter
Thanks, fixed!
Thanks for reading!