CH 8-Request from the clingy
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''Pffff...'' Grass and dirt didn't taste great that's a fact Bridget can now be sure of. The young crafter got up from the ground while rubbing her head, she didn't expect to have dinner this soon or that it would be so forcefully shoved in her mouth. Looking up she saw that the dummy was in its hole, and all that was left was to fill the hole and make sure the dummy stayed straight. 

'Or I could burn the damn thing.' Bridget knew that it was her own fault that she got smacked in the head, but that didn't stop her desire to set the dummy in flames and watch as it burned before her eyes. 

''What are you doing?'' A familiar voice rang behind her while Bridget was immersed in her thoughts about the burning dummy. Looking behind she saw Ethan, sweaty and somewhat exhausted, standing there looking at the dummy with a stick in hand. 

''I made a training dummy, thought we could use it.'' Bridget went to work on finalizing the installment. ''It isn't very good, but for casual training should suffice.'' 

''Cool, thanks!'' Ethan was excited, even though he didn't fully comprehend the value of it, he was sure it would help him and the others in some way or another. 

''Grab the shovel and help me fill the hole.'' Bridget tossed the shovel to Ethan, who caught it with one hand. The gray-haired teen, put down the stick and started to fill the hole with dirt, while Bridget held the dummy so that it didn't leant and stayed in the center. With Ethan's help the dummy installation didn't take long, and only after a few minutes, they were done. 

''Looks good.'' Bridget made sure that it was straight and stable, and after confirming it was she smiled a little, she was happy with how her second project came out, but she still had a small desire to burn it. 

''Looks great!'' The beastkin boy was more excited than Bridget herself, but she didn't say anything and let him be. Instead, she looked over the status, checking if anything changed, but no her status was the same, but it was expected so Bridget wasn't disappointed. 

*Tuk**Tud* While Bridget had pulled her attention to her status, Ethan had started testing the new dummy. He held his form as he made strike after strike against the dummy, his stick sword colliding with the dummy's own wooden body made a nose each time. Bridget watched as Ethan trained, she saw his form, how his muscles contracted, bulged, and then relaxed, and how his eyes focused on the target. For her, it almost looked like art, amateurish but still art. With nothing better to do right now, she watched as her new creation got hit and used, as Ethan trained. 

''What's that?'' At some point, Lyra had come here, and Bridget didn't see her because she was so immersed in Ethan's training and movements that she got a little spooked and didn't utter a word. 

''Hey Lyra, this is a training dummy that Bridget made.'' Ethan stopped his training and explained the curious dragonkin where this wood dummy came from. ''Isn't it amazing?'' 

''Yes, it is, thanks, Bridget.'' Lyra hugged Bridget from behind as an appreciation gesture. Bridget didn't resist and allowed her the hug, even leaning into it a bit herself. 

''No problem, I have to make something to level up, so might as well make something that could be used.'' Bridget was happy that her work could help these two, and anyone else that would use it. But to be honest, the dummy would probably be used mostly by these two, and maybe Lucas.

''So if you need something, I can try and make it.'' Bridget just found a nice way out of one of the problems. Right now she didn't know what she could truly make, so she either had to make the same stuff, or think of something that was different, and it took time. But if she involved others she could use their ideas, and maybe help them like that, and if something sounded like she couldn't do it she could just reject it and say that she wasn't skilled enough. 

''Then can you make me a spear?'' Ethan didn't hesitate with his request and his excited voice sounded almost immediately after Bridget voiced her offer. 

''Why a spear didn't you want to be a swordsman?'' Lyra asked, and Bridget had the same question because it was no secret that Ethan wanted to be a swordsman and was aiming for an appropriate class when his present one advanced. So both girls looked at him with confusion in their eyes, waiting for his answer. 

''Yes, but recently I saw someone with a spear, and how they fought and I liked it more than a sword, so now I want to use a spear.'' It looked like a flawed logic to Bridget, but if he wanted to use a spear he will use a spear, Ethan was kind of stubborn in that way. If something caught his attention and he wanted to do it, he will try to do it with all his might. Of course, there are exceptions, but the only one who could stop him was mother. 

''I can try, but I warn you it will be primitive.'' Bridget had already thought of two ways she could make a spear for him, but they both were primitive so she warned him in advance. 

''That's okay.'' Ethan gave Bridget a grin and thumbs-up not minding her warning, he was just happy that Bridget might make him a spear even if it was primitive. 

''Then could you make me something too, I will give you the power of choice, as long as it has a blade.'' Lyra too wanted a weapon crafted by Bridget, but she wasn't too sure what she wanted. Right now she was thinking of using a sword in the future, but if Bridget could offer or make something more interesting then she would probably switch.

''I will try.'' Bridget was still getting hugged by Lyra from behind, so she turned her head as far as she could and saw the dragonkin's sharp teeth as she smiled. Bridget will have to think about what she could make for Lyra, but she could do that while she crafts a spear for Ethan. 

After that exchange, Ethan went back to training with the dummy, while Lyra hugged Bridget. Bridget didn't mind getting hugged, but she had to put some back before dinner, so she tried to get out of the hug, but Lyra just wrapped her tail around the young crafter. 

''Could you let me go?'' Bridget unfortunately had things to do, so although she liked the hug she had to go, so she asked Lyra if she could set her free. 

''Sure.'' With some reluctance in her blue eyes, Lyra freed Bridget, allowing the crafter to go where she needed. Bridget waved them goodbye and went to her crafting spot, where she had left most of the stuff, but she didn't forget to take the shovel with her. So with a shovel in hand, she walked to her corner and saw that Theo was reading a book again.

She saw that the warehouse door was open, and just started putting things she used for making the dummy into the warehouse space. It didn't take long and after getting everything in she closed the door and deactivated the skill, and started making her way to the shed. While she walked she started to think about Ethan's and Lyra's request. 

For Ethan, she could either go the really simple way and just sharpen a long stick, but that didn't feel right and felt a little bit simple. The other option was to make a primitive stone spear, it might take a while but she felt that this was the right option. For Lyra Bridget had no idea what to make, she could make a stone knife, but Bridget felt that she could come up with something better.

While thinking about her future ventures, she arrived at the shed. She opened her warehouse space and started to place things back, she put the shovel back and the rope she had left she put near the coil. After placing everything back she closed the shed and her space and made her way to where the wood was placed, and just like before she opened her space and put the wood back in its place, and the hatchet too. 

Bridget knew that she probably will need these tools again, but it felt wrong to just hold onto them when she wasn't using them, so the only thing she left in her space was the club she made. She looked up in the sky and saw that there was more time before dinner, so she went back to where Lyra and Ethan were, she wanted to see them train and spend some time with them.