CH 9-End of the first day
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*Tunk* *Tunk* Bridget watched as Ethen used the dummy, his stick hitting the wooden dummy repeatedly. She watched him train for two reasons right now, the first was that she just liked to watch others display their combat ability, and the other reason was that she recently found out that she can level up her [Versatile Combat] skill just by observing others, and right now that skill was level 2. 

''Yawn~'' Bridget yawned and leaned into Lyra's chest. Both girls were sitting on the ground, with Lyra sitting behind Bridget and hugging her, while Bridget used Lyra as a backrest. 

''Getting sleepy?'' Lyra's voice rang in Bridget's ear with a little bit of mischief in it. To that question Bridget just nodded, today was a fulfilling day but at the same time, she did use a lot of energy. Making things cost some energy and today she spent most of her time making things. Yes, they may not be complex but for Bridget, they took some effort, and today she will sleep as a log. 

*Tink, tink, tink...* While Bridget was relaxing in Lyra's grasp the bell started to ring indicating it was time for dinner. Getting out of Lyra's hug, Bridget got up and walked to the building, with Lyra and Ethan following her a step behind. It didn't take them long before they arrived. Mother was waiting for them at the entrance and welcomed them inside, and ushered them to wash their hands. 

The three of them shared a sink as they washed their hands, and Bridget washed her face too. After they did that they arrived at the dining table and sat down. They were the last three, so when they sat down everyone started eating. Similar to the lunch the table was lively with chatter. 

''By the way, Ethan I saw you hitting something in the yard, can you tell me what it was?'' At some point mother asked Ethan about the training dummy. Mother knew that Ethan and Lyra liked to spar and train, but this was the first time she saw the construct in the middle part of the yard, so she asked Ethan as he was the one using it. 

''Yes, it is a training dummy that Bridget made!'' Ethan didn't shy away and told what it was. When the wolfkin said that the whole table turned to look at Bridget, and for a moment she didn't know what to do. She knew that she wasn't in trouble, but even then having the whole crowd looking at you suddenly startled Bridget a little.

''I had an idea to make a training dummy so I did.'' That was all the explanation Bridget gave because it was like this. 

Seeing that Bridget didn't want to elaborate the rest of them continued to talk, and for some time Ethan told them how he trained with the dummy and how he liked it. At one point after Bridget gathered herself again, she told them how she made it and what she used in the process, and everyone listened to her, with mother and father praising her from time to time. 

In this warm atmosphere, everyone finished eating, but no one left the table except father. Father went into the kitchen for a moment before coming out with a plate full of conditory goods. This was kind of a daily ritual by now, that after dinner everyone in the orphanage gets to have pastries that hadn't gotten sold that day at the bakery, and the kids loved it. You would think that some of them would go stale by now, but surprisingly no, they might not be freshly baked but they were still good. 

Father put the plate down on the table, but none of the kids rushed to grab what they wanted, they eyed the pastries that they wanted but didn't go to grab. The reason was that kids knew that everyone liked pastries here, even the adults, and to show thanks to some levels for taking care of them, they gave adults the first choice. Bridget didn't know when they started doing this, but at some point from their own volition, the kids gave away the first pick. 

But no matter how many times it was done, the adults always gave a moment for the kids to pick before them. They looked over the kids, to allow them to pick first if they wanted, and after seeing that they were waiting for them, they picked up one pastry each. First was mother and father, then Sera, and then all the kids. 

''Mmmm~'' Bridget had taken a pastry with some kind of berry jam filling, and she was truly enjoying it. Similar to her all the kids too their pick and ate. There was enough for everyone so they took their time to enjoy.  Bridget soon finished her pastry, so she picked another, this time she picked a pastry that looked like a croissant with some colorful swirls decorating it. 

Bridget was about to bite into it before she stopped herself, she looked at the plate and saw that there wasn't another pastry like this, she looked to her right and saw Aurial eating a pastry that looked like a small apple pie. Seeing this Bridget saved the pastry and took another, and when the elf girl finished her first pastry, Bridget gave her the croissant. 

''Thank you.'' Aurial gave a quiet thank you and started eating it, and Bridegt gave a smile in return. Everyone knew that specific pastry was Aurial's favorite, at although Aurial never asked everyone agreed to save the last for her. At one point Aurial full-on refused, because she didn't want others to save pastry for her if they themselves could enjoy it. But everyone did it anyway and by now Aurial just accepts everyone's kindness. Thinking about it, Briddget remembered the funny faze where Aurial denied liking that pastry and full-on saying she didn't like it, but her green eyes always betrayed her. 

After some time there were only crumbs left on the plate and everyone had enjoyed the pastries. After dinner, it was pretty late, and the kids started to get ready for bed. Bridget was kind of tired, so she wanted to just go sleep, but she needed to wash herself because no matter how drained she was she wasn't going to sleep all dirty. 

Luckily Bridget got to the bathroom first so she walked inside and locked the door behind her. She took off her clothes and got ready to wash herself, she got into the bath and used the shower to get herself clean. She used the soap that was put nearby to clean her body, and after she was done with that, she stopped the shower and used the towel to dry herself. After she dried herself to a comfortable level she tied it around herself and took her dirty clothes in a big bucket with a lid on it. 

She walked outside and saw that Ethan was already waiting for his turn, so she left the bathroom and let him go in. After that, she went to her room and found the nightwear in her locker. She got the towel off of herself, got herself in the nightwear, and then used the towel to further dry her hair. Her brown hair was a little long so it took time to dry them, but by the end they were somewhat dry, a little bit moist but good enough. 

Lyra and Auriel weren't back, but Bridget didn't wait for them and just put the towel away and got on her bed. She pulled the blanket over herself and closed her eyes. But even though she closed her eyes her thoughts were not slowing down. She started thinking about tomorrow's task of building a spear, and maybe a weapon for Lyra. 

Bridget was excited about it, she even started planning how she would get the materials. She will probably need to go outside the town's walls to get a good stick because the logs they kept at the orphanage weren't thin enough, and she will need to find a stone too for the spearhead. 

Now thinking about it she hadn't been outside the town for some time, but it was normal there wasn't much to do for her there, until now. Thinking about her future, Bridget realized that if she wanted to advance her craft, she would need materials, but if she wanted materials she either would need money or go find them herself. But she knew that outside was dangerous, so she will probably need to find a way to earn money. Although she had some money on her for doing chores around the orphanage that wasn't sustainable and wasn't enough. 

Thinking about this, her future, left Bridget a little confused, and at one point she stopped thinking about it, pushing the problem onto her future self. Slowly she let her mind rest and the darkness took her and she went to sleep.