*Zzzzzz, krack* Bridget's eyes shot open, she didn't hesitate to roll out of her bed to the wall side and then threw her pillow to the other side.
*Tuff* *TUNG* The moment Bridget hit the floor, the pillow hit its target, and the sound of electricity stopped. Hearing that, Bridget got up and saw Lyra holding the pillow that just hit her in the face. Lyra's facial expression showed a bit of amusement and annoyance. But Bridget didn't care she was just happy that she dodged the shock that Lyra was preparing for her.
''Good morning.'' Lyra put down the pillow back, and with a smile greeted the sleepy crafter.
''Good morning.'' Bridget returned the greeting, unwrapped herself from the blanket, and put it down on her bed. It was morning already so, Bridget got ready for the day. She got out of her sleepwear and put on her clothes, but while putting them on she found out something.
'Am I getting bigger?' It wasn't surprising because Bridget was at that age where she constantly grew, but her clothes were getting smaller for her. Fortunately, her clothes were somewhat baggy so she could wear them for a while, but experiencing the growth again was an interesting adventure.
After she was fully dressed she made her way to the dining room to eat some breakfast. As always everyone ate the meal in silence and then left for their own things. Bridget did the same, she walked up to her room and took out a pouch out of her locker. Looking inside Bridget counted three silver and some copper coins. This was the money she had saved over her lifetime.
She took the pouch and secured it to her by using her belt. After that was done she made her way downstairs and started looking for mother. Bridget soon found the kind sheepskin washing the dishes with Lucas helping her.
''Mother I'm going out.'' It was a rule in this family for kids to always inform mother when they are leaving the orphanage's territory so that she knew.
''Okay sweety, be safe out there.'' Mother looked over and smiled at Bridget as she warned her to be safe. ''Be back before lunch.''
''Okay!'' Bridget waved goodbye and went for the exit. When she got outside she looked up in the sky and saw that the sun was only rising, so she had plenty of time until lunch, she just needed to keep in mind to check from time to time. As she was leaving the orphanage's parameters, she remembered when Ethan didn't come back in time, the whole town was almost flipped upside down by mother. When they finally found him, he got a long lecture and scolding. From that time Bridget and others were always mindful of time because they didn't want to get scolded, but more importantly, none wanted to see mother in that state again. Bridget still remembered her distressed look, the tiers, and the shaky voice.
''Sigh~'' Letting out a sight Bridget let her mind move on. As she walked down the street, she looked around, for she hadn't been to town for a while. Looking around she saw that some empty house had been now occupied, and the town had more people in it, but still nothing much.
Gazing at the road as she walked one could see that it was made out of stones, some of them had cracks and Bridegt could physically see that some parts were older and some were younger, and it wasn't even, but more like the young and old stones mixed and changed in random. Similar where the buildings, there were young buildings between old and old buildings between young, and these kinds of signs were visible in most of the small town.
But that was expected after a monster wave attacked the town. Even after all these years, the town hadn't recovered, it maybe had physically recovered to some extent, but many of the buildings were unused as people didn't really want to move here. Bridget was really young when the wave happened, so she doesn't remember much before that, but she had some bits of this town before the catastrophe happened. Once a lively town had become a half-ghost town.
While thinking about it, she went through a wide street where plenty of merchants put their stands and products. It was the liveliest place in town, as there were mutters and chatters, as people bought stuff and merchants yelled and bartered while attracting customers. Bridget looked around but didn't stop, and she soon was out of the crowd.
Although there were merchants there weren't that many, because this town was something like a detour for them at last usually. This town didn't have a specialty and was kind of isolated, the only reason it was popular before was because it had a dungeon nearby, but after that turned and created the Vorax Nexus. After that, the town got devastated and by the time it could welcome back new or previous residences a new town had been built, near the Nexus but that town was closer to other settlements and on a better row for the merchants. So this town was now an isolated place, and now new residents rarely moved here, and the only merchants that came here were the ones that just started out.
While thinking about all that Bridegt had arrived at the gate, two guards stood there, with armor and spears on them. The wall was in a similar state as the town, with few spots that looked older or younger, but Bridget only glanced at the wall and went through the gate. The guards didn't stop her, they were familiar with her so they just glanced at her and that's all.
A little distance away from the gate and the wall was a forest, which Bridget intended to visit. It took Bridget just a few minutes to arrive at the forest's outskirts. She looked behind to see if she could see the wall, and after making sure that the town was close enough she started to walk around the forest's outer part.
Bridget didn't wander too deep and always made sure that she could see that wall and didn't wander too far. The forest was a dangerous place for her right now, so she had to be careful. She walked between trees trying to find a long stick that she could use for the spear handle and a flat stone she could use as a spearhead.
It took some time, but eventually, Bridget found what she needed, a stick that was somewhat straight, and a flat stone. They weren't perfect but those materials should do. Looking up at the sky she saw that she was longer than she thought out here, but there was still time before lunch, so she wasn't in a hurry. She put the stick and stone into her warehouse space and at her own pace walked back to the town.
Guards again didn't say anything and let Bridget pass without stopping her. While walking back to the orphanage she started thinking about what she could make for Lyra, but nothing came to mind. The only thing Lyra wanted was that the weapon needed a blade, but there were plenty of weapons with a blade, but many Bridget couldn't make right now.
'Blade, blade, blade... blade!' Bridget repeated the word repeatedly in her mind, hoping that something clicks, but for a while nothing came to mind until finally she got an idea. Her idea wasn't the best, but the weapon she was thinking of was interesting and cool, at least she thought so. Unfortunately at her skill level, she won't be able to create the weapon, but she can make a worse version of it. She only needed to buy something.
She soon arrived at the place where the merchants had put out their stuff, so Bridegt started looking for what she needed. Bridget looked around until she finally found a stand that sold some knives, she looked around and found two similar knives, okay quality and had holes in their handles.
Bridget looked up, and saw the merchant was sitting on a chair with a big sun hat over its eyes, she could see bits of his beard and the long coat he was wearing. He looked like he was sleeping, as his chest moved slowly with each breath.
''How much for these knives?'' Bridget tried to get the merchant's attention, and it looked like it worked. The merchant pulled back the hat, so that he could better see, and stood up from his chair.
''Hi there little missy thirty copper for one.'' The man answered in a cheery voice, as he looked at those two knives. Bridget put down a silver, and the mand took it.
''So why is a kid like you interested in knives, have to tell you they're not good for monster hunting.'' While the man was counting the coins he initiated a conversation with Bridget. The young crafter didn't mind answering so she did.
''For crafting, I'm thinking of creating something.'' Those words made the mand pause for a moment before a huge smile plastered his face.
''You by chance wouldn't be a crafter missy?'' Bridget could hear some hope in his voice as well as melancholy. By now the man had stopped counting the coins and just talked with Bridget.
''Yes, I'am.'' Bridget didn't sense any danger from the many, so she didn't mind answering, although she was a little confused as to why he stopped counting and started talking to her.
''You know that's a hard class you picked up there.'' The man fully turned to Bridget. Now she could see the man, he looked like a middle-aged man with a wide smile that had four sharp teeth, and on his forehead she saw two horns growing. He was a demonkin.
TFTC hopefully grandpa demon is nice
Who knows