CH 11-Book of enchantments
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''I'am aware of that, but it was the only class that allowed me to do what I wanted.'' Bridget was a little taken back by this strange merchant, but she still talked to him. He might like to talk but he didn't feel like a bad guy. 

''You mean crafting?'' The merchant sat down in his chair and with a smile continued to talk. ''If you wanted to make things there were more suitable classes, more specialized.'' As he talked, the merchant took out a cigar from his coat's pocket and put it in his mouth. 

''I know, but I wanted to make everything I want, not some specific things, but everything that came to mind.'' The merchant pulled out a lighter from his pocket at lit his cigar. He took in some smoke before he spoke again. 

''I see, but you know that while the others will level up, and move up, you will be much slower.'' The merchant looked directly into Bridget's brown eyes as he said that. ''You might see how others fly by you, while you struggle to move. It might take a mental tool on you until you give up.'' There was that melancholy in his voice again, as he was remembering something sad. 

''Maybe, but I chose the class for a reason. Others might level up faster, but I don't care, as long as I can create things I want, then I don't mind if I'm slower than others.'' And that was true, Bridget's goal in life wasn't to get a high level, but to create things, she wanted, after all, that was the reason she chose this class.

''HAHAHA, I like you kid, take this.'' The man suddenly laughed, and his green eyes reflected the joy he was feeling. He put on a table four things, forty copper coins, a book, a small knife, and a lighter. ''Where I come we give young kids who decide to go path of creation, some gifts, to encourage them. This might not be my birthplace, but please accept these, to a young crafter from someone old and given up.'' The merchant slid these times, plus the two knives, to Birdget and encouraged her to take them. But Bridget was sceptical so and she showed it through her gaze. 

''Don't worry there are no strings attached, I just hope you can walk the path I didn't.'' Bridget still wasn't sure if this man was genuine, but she still accepted, after all, she wouldn't say no to free stuff. 

''Thank you.'' She picked all the stuff up and gave her thanks. The weird man just nodded with a smile on his face and then sat down back on his chair and pulled the hat over his eyes. 

Bridget didn't say anything, just put the coins in her pouch and walked away. When she got out of the crowd she went into a secluded place, activated her warehouse skill, and put everything there, except the lighter and the small knife. First, she looked at the knife, it was a small pocket knife, fully made out of metal, around the handle were strips of leather, and the blade was a little wide, it had some engravings on the handle and at the end of the handle, there was a carved spider on it. It had some weight to it, and it kind of looked like a knife vikings from Earth might have used. 

Next, she looked at the lighter, it was a metal lighter, the ones usually seen in old movies. It had a nice sound when opened and closed, but when it got open it automatically lit up. Bridget looked at the flame for a moment before closing it shut. On the metal cover, there were two flaming wings depicted on it. The rest of her way, Bridget played with the lighter, opening and closing it. She got immersed in the satisfying sound and pretty flame, that she arrived at the orphanage without even knowing. Bridget realized she was back, only when she could see the familiar surroundings from the corner of her eye. 

''I'm back.'' The first thing she did after coming back, was find and inform mother about her return. Mother was in the backyard reading a book while sitting on a rocking chair. 

''Welcome back.'' The kind sheepkin gazed away from the book and put her attention on Bridget. Mother smiled and greeted the young crafter, and after making sure that Bridget was okay she went back to reading. After that Bridegt went up and put her money pouch back in the locker, before she went back outside. 

Bridget too was planning to read a book, so she went to her favorite corner, and after opening her warehouse space she put the dagger and lighter in it and took out the book. She sat down by one of the trees and leaned her back against the tree. Theo was here too, reading the same book that he got yesterday. 

The book cover was dark grey with some blue letters on it and they read <Enchantment for beginners>. After she read the title Bridegt's eyes popped wide open because books about enchantments weren't cheap. Of course, this is one of the beginner books, but still, it would cost quite a bit of money and the man had just given it to her. She didn't know why, and she even got septical, she started to fear she had gotten dragged into some kind of ploy. 

Unfortunately, she had already taken this book, so there was nothing to do. Bridget could try to find the man and give it back to him, but she didn't know if it would help, plus she didn't want to give it back, because if she did then she would have to probably wait years before she could get another. So Bridget decided to read the book and think about the consequences later. Without further hesitation, she opened the book and started reading it. 


*Tink, tink, tink...* The sound of a bell, interrupted Bridget's reading. Looking up Bridget saw that it was time for lunch so she put her book in her space and went to eat lunch. She didn't mind that she got interrupted, because the book wasn't big and she could finish reading after lunch. Bridget found out the book introduced enchanting in the beginning, the basics of how it works, and the rest of the pages were reserved for the enchantments. 

Every page had the enchantment drawn, to show how it looked, and then a basic explanation of what it did. Bridget was a little disappointed about that because it looked like the book was the basic of the basics, but at the same time, she got it for free so she didn't complain much. 

Soon Theo and she arrived at the building, they went inside, washed their hands, and went to the dining room. Today father and Sera didn't join them, so it was only seven of them. But even though those two weren't here the lively atmosphere didn't disappear, and it was just as lively as always. 

Today's main star was Lucas, or more precisely the one who talked the most. He had gone and watched the guards train, and he was quite excited about it. But it wasn't surprising, Lucas wanted to be a knight, and as there aren't really knights here in this town, he goes and looks at guards. When he turns 15 Lucas thinks of joining them, and then with time he aims to become a knight. Unfortunately, guards aren't always training and Lucas doesn't go look at them every day, so of these kinds of moments he gets excited about. So most of the lunch the blond boy was excitedly talking about guards, as his eye shone with excitement and amazement. 

After finishing the lunch Bridget went back to finish reading the book. She didn't have much left to read, just a few pages of enchantments and then she was done. So she did just that sitting under the tree she finished the book, and after finishing the first thing was to try to enchant something. 

The introduction of the book said that if she wanted to enchant something, she still needed to flow her mana through the tool she would be using to enchant. So to practice that she took out the knife she got from the merchant and started to make her mana flow inside it, or she tried. 

Until now Bridget never used mana, because she never needed it. She knew that everything had mana in it, living or nonliving, but to actively use it was another thing. She knew how to send mana outside her body, but everyone could do it because it was needed to operate some day-to-day tools. But it was more like simply flexing a muscle, but what she needed was full control of that muscle. 

She tried to coat the knife with her mana and make the mana flow through the knife, but all she actually did was shoot a small burst of mana into the knife. Even when she made those bursts longer they just hit against the knife and then dissipated in the air. It was like she was trying to pick up a spoon, while using one of her fingers and just pushing on it, not even bending the finger. At one point it got a little frustrating and Bridget started to get annoyed, so she stopped and decided it was enough for today, maybe she would try again tomorrow. But now she will put her attention to making weapons for Lyra and Ethan.