CH 12-Completing requests
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'This should do.' Bridget decided to make Lyra's weapon first, as it would be easier. Right now in front of her were the two knives she bought from the weird merchant and some rope, she went and got from the shed. What Bridget wanted to make for Lyra was chain blades, but she didn't have the skill or the materials to make real chain blades, so she decided to make simple and amateurish imitations. 

She used her new pocket knife to cut the rope in half, then took one of the knives and tied a rope around the handle and through the wooden handle's hole. After she was done with tying, she tested if it holds. So she took the end of the rope in on hand and some rope closer to the handle in the other hand and started to spin the knife. 

Bridget spun the knife slowly at the start and then slowly accelerated. After a bit of time, she was sure that it would hold so she aimed in front of her and let go of the rope that was near the handle, resulting in the blade shooting forward. As it wasn't aimed at anything it just shot straight and then when it lost its height it pierced the ground. 

The young crafter retrieved the knife, with a simple pull of the rope, and after making sure everything was where it should be she did the same thing with the other knife. After she had made sure that the other blade and its rope were stable, she had some fun. Bridget carefully wrapped her creations around her hands. Now she had ropes wrapped around both her forearms and a knife in each hand. 

After she was ready she started to do some shadow fighting. Bridget slashed and pierced the air with the knives. From the sidelines, Bridget looked like an amateur, but she herself didn't care she just went through the motions. After she was done with the basic moves, she later the knives go, the moment she did they fell down and started hanging by the ropes on her arms. Bridget grabbed the ropes and started slowly spinning them resulting in two spinning blades, one on each side. 

Bridget was careful not to injure herself, so she didn't do more, she just spun them, until they gained enough speed and she let the ropes go. The moment her hands opened, the blades shot forward, and after some distance pierced the ground. Bridget smiled satisfied with the results, so after retrieving the knives, she got the ropes off of her and put her so-called weapons on the stump. 

The only thing she didn't like was that the ends of the ropes were fried and it kind of felt uncomfortable around her arms, so to fix it she used her lighter and carefully burned the ends. She paid close attention so that her action didn't start a fire, but thankfully she succeded and no fire was started, only the lighter's one. 

After she was done Bridget checked again, to see if everything was holding, and after making sure that it was she put these creations into her warehouse space. 

Name: Bridget

Class: Crafter(Lv.4)

Strength: 13

Agility: 5

Dexterity: 12

Vitality: 12

Endurance: 11

Intelligence: 5

Wisdom: 5

Perception: 12


Skills: Crafting(Lv.4); Warehouse(Lv.2); Focus(Lv.4); Versatile Combat(Lv.3)

Looking over Bridget was happy that she had leveled up her class and her skills. She knew that the first levels are easy to get up, and right now she was in that stage where her levels come easy to her, but with time they will slow down. So she enjoyed every level she got, and the fast growth that won't continue forever. 

Looking at her stats Bridget saw that she had neglected three of her stats which wasn't good. Bridget knew that she has to put some stats above other ones, but neglecting stats was a bad idea because although they maybe won't be as helpful as her preferred ones, they still might come in handy, not to mention if she wanted to enchant things, wisdom couldn't be neglected, so she put some points in the neglected bunch.

Name: Bridget

Class: Crafter(Lv.4)

Strength: 13

Agility: 7

Dexterity: 14

Vitality: 12

Endurance: 11

Intelligence: 7

Wisdom: 8

Perception: 13


Skills: Crafting(Lv.4); Warehouse(Lv.2); Focus(Lv.4); Versatile Combat(Lv.3)

Looking over she felt satisfied by her choice, and looking over her wisdom and intelligence she decided to try the enchantment thing again, even though she previously decided to leave it for today. 

Bridget got her pocket knife and tried to make her mana flow around and through it. But again she had the same results, no matter how hard she tried she couldn't do it. For Bridget, it felt impossible, like trying to bend the knee in the other direction, and again she was getting frustrated. 

''Sigh~'' She pushed her frustration through her mouth and calmed down. Bridget was again disappointed, but shouldn't have got her hopes up just because her stats increased, so again she put the knife away and put more attention on Ethan's spear. Right now she had the needed rope, stone, and stick to make a primitive spear, all she needed to do, was carve a part of the stick to make a pocket for the stone and then use the rope to make it hold together. She activated her skill and went inside her warehouse space, to take her materials, the first thing she grabbed was the flat stone intended as the spearhead. 

'I should sharpen this.' Although the stone was good enough to be a spearhead, Bridget concluded that it needed to be sharper when she took a good look at it. So the only thing she took was the stone and left the rest in her space. Bridget deactivated her skill and started walking in the building's direction. 

From the town's street to the orphanage entrance was a stone path and that was Bridget's aim. With a quick step, she soon arrived at the stone path. She walked to the path's middle so that she wasn't too close to the entrance or too close to the street, and then squatted down and started to sharpen the rock using the path. 

*Krhhh, khrhhh...* The sound of a stone getting dragged against another stone filled Bridget's ears as she moved her hands. It was like a background sound as she got more focus the longer she did it. With each movement, the stone got sharper, and with each movement, Bridget got closer to her goal. At some point, Bridget became something like a machine, all she cared about was getting the stone sharper. She didn't pay attention to time, or her surroundings, the only thing she cared about was the stone and its sharpness. She scrapped the stone in her hands, the only movements she did were back and forwards as she sharpened the stone and then from time to time switched the sides. 

Slowly and surely the stone got sharper, the sound of rock grinding got quieter and slower until it stopped. ''This should do.'' Bridget looked at the stone in her hand and smiled, she had finally got it sharp enough that she was satisfied. Now with this sharpened stone in hand, she made her way back to her favorite spot, but along the way, she went and got the hatchet. 

After arriving at her favorite stump, she got all her materials out and sat down. She got the stick and put it between her legs and held it in place with her thighs and knees. Then she put the stone vertically on the end of the stick and used her pocket knife to mark where she would need to cut. 

Once she checked and was sure that the marks were in the right place she took the hatched in her right hand and used the left hand to better secure the stick. Bridget aimed the hatchet's blade and then struck the stick, she tried to control her strength so that she could make a meaningful cut, but at the same time not to split the stick in the wrong place. The blade went in and struck where it needed without damaging the wrong parts of the stick. After checking she aimed the hatchet again and struck down. 

Bridget was patient and careful when making a spot for the spearhead. She didn't want to ruin her progress and more importantly, she didn't want to cut herself. So it took some time but, finally, she had made the spot she needed. The spot wasn't perfect so she tried to make it better using her pocket knife, and fortunately, she saw some improvements as she carved some wood. 

Now that the stick and stone were both ready, she got ready to finally finish the spear. Bridget took the stone and slotted it in place, and then used rope to make sure the spearhead didn't detach from the handle. After tying the rope, she made sure everything held, she shook the spear, struck the ground with it a few times, and then decided to spin it around. Seeing that everything was holding together she was satisfied with her work.