Prologue: What?!?
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Awakened from my nap in the mud bath I had been surprised by pain filled screaming before realizing I was the one screaming in pain feeling like I was being boiled in acid. As I struggled to get out of the tub I noticed screaming coming from the other two occupied tubs.

I pulled myself out of the tub and painfully stood before falling onto my knees and crawling as my balance felt completely off. I made my way over to James in the next tub and pulled him out of the mud. James felt strangely lighter than he had looked and seemed a lot smaller than I remembered, I then drug myself over to the other tub.

His brother Frank (don't ask) was in this tub and as I tried to help him out I noticed that he looked very different. Small scales were visible on some of his skin including his? breasts? what the hell? as she struggled out of the mud it quickly became apparent her legs were now gone somehow fused into a scaled and very fish like tail.

It was at this moment some of the staff walked in and screamed in shock.