Chapter 4: Insight and Out
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It's currently day time and my experiment bared fruit. Although I cannot tell through a status or a hologram window, I can feel my puny mind is more than capable of solving arithmetic faster now. Back then, I was only capable of doing mental multiplication of the 3rd digit but now I can do 3 digits but faster by about 2 minutes. Don't judge me, I was only practicing for a night, okay. 

Anyways, now that the nigh is over and I managed to stay sane even though I can't see anything but have to stay awake, we continue out adventure. Carried by muscular goblin, Mugob for short since I am getting tired of mentioning his whole title. Imagine your name was gene but all you were called by others was 'Mr. Nose hitting second', it's rather tiring for others so it's better to have a nickname. Maybe I may be able to speak in the near future to tell him and we can become comrades in arms, get it?

Mugob woke up and carried me outside the cave or at least I assume so feeling that it suddenly became hotter. I expected caves to be hotter then the outside because it was an enclosed space but turns out I was wrong. Is is perhaps just this world being like this or is it just that I'm lacking in the brain department. I would probably bet on the latter since that institution lacked funding due to over supply to the digestion fund hog.

It was a rather smooth journey, he didn't stop for a long time. The only thing I can get is that this place really is a forest, hearing birds and the sway of trees. It's quite peaceful. Peaceful enough to not notice the fact that the further he walks, the quieter it gradually becomes.

I am not an expert in forest hiking but I at least know that the wilderness being quieter is not a good sign of anything to come but I may be wrong. It means that there is a reason why the fauna refuse to come here like a bad environment or this might be inside a territory of some kind. Can it be goblin territory zone? I mean, the former goblins earlies, now upgraded to corpses, did have a rather well made out society. Talking about chief and all, I expect a possible village to be ahead.

Although if I remember correctly, weren't they kicked out? Or at the very least not able to enter? Does it have to do with finding me perhaps. Maybe he'll use me as a bargaining chip. That's clever for  a goblin, didn't expect to be used like this but I don't actually care. 

I have been living as an object for about 2 days now and while I miss my sight and movement, it isn't that bad. I don't have to scavenge for food or even sleep. I would kill to be this well cooked in my last life. But... Are this even my thoughts perhaps? I don't particularly miss being a living but why does it feel like I'm being accustomed too fast?...


Just as I was about to be lost in my own thoughts, a sudden spin from Mugob jolted me awake.

'What? What happened?' As I tried to recover from the rude disturbance, I heard it. A growl, not a human one but like that of a dog when you try to take its treat  away because you were hungry and curious but deeper and more menacing. 

'Huh?? Isn't this a goblin territory? Why are dogs here?' Then, another jolt. As I am spun around once more, I finally figured it out like a naked man leaping out of a bath screaming Greek gibberish. Those aren't domesticate dogs but are actual wolves in the forest attacking us. I didn't expect such a development but what would happen if Mugob dies, will I be left here? Wating? I fear for the worst.

*SWISH, Growl*

Seems as if he is not accustomed to fighting wolves. I can piece together the fact that Mugob is currently just mashing the spin button right now. I feared that the wolf had a pack but seems as if it was a lone one. 

As the battle lasted, I can only hear a spin, a growl, and a repeat of the two. Just as it became silent between the two o them, Mugob dopped me and I heard a run. Seconds later, a wolf cry sounded, like a man on death's door whining but unable to do anything. A struggle was still brewing though as I heard a loud squish sound as if something was pierced, not by a single weapon but by a row of them.

Another loud pierce was heard, a singular stab that ended the chaotic situation.

'Well, seems as if the battle is over. I wonder who won?' saying that, I waited for a couple of seconds. And...

Nothing. No nothing had occurred...

'Don't...Don't tell me-' as I thought that, a sudden rush of the liquid I had felt during the first goblin's death had drenched me once more.  A larger amount that the goblins. It made me feel full. As if haven just a whole horse. And... no memories though.

Just then, a hand picked me up. 

'Oh, oh, he's alive! I though you were dead and left me to wait again' as I was just about to mope and look at the future in bleak and mundane waiting, Mugob came back.

'Yeah, I knew you could do it! You're the best murderer I know!' granted I didn't know much as I was just your average teen.

...Something feels off. Mugob was sluggish. I can feel that his walking is becoming less and less active. 

Is it rabies? I mean, wolves are more bacteria infested that dogs and rabies possess an almost 100% mortality rate but I expected a goblin to have a stronger immune system than that. They survive off of dirty water and raw meat to it shouldn't be this affected by bacteria. Is it something else?

I felt sleepy. 'What... I-Why-Why do I-' and then everything was just black.




I do not know how long it has been but I am awake once more. It seems as if we are in a cave of some kind judging by the rocks and a covered ceiling above me.

Hm? What's that? How do I know that there's a ceiling above me if I couldn't see? Well.

After I awoke I had suddenly felt that I knew what was around me and my fullness was gone. Not like sight but like echo location. When I was a kid, I set up a table and an item atop of it. I then walked 4 steps away and spun before shouting to try and feel the bounce back of the object. To my surprise, something did hit me. It was my mother, telling me to shut up as it was the middle of the night.

Anyways, that how it feels like. It feels as if I was releasing something and it was traveling back to me. I don't know its color or appearance but I can almost see its texture. It seems I have a meter radius of sight now.

Next to me sleeping was a goblin. No. An orc. Turns out this guy was not a goblin. How did I know? Simple, he has a giant bite scar on his right shoulder. Not an open wound but a scar. I figured out that it looked fresh due to some red blood around the area but I didn't expect it to heal already. That's when I figured it out.

Unlike the first two  goblins that picked me up, this one did not only have a larger and a more muscular body but had great healing as well. Compared to the goblins that died immediately due to the stab, he healed. But now I wonder why an orc would be with goblins?

'He is small, perhaps a child orc, but why would he be with goblins?' Are orcs and goblins the same or related species in this world? Are they perhaps of the same society? I'm so curious.

Going back, I think I know what this reality could be.

This is definitely an RPG. The fullness I felt was my level being filled up. Perhaps I gained this new ability after the orc killed the wolf and I received shared experience? If that's the case then I may forgive him for killing, I mean, not saying it's correct but... Yeah, I will stop here.

That would mean that if I keep gaining experience, I may gain an evolution, right? I do not know if evolution even exist here but I am just hoping. I wanna gain this traits though leveling up like a leach, at least I'm no longer an object then.

...What if the evolution path of an object or rather, equipment is to gain effects and buffs? What if I am doomed to traverse that path?.. Thinking more on it, I believe talking equipment in RPGs usually appear so I would maybe aim for that if I can even do that seeing that I can't move still.

I can't even influence the outside world let alone have the ability to walk. All I have are this signals that let me "see" a meter around me that I can't even control.

*Sigh* 'I want a useful ability that lets me interact with things.'

 As I spent my time moping around, the dead of night had hit. 

What do I do not I wonder. I mean, there's really not much to do. The orc is still sleeping, maybe I'll call him Muorc instead? Nah, I'll just keep calling him Mugob. So I will just practice this signal thing and test it out.

As I see it, I can't touch it whatsoever. I tried to move it but it seems as if it's a sort of intangible field of straight lines. The signals originate from me but I do not know from where. I tried looking for the source but it was fruitless. Like trying to look at your eye color without a mirror. 

I can see but I can't close my so ca-called eyes. They are open and never closed. I am amazed  I can even handle this much information but I won't complain as it seems more like an upgrade. The only situation I can see this backfiring is when I don't want to see something. Luckily, I can only see the cloth of the goblin and not anything else and if I did, I would just ignore the eldritch knowledge.

Can I be accused of spying if I am near a home? Are objects being able to see even accounted for in the legal system? Not cameras that record them but actual systems like a self learned AI peeking at classified files all on itself? Wait... Am I an Artificial Intelligence? Can a human's conscience being stuffed inside a bracelet even be considered artificial? I mean, the origin isn't but the product is a sentient bracelet. Huh...

I spent my night searching the answer within myself. 

Longer chap here. Info dumps are my bane so I don't try to do them much. The explanations and technical stuff will be spread throughout the story as well as the bigger picture. If you figure it out, congrats. Anyways, my lazy self am now having a couple of ideas to the direction of this. The story will have another story within it after awhile. Thank you for reading!