The Interrogation
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Rein took a deep breath as he fixed the Helm of Darkness on his head. Deimos looked at him, and smiled encouragingly. "You'll be fine," Deimos said, putting a hand on his shoulder and squeezing it lightly. "Before you ask, he wants to talk to you alone," his love added, letting go of Rein's shoulder.
He sighed, and said, "Here goes nothing." Rein walked into the room where he knew Lord Chaos was waiting. Chaos himself was sitting on the couch, sipping from a can of Dr.Pepper. *Who knew the primordial gods had good taste in soda?* Rein thought to himself, allowing himself to give a small smile.

Chaos must've sensed him, or seen him out of the corner of his eyes since he said, "Come where I can see you, General."

*He's never called me that before,* Rein thought to himself as he moved into Chaos' view of sight. Before he spoke, he took a moment to gather his courage. "You wanted to speak with me, my lord?" Rein asked after a moment.

Chaos nodded, and said, "You went to the council of the gods?" Rein knew he wasn't asking. Chaos already knew this piece of information, like he knew a lot of other things. Rein nodded, but didn't speak for fear of punishment. Chaos sighed, and said, "Even if it seemed smart, I would think that you would ask me for my advise."

"My lord, I'm so-"

"Silence," Chaos said quietly. The primordial gods' voice was very calm, and dangerously so. Rein gulped, and nodded slightly. "Your sister was there, and you tried to get her to come with you. The tactic you used was st|_|pid, General," he said with obvious disappointment.

"I'm sorry, My Lord," Rein said, looking down with shame. "I know she could be useful to you."

"Not anymore she can't," Chaos growled, forcing Rein to look up at him. Chaos had a very hard grip on his chin, and Rein was forced to look his Lord in the eye. "Because you had to go and say something, in front of the council of the gods! I had a d@|\/|n plan, Rein Meleager Thomas!" He yelled in Rein's face.

"My Lord," he said, pushing the primordial god off of him. "How am I supposed to know your plans if you do not tell me?" Rein asked with a frown.

Chaos didn't say anything, instead, he threw himself at the son of death, punching and kicking, and slashing with a sword that had come from no where.

Rein summoned his own sword, and tried to block all of Chaos's advances. He felt sweat dripping down his face and knew that he was getting worn out.

Chaos would not stop. He kept adancing on him, and Rein crashed into a wall. He shook his head, and watched as James Sorani and Deimos rushed in.

"What the hell is going on here?" Deimos asked as he saw the scene before him.

"Nothing," Chaos growled, looking at the god of fear. The god of fear was looking at his love, Rein, with an odd expression on his face.

"Tell the primoridial god that if he wants something done, he should tell them," Rein growled, keeping his eyes on his lord. He was very angry with him, and wasn't going to apologize until Chaos himself apologized.

"Χρειάζεται ένα μάθημα υπομονής, Τζέιμς," Chaos said to James Sorani. Rein narrowed his eyes, knowing he had patience, and didn't need a lesson in patience.

Rein forced a smile, and said, "Σώπα, λόρδε μου. Δείμος, έλα. Χρειάζομαι ένα διάλειμμα από αυτό."

"A break you say?" Deimos asked, grinning.

"Don't tell him to shut up, Meleager," James Sorani said sternly. Deimos and Rein shrugged as they grabbed each others hand, and walked out of the room.

"Sorry, my lord, but I'm not in the mood for this," Rein said before they left. They walked to the beach, and Rein sat down in the sand. Deimos sat behind me, and Rein leaned back into Deimos' chest.