Volume 0001-Transmigration, Chapter – 005 – Planning – Entering OFT-Space
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Rick knew it was time to reveal the truth and continues: "Dad, what was it, umm, 3 days ago I was in the training field in the morning, practicing Wilde’s dual-wielding swordsmanship. The swords instructor should be able to testify for that because he tripped me to the ground several times that day."

"In the late morning a servant came with an urgent message from Phillip to me, it said to meet up as he had something show me. I really was happy, because I thought Phillip finally obtained the secret manual Wilde Clan’s Practice QI. So I ran off from the training field straight to the mansion."

"Another servant was there at the entrance to lead me to a room where Phillip was supposed to be. When I entered, I was hit hard from behind and everything went dark after that. So yes, I believe Phillip never intended for me to learn anything at all, though it is strange that he could come with something so complex."

"But when you said stuff about the Council of Elders and reminded me that the Great Elder is Phillip Grandfather, strangely it all fit though I can’t see why they have done this to us and what this bigger picture is. But I can’t deny seeing a connection here."


Eric and Bruce looked at each other doubtful and then Eric looks back at Theodore and asks: “This is the so-called conjecture you’re telling us, that we were a part of a scheme to get us expelled from the family, for what?”

Rick looks back at Eric and says: “Dad, I’ve been knocked out before, even harder, on the training field and the longest time I was out cold was about 1 to 2 minutes. But now I was knocked out for 3 days from before noon that day till when I woke up today, unable to defend myself in front the Council of Elders and was called crazy, while Phillip was attacked during your hearing. When was that on that day? I was drugged, dad! And I think I was drugged before that too, something that can mess with my mind to have memory loss and lose concentration. And to top it off I was dozed again with this absurd Holy potion. This caused my current condition!”

Rick took a deep breath and continues: “Something is happening inside the Wilde Clan. I am not sure what and who exactly is involved, besides the Great Elder and Phillip. But it seems we are out, we can’t go back and notify anyone, because I believe our house is being watched by the Village Chief here. To know that we are from the Wilde Clan, regardless of being expelled, being demanded of taxes of prior month it’s just a dead giveaway."

"We need to be careful when moving outside, just act normal as we are trying to get by, avoid any disputes with others as far as we can. Don’t call for a doctor tomorrow, because he or she will not find anything in me by tomorrow morning as I can feel my condition is getting better as far as it could be. I just need to get some food in my body to gain some weight and rest my mind."


Rick looks at everyone whom was all in a daze and says: “What we need to do right now, is to find out why we were send here in Forest Village. What is so special about this place? Is it safe or dangerous to be here? Are there any special events happening in this Village? Yes, when? We need to find out quickly without anyone noticing our obvious inquiries, to not alert anyone from the Wilde Clan. Then we can start planning what to do next.” Everyone remained quiet, still deep in thought.


Rick took another deep breath, looked at Eric, and says: “Dad, you are right on one point, we need to change.”

Rick looks at Bruce, May, and Maggie: “Uncle Bruce, Aunt May, Maggie, I was wrong treating you like outsiders and teasing you so much Maggie. I would like to try for us all in this room being one family and working hard together to resolve any issues we encounter. I would like you all to call me Theodore or Theo and don’t call me young master, cause we aren’t nobles anymore.” Saying that Rick looks at Jade, then back at Eric and asks: “Dad, since we are expelled. I presume that we lost our last name Wilde and we aren’t permitted to be called by that name anymore? By which name are we supposed to be called as of now?”

The dazed Eric was brought back to his senses, hit hard with some parts he did not even think about when he heard the question from Theodore, he says: "We go by your mother’s last name, Stone… Son, were you always so meticulous and smart? Umm nevermind, I need to think about your conjecture carefully but we can carry out those inquires about this village, to understand what so special about this place."

"All I know with the shop's experience is that the nearby forest contains magical beasts and is divided into three layers: restricted -, inner -, and outer layer. The restricted layer consists of the strongest magical beast, the inner normal magical beasts with strong animals and the outer with normal to lesser animals, once in a while there will be sounds of fighting coming from the restricted or inner layer, which cause the outer layers animals to flee towards the outside causing a beast…."


Up to here, Eric froze for a moment, then looks at Bruce and says: “Could it be? You don’t think Theodore has a point here?” Bruce answers: “I am afraid so, master!” Eric reprimands Bruce and says: “Theodore is right Bruce, start calling me Eric. I am no noble anymore, we are family now!”

Eric looks back at Theodore and says: “I suppose we need to find out what role this village has to play in this scheme and from there we can start planning.” Rick answers: “Yes, I suppose we do. I am getting tired. I would like to return to my room to get some rest, dad.” Eric answers: “Yes, of course, son.”

Rick looks at Bruce and asks: “Uncle Bruce, can you take me back?” Bruce answers: “Yes, yo... Theodore.”


Bruce picks up Theodore and moved towards his room, after getting inside the room Bruce gently puts Theodore down on the bed and asks: “Theodore is there anything else you would like me to bring?”

Rick looks back at Bruce and says: “No, that will be all Uncle Bruce. But I would like to say I was wrong having to treat your family as I did. I will change and work hard to gain you and your family’s trust. And besides my utter misbehavior, I would still want to thank you for standing beside dad and mom all this time. And of course, for you and Aunty May, teaching my silly little sister Jenna well.”

Making directions with his eyes to the hallway to Bruce, they suddenly hear someone coming from there, running inside the room and yelling: “THEO, I AM NOT SILLY!”

Bruce and Rick laughed, Rick says to Jenna: “Of course you are not Jen. I was just joking, how are you feeling? Be assured I’ll be fine, we will live a long time together and we will do many happy things, okay!” Bruce gave a nod and left the 2 siblings alone.


Meanwhile, when Rick was talking to Bruce at the same time in the living room, the others were coming out from their dazed state as Rick left them in with his conjecture.

Eric was the first coming out from it and took a cup of cold tea and just drank it in one gulp. He looks at Jade and May, he then says a little agitated: “Was Theodore always this bright? Umm, nevermind if my son conjecture about Phillip is true of him being drugged all this while, then we would have never found out our son's true potential. The rage I am feeling right now, I need to release it on something. I can still remember that I proposed my brother Francis for Theodore to learn together with Phillip”.

Jade walk up to Eric and hugged him, she then says: “Yes Eric, I feel the same. But like our son said we are out, completely blindsided and thrown away. And we have no choice but to follow our son’s suggestions and check if this village is safe for us to stay. If those people didn’t plan to let us go, I am afraid we have to prepare to move out in the dark. We four are still able to put up a fight if needed, but with 3 kids it will be difficult.”

Jade looks at May and asks: “When doing groceries tomorrow, try to cozy up with the storekeeper's wife. She might be able to tell us more about this village circumstance and the forest nearby. And observe the people near our house, if they truly are watching us then they should be the same people we have seen when we moved in. This village doesn’t have lots of villagers, so there will be people who will stand out.” May looks back to Jade and answers: “Now that Theodore pointed it plainly to us, we need to be extremely cautious.”


At that moment Bruce came back and says: “The kids are together and having some idle talk. I remained in the hallway a little while listening in. Theodore explains to them what they didn’t understand during group talks. I am pretty surprised by Theodore’s change and can’t help to think, that some things he said might be actually true, I’ve seen him grow up and even taught him personally… I can’t help to recall his sudden change, if only… We can’t turn back time alas, as to what Jade purposed, I agree but May just act like your normal self. If you are overly cautious it will be noticed by discerning watchers. Eric, do you have any other thoughts?”

Eric looks back at Bruce walks to him and pats his shoulder, and says:  “There was nothing we could do and who would expect it from a 6 years old child, my own nephew. And if you have someone to blame it was me for not being there for my own child."

"As long as we are together we can still put up a fight. Though we can’t improve our practice we are all almost Rank 6 and they won’t go too far in harassing us.”


Eric took a deep breath, looks at May and asks: “May, would you bake several pies with some of the leftover ingredients later tonight if possible 4? And Jade can you help her? I want to visit our direct neighbors with Bruce tomorrow near our home and force a conversation as we are new here.  Like, they each should know what kind of produce this village is missing as we are planning to grow crops, so we can use this as an excuse to open up small talks and know more about this village from them. If they don’t open up, we can add them as suspicious people, through that we can pick up some clues which house is watching us and if needed to observe them cautiously.” Jade and May both nodded.


Bruce says: “Yes, let’s go with that. It’s about time to prepare for dinner. I and May will be in the kitchen.” Eric stops Bruce and says: “No, Bruce we both have a seat, let’s talk and discuss what we going to do with these fields. Jade and May will prepare dinner.”

Eric looks at Jade and says: “Hun, you still know how to cook right and make some of the meat dishes you made for me in the past, make it for all of us. We will prepare the table for 7.” Jade winked and answers: “Yes of course hub, but I may be a little rusty. Hope May can teach me!” May answers: “Let’s see, how far has your knife work been dulled.” And they both walked towards the kitchen.


Back to Theodore’s room, the talks continue with Jenna saying to Theodore: “Yes, I am feeling better now. But Theo, I don’t understand everything that you and dad talked about. And Maggie doesn’t either. Umm… where is Maggie?” Looking back at the doorway they saw a little head sticking out.

Jenna says: “Mags, come here will you!” Maggie walks in and stops behind Jenna, and says: “Hello Theodore.” Rick says: “Just call me Theo and I’ll call you Mags like my sister does, okay?” Maggie answers: “Okay, Ttheo.”

Jenna looks at Maggie and says: “There you go Mags. See brother isn’t a big bad wolf.” Maggie turned red on her cheeks. Rick thought of words on how to explain the conversation with Eric to kids and says: “So, you thought I was a big bad wolf, eh Mags? I was, sorry Mags! But I hope we could become friends from now on?” Maggie answers: “Okay.”


Rick looks at the two and says: "Now let’s see how to explain my conversation with dad… What I talked with dad about was that someone in the Wilde Clan has played a bad prank to us, whom we couldn’t do anything against. At least the Great Elder and Phillip are both involved in this prank, we can’t fight back, but we can perhaps find ways to tell Grandpa Karl and maybe he could do something about it."

"As for us we have to see if they are still pranking us while we are here in this village, so our parents can prepare to stop them or make plans to travel elsewhere. Let our dads figure this out."

Jenna exclaimed and says: “Ohh, so it’s a prank and a bad one." Taking a deep breath Rick continues: "What we must do to help our parents, is to learn from our moms about anything they are able to teach us and help wherever we are able with chores around the house."

"With what we learn, we can try making new things, such as delicious food or objects that are useful. We might be able to sell these ideas, if these things are really good and never been made, we could earn lots of money. Although we aren’t able to Practice QI, we can use our minds to do something different, instead of what most commoners usually do."


Jenna looks at Maggie and then back at Rick: “Yes, you are right Theo. I don’t know what else we can do. We’ll make sure we don’t trouble our dads and moms too much. We will work hard. You’re getting tired, rest well brother and I’ll wake you up when it’s time for dinner.”

Rick says: “Yes, I am a bit tired. Be sure you both take some rest too! I don’t want to see both of you falling asleep with your heads in the dishes, haha.” Jenna sticks out her tongue, pulling Maggie to the doorway and says: “That will never happen to us, Theo! Right, Maggie? Of course not, never ever never!”

Standing at the doorway Jenna looks at Rick and says while closing the door: “Sleep well brother, see you at dinner time.”


Rick let a loud sigh and thought: “Well finally alone again. Let’s see what this OFT-Space is all about. Spacey, how do I enter the Space?” Spacey answers: “Well you still have some reading to do, but it could be done in Space itself, the command is <Enter OFT-Space> and to exit is <Exit OFT-Space>.” With a thought in his mind of the entering command, his body blurred in the room and disappears. Somewhere else his body appears and hears the Spatial Server calling out:

"Welcome to the OFT-Space for the first time, you have 1 hour to explore this Space and get acquainted with various types of equipment, structures, and functions made available to you, Host. After the 1 hour, the countdown will start for the Active Visit hours."

"Be sure to push the Overview button on the monitor to your left and select the options, so all the questions you might have, will mostly be answered and gain an overall knowledge of how OFT-Space works. You’ll need it cause it’s quite different from the actual game."


Rick looks around finding no one and asks: “Spacey, are you able to materialize in a form in this space, which would make conversation easier?”

Spacey answers: “Yes, I am able to materialize but to preserve the energy of this space it’s not recommended. As Host, you are able to change some commands, but are restricted to only operational ones in this OFT-Space as to prevent you from cheating.”

Rick says: “Oww, you hurt my feelings. But it’s okay, I like to build something with my own hands, gosh they are tiny! Argh… Make a record of what I just heard from the previous conversation with Eric and the others, please. As to materialization we can wait and see, later on, perhaps there are other solutions.”

Spacey answers: “Affirmative! Update Spatial Server; record last name Stone, record Wilde Clan conjecture, record Forest Activity and record Holy Water of Redemption, red-tagged Holy Water of Redemption as Host objective to cure.” Rick’s eyes widen, and couldn’t help but ask: “There is an antidote for the Holy Water of Redemption?”